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Leadership Matters!. Overview Provincial District School.

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1 Leadership Matters!

2 Overview Provincial District School

3 Understanding Ontario’s Leadership Framework Background/Context Ontario Leadership Strategy (OLS) 2008 Board Leadership Development Strategy (BLDS) Ontario Ministry Leadership Framework (OLF) 2006

4 Launched in 2008, the OLS is a comprehensive plan of action designed to support student achievement and well-being through a coordinated and strategic approach to leadership development, based on research and consultation with education partners. Ontario Leadership Strategy (OLS)

5 Board Leadership Development Strategy (BLDS) As part of the OLS, each district in the province is provided with funding and support to develop and implement a Board Leadership Development Strategy.

6 Goals of the OLS and BLDS Attract the right people to leadership roles Develop personal leadership resources in individuals and promote effective leadership practices Develop leadership capacity and coherence in organizations to strengthen their ability to deliver on education priorities

7 The Ontario Leadership Framework (OLF) The OLF, first set out in 2006, provides the foundation for all aspects of the Ontario Leadership Strategy (OLS). It describes what good leadership looks like, identifies successful practices, and includes a critical number of Personal Leadership Resources (leadership traits and dispositions), that have been found to increase the effectiveness of leadership practices.

8 Key Components of the OLF School-level Leadership Practices The K-12 School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) District Effectiveness Framework (DEF) System-level Leadership Practices Personal Leadership Resources 5 Core Leadership Capacities

9 Goals of the OLF To provide a robust research foundation on which to base the elements of the OLS. To help ensure that leadership practices and personal resources support the key goals of improving student achievement and well-being. To provide a common language and understanding for leaders to engage in discussions about effective practice.

10 OCDSB Perspective

11 OCDSB Leadership Narrative Leadership is exemplified by people who are able to impact those around them in a positive way. Our leaders are energetic, empathetic, motivated, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and good communicators. Our leaders share a common vision in their commitment to all students. Our leaders understand that their role is one of support. They lead by example, they seek input, and they listen. As an organization, we encourage and foster these qualities. In challenging and prosperous times, we are defined by the relationships we build.

12 OCDSB Guiding Principles of Creative Leadership Each individual has unique capacities and ideas that need to be recognized and tapped into.

13 OCDSB Guiding Principles of Creative Leadership By harnessing these individual capacities, the organization will be enriched and invigorated.

14 OCDSB Guiding Principles of Creative Leadership The culminating effect will be to achieve a culture of engagement in which people feel valued and where learning is ongoing.

15 OCDSB Guiding Principles of Creative Leadership This learning context will provide the optimal conditions in which we can reach and teach all the children in our care, enabling them to become successful global, digital citizens with strong critical and creative thinking skills and an appreciation for diversity.

16 Conditions for Healthy and Creative Individuals and Organizations A safe and positive environment Time to create Autonomy and empowerment Respecting and trusting culture Open communication, feedback, and recognition Having the necessary methods/tools/resources supported by professional development Encourage leadership at every level A purposeful environment Teamwork and collaboration Passion

17 School and Parent Partnership

18 Role of Principal Important source of information Receive and respond to school council recommendations Attend school council meetings Ensure a school council is in place Communicate to community Keep record of meeting minutes and financial records

19 School Council Involvement Developing a school profile School Improvement Planning Principal Profile Fundraising School Events Other

20 Principal/School Council Relationship: Tips for both principals and school councils Communicate Often Align Goals Put Students First Be a Good Listener Stay Organized Have a Positive Attitude Help With Rumor Control Know the School Understand Policies Be Visible Respect Roles Show You Care

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