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LBJ Notes. Tet Offensive 1968 One of the largest offensives in VN war North (Viet Cong) uses surprise attacks against the south US and South Vietnamese.

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Presentation on theme: "LBJ Notes. Tet Offensive 1968 One of the largest offensives in VN war North (Viet Cong) uses surprise attacks against the south US and South Vietnamese."— Presentation transcript:

1 LBJ Notes

2 Tet Offensive 1968 One of the largest offensives in VN war North (Viet Cong) uses surprise attacks against the south US and South Vietnamese tactical victory North Vietnamese propaganda, political, and strategic victory. Turning point of the war, due largely to U.S. public opinion. history/videos/tet-offensive-surprises-americans history/videos/tet-offensive-surprises-americans

3 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1964 LBJ asks congress for more ground troops and any measure he deems “necessary” NOT a formal declaration of war Rapid escalation of US involvement in VN sG-SQ sG-SQ

4 My Lai 3/16/68 American troops responsible for massacre that killed over 500 civilians including women and children (and the elderly) Only court-marshal was Lt. James Calley – “following orders” 4lBg 4lBg

5 Civil Rights Act 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin history/civil-rights-act/videos/civil-rights-act- of-1964

6 Medicare / Great Society GS - set of domestic programs whose main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. MC – Health insurance for elderly Americans odc8 odc8 history/johnson-signs-medicare-into-law history/johnson-signs-medicare-into-law

7 Silent Spring Book written by Rachel Carson (actually in 62’) about the environmental impact of pesticides Leads to the banning of DDT and an increasing concern over man made environmental destruction 6IvMQI 6IvMQI

8 Agent Orange/ Napalm Defoliants used during Vietnam – “Search and Destroy” Victims (including US soldiers) exposed to these chemicals – Health, environmental, and societal effects:

9 Surgeon General’s Warning 1964 cigarette-package-warnings/

10 Assassinations MLK – 4/4/68 – Memphis motel; standing on balcony MX – 2/21/65 – NYC; giving speech at Audubon Ballroom RFK – 6/6/68 – Los Angeles, CA; after democratic convention

11 24 th and 25 th Amendment 24 th – no poll taxes 25 th – presidential succession See Youtube

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