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W ELCOME Directorate of Horticulture Odisha. I NTRODUCTION Horticulture in Odisha emerged as potential sector offering a spectrum of choices to the farmers.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME Directorate of Horticulture Odisha. I NTRODUCTION Horticulture in Odisha emerged as potential sector offering a spectrum of choices to the farmers."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME Directorate of Horticulture Odisha

2 I NTRODUCTION Horticulture in Odisha emerged as potential sector offering a spectrum of choices to the farmers for crop diversification. This sector has moved from rural confine to commercial production This also promotes private sector investment in production management system. Moderate spell of low temperature at higher altitudes, provide congenial condition for growing off-season vegetables and flowers. With infusion of new technology, enhancement of income, employment generation, entrepreneurship development and nutritional security to the farm families has been increased along with export facility of fruits & vegetables.

3 T YPE OF L ANDS IN O DISHA Total cultivable area 61.65 Low lands15.57 Medium lands19.14 High lands26.94 Lakh ha

4 C ROP COVERAGE UNDER H ORTICULTURE Sl.No ItemArea (ha.) 1 Fruits325846 2 Vegetables677331 3 Spices155296 4 Flowers7434 5Coconut50778 6Cashew147010 7Oil Palm10063 Total13,73,758 Horticultural crop is 13.73 lakh ha., out of total cultivable area of 61.80 lakh ha in Odisha

5 P OTENTIAL FOR V EGETABLES : Ten Agro-Climatic Zones The average normal rainfall is 1451.2 mm per year. 24.70 lakh ha. of high & medium land can be diverted for horticultural crops The agro-climatic diversity a variety of Vegetables Root & tuber crops Cucurbits Cole crops Solanaceous crops Low temperature in hilly areas: Ideal conditions for growing off-season vegetables.

6 HORTICULTURAL AREA EXPANSION PLAN IN NEXT 5 YEARS AREA EXPANSION UNDER HORTICULTURAL CROPS (Area in 000 Ha) Crop Present Area Additional area in next 5 years Total 2015- 16 2016- 17 2017- 18 2018- 19 2019- 20 Fruits325.843.549.551.547.048.0565.3 Vegetables677.328. Spices155.36.212.318.524.630.6185.9 Ornamentals7. Plantation crops 208.431.550.558.553.047.0448.9 Total1373.8110.6161.1199.7216.3241.02000.3

7 A REA, PRODUCTION AND P RODUCTIVITY OF MAJOR VEGETABLES IN ODISHA (2013-14) Sl. No Name AreaProductionProductivity (Mt/ha) (Ha)(MT)OdishaIndia(12-13) 1Potato1499424975916.6621.8 2Sweet potato420343961969.439.8 3Cauliflower4407266773115.1518.3 4Cabbage40975115087728.0921.6 5Brinjal125195215824917.2418.8 6Tomato97018138595714.2920.6 7Okra652415785288.8712.1 8Pea5891527908.969.2 9Onion3580543205212.0716.1 10Others206086235306911.4213 Total677311942520813.9217.4

8 M AJOR KAHRIF VEGETABLES OF ODISHA Solanaceous crops: Brinjal, Chilli Cucurbits : Spine gourd, Pumpkin, Bitter gourd, Ash gourd, Bottle gourd Root and tuber crops: Sweet potato, Yam & Elephant Foot Yam, Colocassia

9 P OTATO & ONION PROGRAMME - K HARIF 2015-16 Kharif potato production will be taken up over 2000 ha in the districts of Koraput and Kandhamal. Planting will be taken up from July-September. Harvesting from October-December. Kharif onion production will be taken up over 2000 ha in the districts of Bolangir, Kalahandi and Boudh. Planting will be taken up from July-August. Both seeds and sets will be utilized as planting materials. Harvesting from November-January.

10 SWEET POTATO PROGRAMME -K HARIF 2015-16  Generating Advances in Incomes and Nutrition through Sweet Potato (GAINS) project is being implemented.  Target group: Poor rural households where Sweet potato is a major component of their food and livelihood systems and make a significant contribution to food and nutrition.  Four districts- Koraput, Dhenkanal, Ganjam and Sundergarh CIP/CTC RI/CHES Quality Plant material DoH farms Farmers field nurseries Crop cultivation Green tops of harvested vines re-used

11 V EGETABLE PRODUCTION UNDER PROTECTED STRUCTURES About 8 lakh sqm have been covered under Protected structures during last 2 years. Primarily vegetable cultivation is being done in those structures. Chilli, cucumber, brinjal and tomato will be taken up during kharif.



14 Bhubaneswar Rourkel a Sambalpur Berhampur V EGETABLE I NITIATIVE IN U RBAN CLUSTER


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