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Muscle types 1 Muscle types.

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1 Muscle types 1 Muscle types

2 What you will learn about
Muscle types 2 What you will learn about in this topic: Classification of muscles Types of muscle and their importance in health and fitness Name, location and description of muscles

3 Muscle types 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand the main types of muscles Describe the different types of muscles and their location in the body Explain the importance of muscles in terms of health and fitness

4 Muscle types There are three kinds of muscle: Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles Cardiac muscles

5 Muscle types 5 Voluntary muscles, also known as skeletal or striated muscles, are the most common muscle type in the body.

6 These muscles attach to the skeleton and provide a person’s shape.
Muscle types 6 These muscles attach to the skeleton and provide a person’s shape. We can consciously control these muscles and dictate how they move.

7 Muscle types 7 Involuntary muscles, also known as smooth muscles, are not controlled, they work automatically. They are found in the intestines, blood vessels and urinary organs and carry on functioning throughout life.

8 Muscle types 8

9 Muscle types 9 Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary muscle as it is not controlled consciously but works automatically. It is special because it is only found in the heart and it never rests or tires during life.

10 Muscle types 10

11 Muscles and their functions
Muscle types 11 Muscles and their functions Trapezius – adduct at the shoulder Biceps – flex at the elbow Deltoid – abduct at the shoulder Pectorals – adducts at the shoulder Triceps – extend at the elbow Abdominals – flex at the hip Latissimus dorsi – adduct at the arm Quadriceps – extend at the knee Gluteus maximus – extend at the hip Hamstrings – flex at the knee Gastrocnemius – extend at the ankle

12 Muscle types 12 Task Voluntary muscles are put into action when performing sporting actions. List three sporting actions and the muscles used when performing them.

13 Muscles’ relation to bone
Muscle types 13 Muscles’ relation to bone Voluntary muscle is attached to the bone by tendons. The muscle, at the point where it moves, is the insertion and the point where it is fixed is the origin.

14 Muscle types 14 When the arm flexes at the elbow the movement is at the elbow, so the fixed point in this example is the shoulder. The origin for the triceps and biceps is at the shoulder. Flexing at the elbow. The insertions are the triceps and biceps at the elbow.

15 Muscle tone and posture
Muscle types 15 Muscle tone and posture Muscle tone is voluntary muscles’ readiness to work and be in a prepared state to react. Each muscle has slight tension waiting to be used. A person’s muscles never completely rest; the nearest they come to resting is when a person is asleep.

16 Muscles’ state of slight contraction helps with posture.
Muscle types 16 Muscles’ state of slight contraction helps with posture. The abdominals’ toned state helps keep the internal organs in place in that area. Posture relates to the way the body is supported by the muscles, whether standing, sitting or moving.

17 Muscle types 17 In some activities the look of the performer is important to the result, such as in gymnastics, diving and dance. When muscles are trained, their tone increases and this can help posture.

18 The advantages of having good posture:
Muscle types 18 The advantages of having good posture: Lungs, heart and stomach all have enough room to work efficiently Bone alignment prevents strain and injury

19 Maintaining good posture can help a person’s shape.
Muscle types 19 There is more energy available when the body is in alignment as the muscles do not have to work so hard to keep the body stable. Maintaining good posture can help a person’s shape. A person standing or sitting well can give a good impression to others.

20 Muscle types 20 Exam questions Which antagonistic pair of muscles work to bend the arm at the elbow? Describe the cardiac muscle. Teacher’s notes Q1 Triceps and biceps Q2 Is a type of involuntary muscle as it is not controlled consciously but works automatically.

21 What you have learnt in this topic:
Muscle types 21 What you have learnt in this topic: Classification of muscles Types of muscle and their importance in health and fitness Name, location and description of muscles

22 Learning objectives You should now be able to:
Muscle types 22 Learning objectives You should now be able to: Understand the main types of muscles Describe the different types of muscles and their location in the body Explain the importance of muscles in terms of health and fitness

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