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Presentation on theme: "LASSWADE HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS/CLUBS INFORMATION Monday 3 March 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Assemblies this week MondayS1 TuesdayS2 WednesdayS3 ThursdayS4 FridayS5/S6

3 Conabor. Latin. Verb. I will try my utmost Our DREAM Values Determination Respect Effort Ambition Motivation ConaborAward Bronze Award 50 merits Silver Award 100 merits Earn merits across the school Gold Award 150 merits

4 Music Trip 2016 All S1-S5 members of the Concert Band and the Fiddle Group should attend a meeting at 1.25 in the Music Department. If you are unable to attend see Miss Ryder in 012 during interval.

5 The high school version of SU... For S1 Art Room 313 Lunchtime on Mondays Clay-model, Hang-Out, Talk-life, Soul-food and Jaffa Cakes with Darius and Ali

6 Invitation to @Club:L Visit @Club:L tonight, 6-8pm  Open Mic Event  X-box  music & recording studio  café chill out space  friendly youth workers  This is a C-card Outlet where you can register to get free condoms At the Kabin, 5 Murryburn Avenue, Loanhead

7 Tutor for S1-3 If you are in S1-3 and are interested in getting a fifth year student to tutor you, the proceeds going towards fundraising for their World Challenge, please go to the library at break time on Friday.

8 All S4 Bronze Participants Reminder: Session on Friday 6 th March – Emergency procedures etc First aid part 2 will now be on Friday 27 th March 12.45-2pm-ish All must attend LasswadeDofE

9 Using the Lift If you have a lift pass please remember the following : you MUST only take 1 other pupil in the lift with you Swipe the fob ONCE then press the button ONCE and wait patiently for the lift door to open, constantly pressing the button or swiping the fob jams the lift! Any students who do not follow these procedures or who abuse the use of the lift will have their pass removed

10 Water, Water, Water All Students – Please try and bring in bottles of water which can be refilled rather than going to the Medical Room or Pupil Reception for cups.

11 DANCE SHOW 2015 This will take place on Wednesday starting at 7pm. Tickets are £5/£3 concessions which can be bought in the PE Dept from Miss Murray Come along and support your fellow pupils!

12 Friday After School Come and support your team! Only 50p to watch!


14 Midlothian Volunteer Centre Weekly Drop In Would you like to find out more about volunteering? There is a new drop box in the library where you can complete a form and request a meeting at a time which suits you with someone from the Midlothian Volunteer Centre Remember to sign up and register volunteer hours for your SALTIRE AWARD! See Miss Watt for more details


16 Tuesday 31 March School Atrium Doors 6.30pm Tickets- £2.50 Concession/£5 Adult In aid of FACE (Fight Against Cancer Edinburgh) Tickets will be on sale soon!

17 Scottish Schools’ Young Writer of the Year 2015 Write a piece of non-fiction/journalism 900 – 1,100 words This could be informative writing, discursive, journalism, opinion, review… For 15 – 18 year olds Deadline: Before the Easter Break Prize: £500 Ask Kat in the library for ideas and more information

18 The Modern Studies Department are running a trip to Washington DC in April 2016!! If you’re interested in going see anyone in the Modern Studies department for more info. Deposits need to be in ASAP!!!

19 Sutton Trust Summer School The University of Edinburgh 5 – 10 July 2015 S5 pupils – interested in studying any of these subjects at uni: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computing, Ecological & Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering, English Literature, History, Maths, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Religious Studies Apply now for FREE RESIDENTIAL SUMMER SCHOOL Apply by 9 March

20 Monday: Study Support After school Computing (S4 – S6)Room 228 Art and Design (S4 – S6)Art Department (3.30 - 5.00) Miss Maltby’s N5 GeographyRoom 119 Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept Lunchtime Comic Art012 (Mr Stanton) Chess212 (Mr Poots) Percussion GroupMusic department After School Jazz BandMusic department Monday: Clubs

21 Lunchtime BadmintonGames Hall Netball trainingPE Department After school Dance (S1-S6)Dance Studio (3.45 – 4.45) Girls Rugby3.30 – 4.30pm S1 Rugby3.30 – 4.30pm S2 Rugby4.30 – 5.30pm Monday: Sports Clubs

22 Tuesday: Study Support Lunchtime FrenchMs Coquerelle (210) Computing Study Support (S3 – S6)Room 217

23 Tuesday: Study Support After school Maths (N5 & Higher)Maths department Art & Design (S4 – S6)Art Department S4/S5 Practical Woodworking/ Design & Manufacturing/Construction Design and Technology S4 – S6 Health & Food Technology/Practical Cake Craft Home Economics Higher Human GeographyMiss Hargreaves N5 HistoryMr McKay (216) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) English National 5Miss Longmore (226) Design & TechnologyDesign and Technology Dept.

24 Tuesday: Clubs Lunchtime S2 Scratch ProgrammingComputing (220) Film ClubEnglish (226) Singing Group, Fiddle Group and Orchestra All in music department Tuesday: Sports Clubs After school BadmintonSports Hall A and B


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