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Ocean waves, like all mechanical waves, carry energy through a medium

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1 Ocean waves, like all mechanical waves, carry energy through a medium
Chapter 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound Ocean waves, like all mechanical waves, carry energy through a medium

2 17.1 Mechanical Waves Key Concepts What causes mechanical waves?
What are the three main types of mechanical waves?

3 What Are Mechanical Waves?
A mechanical wave is a ____________ in matter that carries __________ from one place to another. Recall that energy is the ability to do _________ The material through which a wave moves is called a _________________ Solids, liquids, and gases can act as mediums disturbance energy work medium

4 In a wave pool, ________________ is the medium.
You can see the effects of a wave’s energy when the wave ____________ people in the water (work) water lifts

5 What Are Mechanical Waves?
A mechanical wave is created when some source of energy causes a ________________ to travel through a medium. A vibration is a repeating _________-and-__________ motion. When you shake a rope, you add energy at _______ end…the wave that results is a vibration that carries energy ______________ the rope vibration back forth one along

6 Types of Mechanical Waves
The three main types of mechanical waves are… ______________________ waves _______________________waves Mechanical waves are classified by the ________ ________________ through a medium. transverse longitudinal surface way they move

7 Types of Mechanical Waves
The highest point of the wave is the _____________. The lowest point of the wave is the ______________ A single point vibrates ______ and __________ between a crest and trough. crest trough up down Crest Rest position Direction of vibration Rest position Trough

8 Types of Mechanical Waves
A transverse wave causes the medium to vibrate in a direction __________________ or in a ______________ to the direction in which the wave travels. The wave carries energy from ______________, in a direction perpendicular to the _________________ motion of the wave. right angle perpendicular Direction of wave Crest left to right up and down

9 Types of Mechanical Waves
A good example of a transverse wave is shaking sand off of a beach blanket You shake the blanket ___________________ The transverse wave moves ______________ the blanket up and down along

10 Types of Mechanical Waves
Longitudinal Waves In a spring toy, the wave carries energy _____________the spring. An area where the particles in a medium are spaced close together is called a _______________________ medium are spread out is called a ________________________ along compression rarefaction

11 Types of Mechanical Waves
A compression starts to _______ along the spring. A rarefaction ______________the compression along the spring. move Push Compression Pull Direction of wave Rarefaction follows Compression Rest position

12 Types of Mechanical Waves
A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the vibration of the medium is _______________ to the direction the wave travels. parallel

13 Another type of longitudinal wave is called a ____ wave or ______________ wave
Caused by earthquakes Since P waves can travel through the earth, scientists use these waves to _______ Earth’s unseen interior P primary map

14 Types of Mechanical Waves
Surface Waves Ocean waves are the most familiar kind of ______________ waves. A surface wave is a wave that travels along a surface _______________ two media. surface between

15 Types of Mechanical Waves
Wave direction The ocean wave shown travels at the surface between __________ and ________ The floating fishing bobber helps to visualize the motion of the medium as the wave moves ________________________ air water energy from left to right

16 Types of Mechanical Waves
Wave direction When a crest passes the bobber, the bobber moves ________ When a trough passes the bobber, the bobber moves ___________ This up and down motion is similar to a _________________ wave up down transverse

17 Types of Mechanical Waves
Wave direction The surface wave also pushes the bobber ____________ and _____________ like a longitudinal wave When these two motions ________________ (up-down) and (back-forth) the bobber ends up moving in a _______________ back forth combine circle

18 Types of Mechanical Waves
Oceans waves behave differently near the shore because ______________ with the shore slows down the _____________ of the wave friction bottom

19 A mechanical wave carries energy from one place to another through the
Assessment Questions A mechanical wave carries energy from one place to another through the physical transfer of matter. interaction of electromagnetic fields. phase changes of a medium. vibration of a medium.

20 Assessment Questions In what type of wave is the vibration of the medium only parallel to the direction in which the wave travels? transverse wave longitudinal wave surface wave rarefaction

21 Assessment Questions 3. As a surface wave travels across water, molecules of water move in a circular pattern. True False

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