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Committee of Management Training March 2015. National Structures - Officials Larry Flanagan – General Secretary Drew Morrice – Assistant Secretary Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Committee of Management Training March 2015. National Structures - Officials Larry Flanagan – General Secretary Drew Morrice – Assistant Secretary Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committee of Management Training March 2015

2 National Structures - Officials Larry Flanagan – General Secretary Drew Morrice – Assistant Secretary Employment Relations Dave McGinty National Officer Employment, Health and Safety Area Officers Frank Healy Karen Barclay Leah Franchetti Alan Scott Stephen McCrossan Clare Stephen Pat Fallow Terry Gray Louise Wilson – Assistant Secretary Education and Equality Andrea Bradley National Officer Education and Equalities Ken Wimbor – Assistant Secretary Organisation David Belsey National Officer FE and HE Colin Mackenzie Accountant

3 National Constitution All work of the institute governed by National ConstitutionNational Constitution

4 National Structures – Lay Members Office Bearers President – Elected Annually – Tommy Castles Vice President – Elected Annually – Pat Flanagan Ex President – Phil Jackson

5 Council and Committees Executive Salaries Council Education Equality Employment Relations

6 Council The Council of the EIS is the principal executive committee. It meets around five times a year usually in Edinburgh and also at the AGM. It is the main decision-making body of the EIS outwith the AGM.AGM There are around 125 members of the council elected directly by EIS members in local associations and also by members of the EIS self-governing associations, ie EIS University Lecturers’ Association (ULA) and EIS Further Education Lecturers’ Association (FELA).ULAFELA Council Elections are Council by secret ballot.

7 Executive Its main function is to ensure that the work of the Council is properly carried out. Its other functions include the financial and administrative affairs of the EIS, staffing, the EIS Constitution, training of EIS members, and the political trade union and international work of the EIS. It also has a role in coordinating EIS activities both nationally and locally.

8 Salaries The role of the EIS Salaries Committee is to seek to maintain and enhance the salaries and conditions of service of teachers in Scotland largely through the work of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT).SNCT On issues of pay and conditions of service it is the main negotiating committee of the EIS. It also deals with superannuation matters.

9 Education The main role of the EIS Education Committee is the development of the educational policies of the EIS and the pursuit of these policies in schools, colleges and universities. It also has a role in the determination of teacher professionalism, in seeking to define quality in education and also in responding to educational initiatives from the Scottish Executive and other bodies.

10 Equalities The Equality Committee of the EIS promotes the equality of opportunity of all teachers and lecturers in Scotland regardless of race, gender, sexuality and disability. There are a number of sub-groups of Equalities Committee to support specific work of the group

11 Employment Relations Committee The Employment Relations Committee of the EIS deals with employment matters, health and safety issues, legal affairs and also the benevolent work of the EIS. The committee also has a role in supporting members on legal, grievance and disciplinary matters and other casework related issues.

12 Local Structures 32 Local Authorities each with own Local Association structure and constitution Further and Higher Education represented by self-governing body structures Structures within each will mirror national committees but to take account of local needs

13 Glasgow Local Association Committee of Management Local Office Bearers elected annually – Local Association Secretary/Treasurer, Chair, Vice Chair, Ex Chair Local Committees – Executive, Education, M&P, Negotiating, Standing Orders and Benevolent Governed by local constitutionlocal constitution

14 Local Committees Committee of Management Executive Benevolent Fund Education Membership and Publicity Standing Orders Negotiating Committee

15 Committee of Management Office Bearers (4) 34 elected members from Glasgow establishments Elected on 2 year cycle – half every 2 years Ballot of all members arranged if required Co-option if required to fill spaces or ensure representation from specific sector Meets monthly Members represent Glasgow at National AGM in June

16 Executive 9 members plus office bearers Take up matters remitted by COM Full powers to deal with emergency situations between COM meetings Duty to exercise control over financial matters

17 Benevolent Fund Committee 3 members plus local correspondent Consider applications from members and forward to national Employment Relations Committee for full consideration

18 Education Committee 10 members plus office bearers 5 primary/EY/ASN 5 secondary/ASN Consider work on education matters as remitted by COM Provide advice to local negotiators on education matters

19 Membership and Publicity Committee 5 members plus office bearers Consider matters relating to publicity, recruitment and training Liaise with COM on local matters in these areas

20 Negotiating Committee 6 members (which includes office bearers) who are on LNCT plus option for 1 extra member from each sector who can act as substitute. Committee will have balance across sectors so elected positions depends on OB details Works within LNCT to take forward those areas devolved by SNCT and develop local agreementslocal agreements

21 Standing Orders Committee 3 members of Local Association not elected to COM (to be elected at ABM) and 2 from COM Committee reviews motions for competency under criteria in constitution

22 Membership Engagement Members in schools can get involved in COM by: Submitting a motion for consideration either as a branch or individual Writing in and having item considered under correspondence Standing for election Inviting LA to attend branch meetings

23 Helpful Info Susan Quinn – National WebsiteWebsite Local WebsiteWebsite National Twitter FeedTwitter Local Twitter FeedTwitter SNCT Handbook LNCT Agreements

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