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 What is systems development?  Software Development Lifecycle  Current Work – Timelines – Efforts – Projects.

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Presentation on theme: " What is systems development?  Software Development Lifecycle  Current Work – Timelines – Efforts – Projects."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is systems development?  Software Development Lifecycle  Current Work – Timelines – Efforts – Projects

3  Production Backlog  Agile + SCRUM + Sprints  Operations vs. Development  Maintenance Dev vs. Systems Dev  Major/Minor Development

4  HANDS: Farmer’s Market, CSFP, WIC  Clinic Search: Clinic Locations and Hours of Operation  Program Integrity Complaint: Submission & Mgmt.  Vendor Web: Vendor Authorization & Management  WIC Warehouse: Supply Ordering & Management  TRAIN: Learning Mgmt. System (LMS)  SharePoint: Document Distribution & Collaboration  iLinc and GoTo Meeting: Collaboration Toolset

5  Term ‘Development’ is overly used  Why is it important to define?  Development is a collection of many activities/actions  Includes many resources

6  Systems Support Includes: ◦ Development activities ◦ Development resources  Development Activities: ◦ Research, Design, Test, Pilot, PM, Change Control, Coding  Development resources: ◦ Coder, SME, Business Analyst, Quality Assurance, Service Desk, PMs  Development Categories: ◦ Maintenance ◦ Enhancements

7  Does not work as intended and/or not at all  Examples: ◦ Text Messaging (Not functioning as Intended) ◦ Growth Grid Performance (Not as intended) ◦ C1 1-yr Certification (Not Working)

8  Changes and Additions  Examples: ◦ Remove what’s not needed: Old reports ◦ Add Improvements: eSignature for breast pump agreement ◦ Add New Functionality: Disaster Recovery, EBT

9  Systems Enhancement & Bugs: ◦ Dedicated Projects & Maintenance Activities:  Project Based (Major)– requires special funding, resources, BRDs, SOW e.g. Disaster Recovery  Maintenance Activity (Minor): uses current dedicated team e.g. C1 issue, Growth Grid

10  Process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system


12  Considerations: o Workforce Allocation Development vs Operations Operations: supports daily activities, reports request & validation, service desk o Product Backlog Bugs & Enhancements Major & Minor Review and determine priorities o Discovery Any new ideas or upcoming State & Federal legislation/requirements not listed in backlog

13  Review available funding (budget & grants) ◦ Maintenance Budget = Annual FFY USDA NSA ◦ Operational Adjustment Grants = Disaster Recovery, Data Archiving ◦ Special Grants = EBT  Stakeholder Buy-in & Approvals – LA WIC Directors, ALAWA, USDA, ADHS AD Council, ASET

14  Final Selection of Product Backlog  Develop Scopes of Work & Initial Release Plans (SOW)  Establish Contracts & Create Purchase Orders (POs)  Determine Development Duration ◦ (i.e. 6-month Efforts with 2 Releases Per Year)  Assemble Teams ◦ Developers, QA, BA, SME\Product Owner

15  Create SCRUM Teams: ◦ Example:  Team 1: Bugs and Minor Enhancements  Team 2: Performance Improvements  Team 3: Major Enhancement - Data Archiving  Team 4: Major Enhancement - Disaster Recovery  Team 5: Research & Discovery  Assign Product Backlog items to SCRUM teams

16  Project Work Begins ◦ SCRUM teams assess assigned product backlog ◦ SCRUM team sprint planning:  Conducted by each scrum team  Product backlog items are broken down into task  Tasked are ranked by duration and complexity  Sprint duration determined by team (1-week, 2week, etc.)  Each Sprint ends with a sprint retrospect – revisit tasks rankings

17  Conduct Sprints: ◦ Development, Design, Testing, Demonstration ◦ Daily Standups ◦ SCRUM Board


19  Team 1: ◦ Development Duration: 5 months to Pilot Release – 6 months to Production Release  Team Breakdown: ◦ Developer 1, Developer 2, QA Analyst, SME, BA  Day 1: SCRUM Meeting – ◦ Each team member selects tasks from the SCRUM Board


21  Developer A – ◦ To do Item 1 - Bug # 143456 @ Rating 2 (easy) ◦ To do item 4 - Bug # 411212 @ Rating 1 (easy)  Developer B – ◦ To do Item 9 - Bug # 333443 @ Rating 12 (complex)  Business Analyst – ◦ To do Item 3 @ Rating 2 (easy) - clarification for Bug 143456 (test case question) ◦ To do item 34 @ Rating 2 (easy) – clarification for Bug 333443 (dev question)  Quality Assurance Analyst: ◦ To do Item 55 @ Rating 2 (easy) – create test cases for Bug 2143456  SME: ◦ To do item 23 @ Rating 2 (easy) – Validate Test Scripts for Bug 2143456

22  Developer A – ◦ Complete (ready for QA) To do Item 1 - Bug # 143456 @ Rating 2 (easy) ◦ Complete (ready for QA) To do item 4 - Bug # 411212 @ Rating 1 (easy) ◦ New Task - To do item 5 – Bug 390986 @ Rating 1 (medium)  Developer B – ◦ To do Item 9 @ Rating 2 (easy) - Bug # 333443 @ Rating 12 (complex)  30 % Complete – Awaiting BA Feedback  Business Analyst – ◦ Complete: To do Item 3 @ Rating 2 (easy) - clarification for Bug 143456 (test case question) ◦ In progress: To do item 34 – @ Rating 5 (medium) clarification for Bug 333443 (dev question)  Quality Assurance Analyst: ◦ Complete: To do Item 55 @ Rating 2 (easy) – create test cases for Bug 411212 ◦ New Task: To do Item 24 @ Rating 3 (easy) – test bug 411212 ◦ New Task: To do Item 26 @ Rating 4 (medium) – test bug 143456  SME: ◦ Complete: To do item 23 @ Rating 2 (easy) – Validate Test Scripts for Bug 411212 ◦ New Task: : To do item 27 @ Rating 2 (easy) – Validate Test Scripts for Bug 411212

23  Developer A ◦ 0% complete due to prod issue: To do item 5 – Bug 390986 @ Rating 1 (medium)  Developer B – ◦ To do Item 9 - Bug # 333443 @ Rating 12 (complex)  50 % Complete – Awaiting BA Feedback  Business Analyst – ◦ 50% Complete: To do Item 3 - clarification for Bug 143456 (test case question) ◦ 50 % Complete: To do item 34 – clarification for Bug 333443 (dev question)  Quality Assurance Analyst: ◦ 0% Complete: awaiting SME Feedback: To do Item 24 – test bug 411212 ◦ 100% Complete: To do Item 26 – test bug 411212  SME: ◦ 90% Complete – awaiting USDA feedback -To do item 27 – Validate Test Scripts for Bug 411212

24  Bug 411212 staged for production

25  Weekly Email  Service Desk Reports  Release Notes/Known Issues  Emergency Calls\Emails  Training Team’s Tips & Tricks  HANDS Landing Page  Face To Face Meetings  ALAWA Gatherings

26  System Maintenance Development Categories: ◦ Discovery ◦ Performance Improvements ◦ System Maintenance – Bugs ◦ System Maintenance – Changes & Additions\Enhancements (Minor) ◦ System Projects - Changes & Additions\Enhancements (Major)




30  Release Note Process  Major Release at End of September  Searching for an Appointment  Reports ◦ Tips & Tricks

31  We appreciate your feedback  Our Goals ◦ Give the Local Agencies as much advance notice as possible ◦ Provide documentation and reference material in advance ◦ Be available to answer questions ◦ Follow up with training reminders/tips

32  We send a bunch of bugs to CMA  CMA fixes the bugs and sends them to ADHS with release notes  ADHS takes the release notes and makes them more understandable and validates them against the fixes  Time frame…it varies


34  Will Happen Two Times a Year ◦ End of September (for October 1 st )  Training in Aug/Sept for upcoming release ◦ End of March (for April 1 st )  Training in Feb/March for upcoming release

35  Latest Release notes are on the HANDS landing page  Release notes will be posted on  “How To” reminders and Tips & Tricks emails from the Training Team


37  When searching through the Appts tab, the more information you provide HANDS the faster HANDS will return your search results  Search date range – no more than 10 days.  Keep it simple

38 Looks like this from Appts tab… Try selecting multiple search parameters.

39 Another Option

40  New validation process  Validated reports list ◦ How do you want it communicated?  Top priority reports ◦ Caseload and clinic management  Over 90 standard reports we need to validate  We are reviewing Ad Hoc reports ◦ Some will be made standard

41  You may not need an Ad Hoc! ◦ Sort Columns ◦ Export  Modify  Calculate

42 Sorting

43 Exporting

44 CSV With Header

45 Excel

46 Word

47 PDF



50  Tentative eWIC Project Schedule  Current Activities ◦ eWIC Implementation and Quality Assurance RFPs ◦ Policy Changes associated with eWIC ◦ eWIC Card Design  EBT Next Gen 2015 Conference

51 Start DateEnd Date Release RFPs for Bid5/1/20157/31/2015 RFP Responses Prepared8/1/20158/31/2015 Responses Evaluated9/1/20159/30/2015 Contracts Negotiations10/1/201511/30/2015 FNS Review of Contracts12/1/20151/31/2016 Design, Development and Test2/1/201610/31/2016 Pilot2/1/20174/30/2017 Pilot Evaluation Go/No Go2/1/20175/15/2017 AZ Statewide Rollout6/1/20177/31/2017 eWIC Project Schedule

52  ADHS received USDA approval for RFPs on April 10 th  ADHS working with Procurement to release RFP by May 1 st  Tentative Contract award of Dec 2015  FNS Contract Review

53  Staff are reviewing current policies to determine how eWIC will impact each policy for FY16.  Current polices will continue to reflect food instruments, but will contain details when eWIC is applicable (e.g. With eWIC…)

54  Defining eWIC Card Requirements  Utilizing in-house designers and outside marketing firm to create eWIC card mockups.  Have State, Local Agency, Health Officers, Participant, and Vendor community vote on designs.  Need recommendations for method to provide participants with a survey to vote on card designs. eWIC Card Design Plan Arizona eWIC Card



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