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The Middle Ages in Europe

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1 The Middle Ages in Europe

2 The Byzantine Empire had things in common with the Roman Empire.

3 Most historians call Justinian the greatest Russian emperor.
Russian Byzantine

4 Kiev was located on an important trade route.

5 The Turks captured Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.

6 The Slavs belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.
Roman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church

7 The Veche represented all free, adult male citizens in Russia.

8 Ivan the Great freed Russia from foreign rule.

9 The Vikings could sail their ships in deep oceans and on shallow rivers.

10 Charlemagne ordered a code of all Roman laws.
Charlemagne Justinian

11 William’s victory at the Battle of Hastings meant that the Normans would rule England.

12 Historians call ________ the greatest Byzantine emperor.
Justinian Constantine Charlemagne

13 A name that shows what a person does is a _______.
icon title relic

14 _______ united the Franks and made Paris his capital.
Charlemagne Alexander Clovis

15 Leaders of the Russian church are called _______
Leaders of the Russian church are called _______. (patriarchs, boyars, icons Icon boyars patriarchs

16 The _______ were a large German tribe.
Vikings Franks Normans

17 Match each item Kremlin Hippodrome Religious order Hagia Sophia boyars
Russian nobles who shared power with princes Kremlin Group of monks Hippodrome Rebuilt by Ivan the Great Religious order Constantine held chariot races here Hagia Sophia boyars One of the world’s most beautiful churches

18 Match each item Pope relics principles icons Cyrillic alphabet
Invented by monks Pope Laws or truths relics Leo III principles Objects that have something to do with God icons Cyrillic alphabet Small pictures of a saint or Jesus

19 What did Charlemagne unite?
Western Europe

20 Princes of what city took the name “Grand Prince of All Russia”?

21 Who made the Russian kingdom three times larger during his rule?
Ivan the Terrible

22 Literature is what kind of works with lasting influence?

23 What Russian title means “caesar”?

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