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Syllable triangles, syllable centers, articulatory syllable durations, shadow angles, oh my ! Donna Erickson Kanazawa Medical University, Japan Haskins.

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Presentation on theme: "Syllable triangles, syllable centers, articulatory syllable durations, shadow angles, oh my ! Donna Erickson Kanazawa Medical University, Japan Haskins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllable triangles, syllable centers, articulatory syllable durations, shadow angles, oh my ! Donna Erickson Kanazawa Medical University, Japan Haskins Laboratories, USA Thanks to Osamu Fujimura and J.C. Williams, & my colleagues Jangwon Kim, Sungbok Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Caroline Menezes, Atsuo Suemitsu, Jeff Moore, Yoshiho Shibuya, & many others

2 C/D model: what does it model? The C/D model models how phonological structures are mapped onto articulatory gestures ( Fujimura, 2000; also, see ) PROSODY is the skeletal base. Strings of spoken syllables are represented as “syllable pulse trains” – each syllable is represented as one pulse. – The size of each syllable pulse is determined by its “syllable magnitude”.

3 “syllable-boundary pulse train--computed as a time function representing the skeletal rhythmic structure of the utterance.” From Fujimura& Erickson, 2004 Syllable magnitude correlates with sentence (phrasal) stress. “won” receives primary sentential stress; “that” and “ful” receive the secondary sentential stress.

4 Syllable magnitude Syllable magnitude is to a first approximation, how much the jaw opens (jaw displacement from occlusal plane) for each syllable. For a string of syllables, we see different amounts of jaw opening, which reflect (I argue) the metrical organization of an utterance (see e.g., Erickson et al., 2012).

5 From Erickson et al. 2014 Jaw displacement for each syllable measured from occlusal plane ( marked with arrows)

6 English From Erickson et al. 2014


8 From Williams et al. 2013 Vowel Normalization

9 Once we "wash away" the vowel quality effects, utterances with the same metrical structure, regardless of vowel content, show similar patterns of syllable pulse trains (Erickson and Menezes 2013).

10 Review so far The C/D Model posits the pulse train as the fundamental organization of utterances-- in speech planning we start with the rhythm represented by the pulse train. Its rhythmic structure is partly represented by different heights of syllable pulses In actual utterances, we do observe different amounts of jaw displacement, which reflect those syllable pulses. Moreover, patterns of jaw displacement observed in other languages also reflect metrical structure of that language, i.e., Japanese (Kawahara et al. 2014), Chinese (Erickson et al. 2015). Both Japanese and Chinese appear to have phrase initial and phrase final stress (which is different from stress patterns of English) The jaw displacement patterns of the first language may be carried over into those of the second language.

11 French? Predictions: French speakers have difficulty distinguishing local stress in English French has final-stress Probably French has large final jaw-opening French speakers may be similar to Japanese speakers. The jaw displacement patterns of the first language may be carried over into those of the second language.

12 Phrase boundaries The C/D model also has the power to algorithmically derive phrase boundaries in a spoken utterance from jaw movement patterns. No other model can do this. Based on the combination of the height of the syllable pulse (amount of jaw displacement) and the average maximum speed of the onset and offset crucial articulators of the syllable, the model calculates – (a) where the phrase boundary occurs and – (b) how big this boundary is (e.g., Fujimura 1986, Bonaventura & Fujimura, 2007, Menezes 2004, Kim et al., 2014).

13 Syllable triangles, syllable centers, articulatory syllable durations, shadow angles, oh my ! If you concur with the premise that the jaw opens for a syllable, then the rest is just a matter of “computation.” Pam said BAT that fat cat at that mat

14 From Erickson et al. 2014 Jaw displacement for each syllable measured from occlusal plane


16 There once was a girl from De ca tur

17 There once was a girl from De ca tur

18 Syllable triangles, syllable centers, articulatory syllable durations, phrase boundaries, shadow angles Pam said BAT that fat cat at that mat

19 Crucial articulators & “icebergs” A syllable consists of a nucleus (vowel) and onset and coda elements. For the sentence Pam said bat that fat cat at that mat, the crucial articulators are lower lip (for p, m, b, f), tongue tip (for s, d, t, th)and tongue dorsum (for k). Fujimura (1986) observed that when one overlays the demisyllabic velocity time function of the crucial articulator, there is a point of smallest mean invariance. He referred to as the “iceberg” region, which is the average maximum velocity of all the repetitions of a single utterance type.

20 The iceberg point (Bonaventura 2003; Menezes 2003; Bonaventura & Fujimura 2007) is algorithmically determined at the minimum variance point of a number of trajectories of the same demisyllable. One approach is to find the point of the minimum root-mean-squarred-error in the horizontal direction after optimal time shifting of the trajectories to the reference trajectory (Fujimura 1986; 1994; Bonaventura & Fujimura 2007). Another approach is to choose the point of the minimum “iceberg metric” among multiple vertical movement bands of the crucial articulator (Menezes, 2003). The iceberg metric is proportional to the variance of articulatory speed and inversely proportional the mean of articulatory speed in the band.

21 However, these methods require a large number of trajectory samples to secure the reliability. An alternative approach for determining the smallest mean invariance is to use the maximum speed point of the crucial articulators for the onset or coda of each demisyllable (e.g., Erickson 2010, Erickson et al. 2014 &Erickson et al. submitted, Kim et al. 2014).

22 From Kim et al. 2014

23 In this way, the center of the syllable is calculated as the midpoint between the maximum speed of the crucial articulators; quotation marks indicate this is an alternative approach for determining the “iceberg” point.

24 From Kim et al. 2014

25 Syllable triangle construction

26 Pam said BAT that fat cat at that mat

27 So??? Test the model Invariance of articulatory excursion and speed of crucial articulators? Do “shadow angles” change as a function of emotion or contrastive emphasis? How do “consonants” work? How do IRF’s change as a function of emotion and contrastive emphasis? Articulatory phrase boundaries & perceived boundaries?

28 Invariance of articulatory excursion and speed of crucial articulators? R=0.48 R=0.04 R=0.89 R=0.59 R=0.80 R=0.87 R=0.84 R=0.95 bat that fat cat CV VC Red is emphasized

29 Do “shadow angles” change as a function of emotion or contrastive emphasis? Error plot bars for shadow angles Emotion (from Kim et al. 2014) Contrastive Emphasis (from Kim et al. in progress

30 How do “consonants” work? How do IRF’s change as a function of emotion and contrastive emphasis? Emotion affects amplification of IRFs & timing (Kim et al. 2014) Contrastive emphasis—still investigating. From Kim et al. 2014

31 Articulatory phrase boundaries & perceived boundaries? Perception tests using Rapid Prosodic Transcription (e.g., Cole et al., 2008). Tasks ( – 1. where do you hear a boundary? – 2. which words are prominent?

32 Boundary perception

33 Prominence perception

34 Articulatory phrase boundaries & perceived boundaries Articulatory Prominence Articulatory Boundaries A03 Perceptual Prominence r=0.60 (p<.001) r=0.36 (p<.001) Perceptual Boundaries r=0.43 (p<.001) r=0.28 (p<.001) A05 Perceptual Prominence r=0.68 (p<0.001) r=0.41 (p<0.001) Perceptual Boundaries r=0.18 (p<0.05) r=-0.18 n.s.

35 Summary 1. C/D model accounts for utterance prominence 2. C/D model accounts for phrase boundaries 3. more work is waiting to be done a. about shadow angles b. IRF’s c. etc. 4. see for more discussions about C/D

36 Acknowledgements Thanks to Osamu Fujimura and J.C. Williams, & my colleagues Jangwon Kim, Sungbok Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Caroline Menezes, Atsuo Suemitsu, Jeff Moore, Yoshiho Shibuya, & many others This work was supported by NSF IIS--‐1116076, NIHDC007124, and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants in aid for Scientific Research (C) #22520412 and (C) #2537044.

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