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2014/2015 Session JS2 BUSINESS STUDIES. PARTS OF THE TYPEWRITER Parts of Typewriter refers to different components units that make up the typewriter.

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1 2014/2015 Session JS2 BUSINESS STUDIES

2 PARTS OF THE TYPEWRITER Parts of Typewriter refers to different components units that make up the typewriter. These parts include but not limited to the following CARRIAGE: This is the movable part of the typewriter that carries the paper. CARRIAGE RELEASE LEVER/KEY: They allow the carriage move freely sideways when depressed. CARRIAGE RETURN LEVER: This is used for turning up the paper as well as returning the carriage to the right in order to start a new typing line.

3 CYLINDER/PLATEN: It is a large mechanism around which paper is rolled. CYLINDER/PLATEN KNOBS: They are used for turning paper into and out of the typewriter. PAPER GUIDE: Used to just the edge of the typing paper. PAER BAIL: It holds the paper against the platen or cylinder. PAPER SCALE: It is like a ruler with marked lines to indicate the length of each line of typing.

4 TABULATOR: It is otherwise called tabulator bar, used to move the carriage freely to the preset points when depressed. It is equally used for typing columns. SPACE BAR : Used for creating space between characters or words. MARGIN STOP/SETS: The two are used to fix the points at which the lines begin on the left and end at the right. MARGIN RELEASE KEY


6 CARE OF TYPEWRITER Always cover the machine when not in use Always use backing sheet when typing Clean the face of the typewriter daily with methylated spirit. Service a constantly used typewriter every four months by a skilled machine. Lock the carriage by bringing the left and right margin keys at the centre. Carry the typewriter at the base with both hands. Avoid moving the typewriter from table to table.

7 Materials Used For typing the Typewriter Soft brush Duster or a clean piece of cloth Typewriter oil Methylated spirit

8 Difference Between A Computer and A Typewriter Computer Processes data Ensures accuracy of information Gives fast access to information Provides efficient storages Typewriter Does not process data Does not ensure accuracy of information Does not give access to information Provides no storages

9 ASSIGNMENT Explain the uses of following parts of typewriter. – LINE SPACE REGULATOR/SELECTOR – TYPE BASKET – SHIFT KEYS

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