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Charge Master Description. Chargemaster Basics What is a Chargemaster (CDM)?  Menu of all services provided by the facility, usually listed by department.

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Presentation on theme: "Charge Master Description. Chargemaster Basics What is a Chargemaster (CDM)?  Menu of all services provided by the facility, usually listed by department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charge Master Description

2 Chargemaster Basics What is a Chargemaster (CDM)?  Menu of all services provided by the facility, usually listed by department Charge Description Master

3 Common information makes up the Chargemaster  Department#  Charge Code number (7 digits)  Description  Price  CPT/HCPCS Code  Revenue Code

4 CPT/HCPCS Level I - CPT Level II - HCPCS  C urrent  P rocedural  T erminology Example - “93005” EKG procedure  Describe physician procedures and certain hospital outpatient services.  H ealthcare  C ommon  P rocedure  C oding  S ystem Example “J0560” Benadryl  Supplement CPT codes

5 Why use CPT/HCPCS Codes?  Claims processing  Payment reimbursement  Regulatory requirements

6 Department Chargemaster Sample

7 UB 92  The UB92 is the bill that is sent to the third party payers.  The UB92 claim form contains 86 field locators.

8 Hospital Charge Addition Process Add new charge, change, inactivation Web site for adding charges Double click Transferred to hospital finance email address Charge calculated MCG Healthcare Policy Turn around time = 10 work days No back dating

9 When to Update the CDM  Annual coding changes (Oct. thru Dec.)  Changes in CMS reimbursement guidelines  Changes in technology  New department services  New product lines

10 Questions?

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