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Storm by Gary Paulsen Class notes.

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1 Storm by Gary Paulsen Class notes

Why has the author decided to write about his dog? How do we know that it is written from a first-person point of view? Give examples

3 What does the narrator reveal about Storm’s. character in lines 9–15
What does the narrator reveal about Storm’s character in lines 9–15? Underline those details. The dog has a sense of humour 2. What does the rest of the story reveal about Storm’s character? What words are used to describe his character? Strong, adventurous, leader, cheeky/naughty 3. How do you think an author chooses these words? Possibly brainstormed 4. Do you think an author chooses these words carefully and if so why?

4 Based on the details in lines 28–32, how would you describe Fonzie?
Different from Storm – highly strung and nervous How different is Fonzie to Storm? Why do you think the author decided to include this bit of information? How does it enrich the story?

5 Read lines 39–74 carefully. Underline key details or events
Read lines 39–74 carefully. Underline key details or events. Circle repeated ideas. Event – losing and finding the hat Repeated idea – Storm was a clever dog Details – description about the dog, the setting

6 What do you think it means that the dogs will have to “break trail” (line 87)? Read on, and circle the context clue that helps you figure out what it means to break trail. When dogs “break trail,” they are making a path through new-fallen snow. Context clues that help define this term are “It had snowed four or five inches, so the dogs would have to break trail”; “pushing in new snow all the time.”

7 Circle the details in lines 136–148 that help you picture the setting
Circle the details in lines 136–148 that help you picture the setting. Underline the details that help you see each of Storm’s actions. He did get bored, however, and one day while we were running a long run, he started doing a thing that would stay with him—with us—until the end. We had gone forty or fifty miles on a calm, even day with no bad wind. The temperature was a perfect ten below zero.

8 The sun was bright, everything was moving well, and the dogs had settled into the rhythm that could take them a hundred or a thousand miles. And Storm got bored. At a curve in the trail, a small branch came out over the path we were running, and as Storm passed beneath the limb, he jumped up and grabbed it, broke a short piece off— about a foot long—and kept it in his mouth.

9 Review 1. Who is the narrator of this story?
The author of the story Gary Paulsen. 2. What does the narrator tell you about the main characters? He describes his own actions and especially those of his dog Storm. He tells several stories about how special Storm was. 3. Does the narrator tell you what the characters think and feel? Explain. The narrator tells you what he thinks and feels. He also imagines when Storm is bored or playing a joke or angry.

10 4. From which point of view is this story told?
From the narrator’s point of view, or first-person point of view 5. Does the narrator use the pronoun I to refer to himself? Yes 6. What do you think is the relationship between the narrator and the writer of this story? The are the same person 7. This story is an example of ________writing. biographical or autobiographical autobiographical

11 What is the difference between biographical or autobiographical?
Biographical – written by someone else Autobiographical – written by yourself

12 Reading comprehension write T or F next to each statement to show whether it is true or false.
1. Storm blew in his teammates’ ears in order to upset them. True 2. Storm hid the narrator’s hat in the snow. 3. Storm was pleased to pull the stove on the sled. False 4. Storm used a scale to measure the weight of the stove. 5. Storm used a stick to communicate with the narrator.

13 Task Look at the following painting and create a story about the two women in the picture. Write it from the first person point of view.


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