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Administering & Proctoring the NYS Assessments 2015 Liane Benedict Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Administering & Proctoring the NYS Assessments 2015 Liane Benedict Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administering & Proctoring the NYS Assessments 2015 Liane Benedict Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation

2 General Features  ELA & Math Assessments will consist of 3 books administered over 3 days  ELA  Grade 3 & 4 ~ 70 minutes per day  Grade 5-8 ~ 90 minutes per day  Math  Grade 3 ~ 60-60-70  Grade 4 ~ 60-60-90  Grade 5-8 ~ 80-80-90

3 Important Notes  Except as noted, all public & charter school students MUST take all parts of the State tests for their grade level.  Tests must be administered in order  Materials must be collected as soon as the session is completed  Used answer sheets may not be reviewed, scanned or scored  Test books may not be used for instructional or PD purposes

4 Important Notes  Students with disabilities must be provided test accommodations as stated in their IEP  Not all accommodations listed in Appendix G are allowed on all parts of the test

5 Test Security Requirements & Responsibilities  Teachers & proctors may not discuss test questions or other specific test content online via email or listserv or through any electronic means.  Teachers and test administrators may not use cell phones or other photographic devices to duplicate test materials, and should keep their own communication devices put away during testing.

6 Test Security ~ Proctors Must:  Receive training in administering test sessions properly and securely  Review Teacher Directions  Understand security requirements before administering  Read scripts and directions prior to test administration  Administer during assigned testing windows

7 Test Security ~ Proctors Must:  Prepare a secure testing environment  Provide required materials  Prevent the use of unapproved materials  Review, comply & sign Deputy & Proctor Certification (Appendix D)  Follow procedures for Testing Accommodations for SWD’s

8 Security of Test Questions  Do Not:  Leave materials unattended while administering exam  Read, reveal, review contents of the test materials at any time  Duplicate any portion of the test, including audiotaping, videotaping, photographing or photocopying  Remove test materials from the school without authorization  Read, review or change student responses

9 Secure Testing Environment  Make sure rooms are well lit, ventilated and quiet  Reduce noise and interruptions  Place “Do Not Disturb” signs on test room doors  Clear desks, shelves under desks etc. of all books, papers and other materials  Cover or remove wall charts, graphic organizers, number lines, math tables and all board work related to ELA or Math  Make sure students are visible to the proctor during the entire test session

10 Unauthorized Materials  May not use any unauthorized notes, printed materials, scrap paper or tools.  Communication devices are prohibited in the test room:  Cell phones, Ipads, tablets, eReaders, Ipods, MP3 players  Headphones, headsets etc.  Any audio or video recording device  Any use or possession of these devices during the test must be reported to the school principal

11 Aid to Students  No interpretation or explanation of test questions  No review or commenting on student responses  In response to student inquires, proctors should advise students to use their best judgment  Assistance only on the mechanics of taking tests such as where to bubble or write responses

12 Proctoring  Circulate periodically during testing to ensure students are recording responses in the proper manner in the proper place  Make sure students are recording answers on the answer sheet, not in the test booklet  Point out if one or more answers have been left blank or more than one answer bubbled in for a question  Temporary absence  Must be accompanied by a proctor

13 Proctoring  Evacuation of the building  Student cheating  If suspected, warn student  Move student if necessary  If cheating continues, report to the principal  Illness during administration  Excuse until well enough to continue  Estimate time missed and allow for that time to complete the test  Closely monitor to insure that student only continues in parts of test not complete  Complete as long as make up period has not ended

14 Please Note…  Misadministration and/or irregularities in administration  Must be reported

15 If students finish early…  May review answers  It is a district decision to allow students to read a book once the assessment is complete  If all students complete the test earlier than allotted time, the proctor may end the session

16 Quality Control  Refusals  Absences  No rubber bands or clips  Daily roster notes

17 Make Up Testing  Principal responsibility  Ensure the following:  Students are given every opportunity to complete  All booklets are completed  Continue with scheduled test sessions  Administer missed books during makeup testing period  More than one session may be administered in one day  Record “absent” for each section for which student does not complete test

18 Further Information  For information regarding ELL, Alternate Language, Braille exams or any further information regarding administration of the 2014 3-8 Assessments please see the NYS 2015 School Administrator’s Manual.

19 Questions?  Liane Benedict

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