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Notes on Chapter 1, Section 1  Living Things have 4 Characteristics. They are: 1.Organized 2.Grow and Develop 3.Respond to the environment 4.Reproduce.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on Chapter 1, Section 1  Living Things have 4 Characteristics. They are: 1.Organized 2.Grow and Develop 3.Respond to the environment 4.Reproduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on Chapter 1, Section 1  Living Things have 4 Characteristics. They are: 1.Organized 2.Grow and Develop 3.Respond to the environment 4.Reproduce

2 Chapter 1, Section 1 Notes Cont.  All organisms need: 1.Energy 2.Materials 3.Living Space

3 Chapter 1, Section 1 Note Cont.  Organisms made of a single cell are called Unicellular.  Organisms made up of many cells are called Multicellular.

4 Chapter 1, Section 1 Notes Cont.  The microscope led to the discovery of cells.

5 Scientists Scientists linked with the invention of the Microscope. Scientists  Robert Hooke – He looked at cork under a microscope and came up with the name cells. Trivia: Robert Hooke’s microscope is on display at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, DC. Picture on pg. 12 in your book.

6  Anton van Leeuwenhoek – Did similar work. He saw unicellular organisms and called them “animalcules”.


8 Important! 1.To carry the microscope, put one hand on the arm and one hand on the base. 2.If you use the coarse adjustment knob with the 40X objective, you might break the slide. 3.When using the 40X objective, you should focus with the fine adjustment knob.

9 Cell Theory – A history Theory  Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow were the 3 scientist that came up with the cell theory.  A scientific theory is a widely accepted explanation of things observed in nature.

10 Cell Theory Cell Theory  All living things are composed of cells.  Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things.  New cells are produced from existing cells.

11 Question: What is the smallest unit that can perform the basic activities of life?  The cell!

12 How do Cells work?  Cells contain organelles.

13  An organelle is a small specialized structure that has a specific function in the cell. Many, but not all, are surrounded by membranes.



16 Cell Organelles Cell Membrane – A protective covering that encloses the entire cell, like skin. Cytoplasm – Gelatin-like material that fills the cell. Animal Cell

17 Cell Organelles Cell Wall – a tough outer covering, mainly found in plant cells. Nucleus – the control center of the cell. Ribosomes – tiny organelles that make proteins. Plant Cell

18 Cell Organelles Chloroplasts – organelle in plants that converts sunlight into sugar. Mitochondria – organelles that get energy from food. The “Power House” of the cell. Plant Cell Animal Cell

19 Cell Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum – makes parts of the cell membrane. Golgi Apparatus – makes and packages materials that the cell needs.

20 Cell Organelles Vacuoles – the “storage room” of the cell. It stores water, sugar, wastes and other materials for the cell. Plant Cell

21 Cell Organelles Lysosomes – contain chemicals that break down materials and old cell parts. Animal Cell

22 Cell #1 – Animal Cell Cell #2 – Plant Cell A.C ytoplasm B.C hloroplast C.N ucleus D.E ndoplasmic Reticulum E.R ibosomes F.G olgi Apparatus G. Vacuole H. Lysosome I.C ell Membrane J.M itochondria K.C ell Wall





27 Grading Homework  If the answer in the blank is incorrect, FIX IT (erase and write correct answer or, if it is in pen, cross out and write correct answer above or beside it.  If the answer is blank, write the correct answer in.  Take away 1 point for every blank that is incorrect or blank (no answer).

28 Read through Chapter 1 1.Organization, develop, grow, respond, environment, reproduce 2.Energy, Materials, Living Space 3.Microscope 4.Robert Hooke 5. Living things, one, cells, cells, functions, life, cells, living cells 6. Eukaryotic 7. Prokaryotic 8. Unicellular 9. Multicellular 10. Plants, Protists, Animals, Fungi

29 Read through Chapter 1 11. Bacteria, Archaea 12. Organelle 13. Cell Membrane 14. Cytoplasm 15. Nucleus 16. Golgi Apparatus 17. Vacuole 18. Lysosome 19. Mitochondrion 20. Chloroplast 21. Cell Wall 22. Ribosomes 23. Endoplasmic Reticulum Bonus 24 – triangle, circle, square (+1) 25 – special cell with specific job 26 – easier to study/look at

30 Grading Homework  Count up the “minus-1”s.  Subtract that number from 100.  Write the grade at the top of the paper and circle it.  90 – 100 A  80 – 89 B  70 – 79 C  60 – 69 D  Less than 60 F

31 1.Control center 2.Storage Room 3.“Power House” 4.Breaks down old cell parts 5.Gelatin-like material that fills cells 6.Tiny organelles that make proteins 7.Makes sugar from sunlight 8.Makes parts of the cell membrane 9.Tough outer covering of plant cells 10.Boundary of all cells, like skin 11.Packages materials for the cell A.Cell Membrane B.Cytoplasm C.Nucleus D.Lysosomes E.Endoplasmic Reticulum F.Ribosomes G.Vacuole H.Cell Wall I.Golgi Apparatus J.Mitochondrion K.Chloroplast Practice Quiz A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.



34 Chapter 1, Section 3 Notes  Prokaryotic Cells – simple cells made of only a cell membrane, cytoplasm and free floating genetic material. Example: bacteria

35 Plants and Animals have Eukaryotic Cells  Eukaryotic Cell – DNA is separated from the rest of the cytoplasm in a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have organelles.

36 Cells in multicellular organisms specialize.  All multicellular organisms begin life as a single fertilized egg cell. As cells divide, they specialize to perform specific jobs.  The more specialization there is, the more complex the organism is.

37 A multicellular organism is a community of cells.  Similar cells group together to form tissues.  Tissues act together to form organs.  Organs and tissues act together in organ systems.  And organ systems build an organism.





42 Cell Factory  Get out a sheet of paper.  List the following jobs you may find in a factory (from the next slide).  Compare each job to an organelle in the cell that does a similar job.

43 1.Shipping and Receiving 2.Factory Floor 3.CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 4.Custodians (Janitors) 5.Assembly Line 6.Assembly Line Workers 7.Warehouse 8.Support Structure 9.Packaging 10.Fuel-driven Power Plant 11.Solar Power Plant 1.Cell Membrane 2.Cytoplasm 3.Nucleus 4.Lysosomes 5.Endoplasmic Reticulum 6.Ribosomes 7.Vacuole 8.Cell Wall 9.Golgi Apparatus 10.Mitochondrion 11.Chloroplast Cell Factory

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