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Published byChad Bridges Modified over 9 years ago
First Army 101 for Spouses We are proud of our mission, Soldiers, and Families. First Army is taking this opportunity to salute Families by ensuring they have an understanding of First Army’s mission. Last year First Army trained over 200,000 National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers. In addition, First Army has over 4,000 Soldiers serving on active duty assigned to First Army Headquarters, divisions, brigades, and battalions, with approximately 12,000 Family members and over 400 civilians. 1
Training Objectives Become more familiar with First Army to include:
- Mission - Organizational structure - Relationship among Active Duty, National Guard, and Army Reserve To have a better understanding of the Army’s Total Force Policy Be aware of installation and community support systems and available services for Soldiers and Family members At the end of this presentation, you will have a better understanding of First Army mission, organizational structure, and relations among Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Components. You will also be more aware of the mobilization process for National Guard and Reserve forces and the various installation and community based support systems available to our diverse Soldier populations and their Families. 2
Purpose To support First Army Soldiers by educating spouses on First Army’s mission and organizational structure: who we are, what we do, where we are going, and where to obtain Family readiness support/assistance. “It is our commitment to build a partnership with Army Families to ensure their strength and their resilience. We're committed to ensuring the quality of life of our Soldiers, Families and Civilians, as commensurate with the quality of their magnificent service.” (General George W. Casey) This presentation is important for Spouses because First Army bridges across Active, National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers and other organizations. First Army, as FORSCOM’s designated coordinating authority for implementation of the Army Total Force Policy, partners with USAR and ARNG leadership to advise, assist, and train Reserve Component formations. The First Army Command video will further enhance your knowledge of who we are, what we do and where we are going. [To review the First Army Command video, click on the link, which goes to the First Army webpage and begin with the First Army Command Video.] 3
Headquarters, First Army
** PLAY ** Headquarters, First Army Command Video Time: less 4 minutes Click on Public Affairs First Army Command Video 4
National Guard and Army Reserve Units
First Army Mission First Army, as FORSCOM's designated coordinating authority for implementation of the Army Total Force Policy, partners with USAR and ARNG leadership to advise, assist, and train Reserve Component formations to achieve Department of the Army directed readiness requirements during both pre and post mobilization through multi-component integrated collective training, enabling FORSCOM to provide Combatant Commanders trained and ready forces in support of worldwide requirements. Provide training for other than assigned forces: First Army’s core function of providing mandated AC to RC training support, oversight of AC/RC integration and training mobilized RC units, Soldiers, DA Civilians and Joint Service Teams for deployment (as FORSCOM’s Executing Agent). National Guard and Army Reserve Units 5
A Multi-Component Command
Who We Are A Multi-Component Command Active Component Personnel (22%) Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve Personnel (8%) Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Personnel (5%) DA Civilians and Military Technicians (12%) Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU) Personnel (51%) Headquarters, First Army Headquarters, Division East and Brigades Headquarters, Division West and Brigades First Army is a multi-component organization with a complex personnel management structure. TPU mobilized Soldiers make up half the military population. The organization is heavily reliant on mobilized Troop Program Units (TPU) Reserves and Special Skills Trainers (SST) to complete our mission. Reserve Component Operation Warrior Trainers / Sp Skills Trainers (2%) As of RJun2014 6
First Army’s Current Multi-Component Structure
USARC FORSCOM LEGEND Assigned Operational Control Administrative Control Active Army Reserve Army National Guard FORSCOM = Forces Command DCG = Deputy Commanding General AR = Army Reserve ARNG = Army National Guard USARC = United States Army Reserve Command MSG = Mobilization Support Group MSBn = Mobilization Support Battalion LSBn = Logistics Support Battalion SRAAG = Senior Army Adviser to the Guard CS/CSS = Combat Support/Combat Service Support BDE = Brigade BN = Battalion TSB = Training Support Brigade TSBn = Training Support Battalion ARSC = Army Reserve Support Command Coord First Army DCG-AR DCG-ARNG DIV West DIV East DCG-W/ 85 DIV (TS) DCG- ARNG DCG- ARNG DCG-E / 87 DIV (TS) This chart shows the multi-component structure of First Army. The green represents the Active Component, the blue represents the National Guard, and the red represents the Reserve Component. There are two Army Reserve Support Commands that come under First Army for operational control, the 85th and 87th Army Reserve Support Command and the. Their commanders are additional Deputy Commanders for First Army and they provide administrative support to our Reserve Component battalions. We mobilize Soldiers from these units to support the active battalions for training at our Mobilization Training Centers. MSG LSBn CS/CSS BN BDE SRAAG SRAAG X 27 BDE CS/CSS BN LSBn MSG BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE X 27 DIV West (7) DIV West (21) X 24 DIV East (22) DIV East (11) MSBn TSB x 8 TSBn x 23 TSB x 8 TSBn x 19 MSBn X 20 Operational Control of four Reserve Support Commands and 61 additional RC battalions to support training X 16 7
First Army (Active/Reserve) Current Organizational Structure
Executing agent for Reserve Component (RC) training support. Integrate and synchronize policy, programs and resources. Support First Army divisions. Comprised of Headquarters, Headquarters Detachment and Army Reserve TPU Soldiers. First Army Develop Family support policies Serve as liaison between divisions and higher headquarters 123 Family Readiness Groups LTG Michael S. Tucker Commander DIV West DIV East Implement and oversee programs in the brigades Conduct staff assistance visits Conduct training Two Divisions directing the executions of RC post-mobilization training. Division East’s area of responsibility falls east of the Mississippi River and Division West, west of the Mississippi River. 16 Training Support Brigades and 42 Active Component battalions execute RC post-mobilization training. MG Colt MG Bailey BDE TSB x 8 BDE TSB x 8 First Army’s organization includes one headquarters, two divisions, sixteen brigades and 42 active component battalions. We also have Senior Army Advisers to the Guard in 51 states and territories. First Army Headquarters staff develops Family readiness/support policies and serves as a liaison between the divisions and FORSCOM. The divisions’ Family Readiness Program staff implements and oversees programs in the brigades and battalions, as well as conducts staff assistance visits and provides training for Family Readiness staff of subordinate units. Brigades and battalions support Family readiness activities, connect Families with resources, and maintain Family Readiness Groups. Support Family readiness activities Connect Families with resources TSBn x 23 BDE BN BDE BN Senior Army Advisers, Army National Guard (SRAAGs) advise Adjutants General (Major General) of 48 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. SRAAGs work for First Army, but are assigned to the National Guard. TSBn x 19 SRAAG X 27 SRAAG X 24 8
Operational Approach: First Army Current to Future Force Array
* Current First Army Division East is in partnership with the USAR and ARNG, advises, assists and trains Reserve Component Forces, in both pre and post mobilization through multi-component integrated collective training, in accordance with Army Total Force Policy, Department of the Army, FORSCOM and First Army directive in order to achieve directed readiness requirements. In addition, First Army Division West partners during pre, post and de-mobilization, to advise, assist and train Army formations, individual Non-unit replacements, and civilians in a multi-component, integrated training environment to achieve Department of the Army directed objectives enabling FORSCOM to provide Combatant Commanders trained and ready forces in support of worldwide requirements. * DIV Headquarters: >50% reduction Plan: Family Programs positions at Headquarters and Divisions East and West will be eliminated after 30 Sep Headquarters, Family Programs will fall under the Ready Resilient Campaign Program at RIA. Installations RIA = Rock Island Arsenal, IL CAIN = Camp Atterbury, IN CSMS = Camp Shelby, MS FBTX = Ft. Bliss, TX FHTX = Ft. Hood, TX FKKY = Ft. Knox, KY FMWI = Ft. McCoy, WI FSGA = Ft. Stewart, GA JBLM = Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA JBMDL = Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ 9 As of: APR 14
Soldier Population First Army Active Component Soldiers Assigned to our Brigades and Divisions: These Soldiers are located at our Mobilization Force Generation Installations (MFGIs). They train Soldiers who have been mobilized for missions around the world. First Army Mobilized Troop Program Unit Soldiers: These Soldiers are from our Reserve Component battalions. They are located at our MFGIs and are usually away from home. They train Soldiers for missions around the world. First Army non-Mobilized Troop Program Unit Soldiers: These Soldiers are not on active duty. They are located in the civilian populations where they live. They attend monthly Battle Assembly and Annual Training. Soldiers Mobilizing for Deployment: These are National Guard and Reserve Soldiers who are brought onto active duty and trained by First Army at our MFGIs for missions around the world. Our active duty Soldier populations are entitled to use all Military sanctioned program services such as Morale Welfare Recreation, medical facilities, social work services, outreach services and housing or billeting facilities. Soldiers not on active duty are encouraged to contact their local Family assistance center for information on what services are available to them and their Families. 10
FORSCOM Concept of Mobilization Operations
Phase 1: Planning – The unit plans, trains, and prepares to accomplish assigned mobilization missions. Phase 2: Alert – The unit takes specific actions to prepare for transition from Reserve Component to active status. Phase 3: Home Station – This phase begins on the effective date of the unit’s mobilization. Once mobilized, the unit will have 72 hours to be ready to move to the Mobilization Force Generation Installation (MFGI). Phase 4: MFGI– This phase begins with arrival of the unit at the MGLI and encompasses all the actions necessary to meet required deployment criteria. Soldiers complete Family information sheets. Families are also contacted. Phase 5: Port of Embarkation – Preparing for departure. This phase ends with departure of personnel and equipment. This is the last opportunity to capture Family information from the Soldier before going into theater. Phase 1- Units assist Soldiers in preparing their mobilization plans and files as directed by National Guard, Army Reserve and FORSCOM. They also conduct mobilization training and develop post mobilization plans. Phase 2 – The unit takes specific actions to prepare for transition from reserve to active status. Actions such as screening and cross leveling are essential during this phase. Unit commanders coordinate to determine mission requirements. This often involves communication with the theater commander. Phase 3 – Actions taken here include inventory and loading of unit property and dispatch of the advance party of the mobilization training centers. The unit takes action to speed its transition to active status. Phase 4 – As the unit arrives at the Mobilization Training Center, command of the unit passes from the Reserve to the Mobilization Training Centers (gaining Army commands for continental United States base support units). You will sometimes find Phase 4 and Phase 5 overlapping since equipment moving by surface transportation begins in Phase 5 earlier than personnel. Phase 5- This phase includes both manifesting and loading personnel. This phase ends with departure of personnel and equipment from the mobilization training center. 11
FIRST ARMY PARTNERSHIP Combat Ready Formations Installation Management
Has FORSCOM’s coordinating authority for ATFP implementation Advises, assists, and trains RC formations to achieve directed readiness requirements Joint Service Training oversight Mobilizes, trains, validates, deploys, re-deploys, and demobilizes RC units and Soldiers Trains and validates the unit Assists National Guard and Reserve Family Program Directors Army National Guard US Army Reserve Command Source requirements Manpower/equipment units Builds individual/leader readiness Achieves Readiness Cycle Objectives Completes reintegration Supports Families during mobilization Training Support Senior Commander Commands installation Prioritizes installation resources Prioritize Resources Cohesive Units Combat Ready Formations Installation Management Command Provides mobilization and demobilization infrastructure and support services Coordinates movement Initiates reintegration Mails welcome packets to Families Our process requires continuous collaboration and teamwork between all players contributing to our training mission. The mobilization training center offers Family support and assistance. Families are contacted and provided points of contact information of the nearest Military installation and at home. Each component has a Family Assistance program and we ask that you visit your local Family Assistance center for more information. First Army ensures the partnership with each component is established prior to Soldiers being mobilized. Medical Readiness Installation Management Medical Command Executes Medical Support Plan in coordination with IMCOM First Army is embedded within these organizations to conduct a successful training campaign 12
Basic Army Installation / Community Support
Army Community Service Center / Army One Source (on-line) Chaplains – Strong Bonds Social Work Services (Medical Clinic) Family Readiness Groups Morale, Welfare and Recreation Civilian Advisory Personnel Drug / Alcohol Community Services Child Care / Youth Services Public Affairs Office Military One Source Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Ready and Resilient Campaign Global Assessment Tool Soldier/Spouse Master Resilient Trainers Legal Assistance It is important that Family members to be aware of Army benefits and entitlements. All Military ID card holders whether on reserve or active status can utilize some of these services on the installation or in the community. Soldiers on active duty and their Family members are eligible for all services. Your unit Family Readiness Group can assist you in determining eligibility and accessing services. 13
Family Readiness Best Practices
Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) FRG Senior Advisers Family Readiness Liaisons (Military) Army Community Service Centers Military One Source Casualty Response (CARE) Teams Facebook (social media) Army Reserves (Family Days) Army One Source (online) Family Assistance Centers Command Involvements Annual New Spouse Orientation First Army 101 and 102 for Spouses presentations Annual and quarterly volunteer recognition ceremonies Monthly installation community briefs Global Assessment Tool (GAT 2.0) Spouse Master Resilient Trainers (SMRT) Family Readiness Video Teleconferences Word of mouth Resilient Training A list of best practices over the past since Most best practices are still credible and working well for Families. 14
Mobilization Planning
PRE MOBILIZATION POST MOBILIZATION Families receive basic briefings at home station (TRICARE, ID card, DEERS, legal and Chaplain services). Establish Family Readiness Groups. Provide orientations for Soldiers, and Families on assistance available upon unit activation (alert). Provide assistance to single parents, dual military couples and emergency-essential civilians. 24/7 service facilities (Family Assistance Center, Military One Source, Army One Source, etc). Family members are at least 10 years of age to receive an ID card. Powers of attorney and wills can be obtained through legal assistance. Appropriate send off for Soldiers. Coordinate with local and State Human Service agencies. Encourage Families to attend post mobilization briefings such as legal, reunion, suicide awareness, etc. Attend Strong Bonds workshops. COMMANDER FRG LEADER VOLUNTEER This chart remind commanders the importance of Readiness for Soldiers and Families. Although First Army Soldiers do not mobilize, we have Families of deployed Soldiers in the Army Reserve that do. From past experiences such as Desert Shield and Desert Storm, lessons learned have taught us that Soldiers are better prepared when they do not have to worry about their Families in the rear. Under pre mobilization, these are a few examples of what should be accomplished. A few important examples include getting a power of attorney or to ensure Family member ID cards are up to date. During the start of last war, many spouses had no clue on what to expect from the Military. Although it is expected that Soldiers keep Family members aware of the mobilization planning process, there are other avenues that can be accomplished. The unit key personnel include the commander, FRG leader and volunteer. Information sharing does not stop at pre mobilization, information should be shared during mobilization and when the Soldier returns. I ask you to invite local subject matter experts to come out to your units and educate spouses on available services and resources or encourage Family members to visit websites for information. Family members are contacted on a regular basis. Support groups are established to deal with Family issues, lessons learned, recommendations on to improve procedures. Ongoing orientations identifying assistance available on and off military installations to Families. Newsletter AND website information. 15
First Army 102 for Spouses The First Army 102 for Spouses presentation was developed as a result of Senior Family Readiness Adviser feedback during the 2011 First Army Family Leadership Conference. First Army 102 for Spouses provides detailed information regarding Army National Guard and Army Reserve functions and can be found on First Army website, under Family (G-1). First Army 102 is also available for spouses to get a better feel for the duties Army National Guard and Army Reserve units perform. Both First Army 101 and 102 for Spouses will be on the Headquarters website. 16
In Summary First Army is a demanding, meaningful assignment for Soldiers and Families FORSCOM’s coordinating authority for the Army’s Total Force Policy implementation. Provide Active Component (AC) to Reserve Component (RC) Training Support. Broad geographical footprint. First Army provides the most highly trained and professional multi-component collective training integration capability in the US Army; uniquely organized with AC and RC certified skilled trainers at the point of need in support of the Army’s Total Force Policy. First Army ensures Soldier and Family Readiness during the training campaign. Soldiers and Families can access services from military installations. Commanders will have a more hands-on role with Families. First Army designs the training based on the complexity of the deploying unit and its mission. On the average, brigade-level organizations spend days at the mobilization training center. Battalion-level units need 45 to 60 days and company-sized elements typically take 30 to 45 days to prepare before deploying. First Army places a high value on both military and personal preparedness. Commanders are responsible for preparation of Soldiers and Families for mobilization, deployment, separations and reunions. 17
POINTS OF CONTACT DEPUTY G-1 FAMILY PROGRAMS / 9488 First Army designs the training based on the complexity of the deploying unit and its mission. On the average, brigade-level organizations spend days at the mobilization training center. Battalion-level units need 45 to 60 days and company-sized elements typically take 30 to 45 days to prepare before deploying. First Army places a high value on both military and personal preparedness. Commanders are responsible for preparation of Soldiers and Families for mobilization, deployment, separations and reunions. 18
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