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CHAPTER 5 Data and Knowledge Management. Announcements Today Chapter 5 – Data and Knowledge Mgmt Tuesday Access Tutorial Project 1 Questions/comments.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 5 Data and Knowledge Management. Announcements Today Chapter 5 – Data and Knowledge Mgmt Tuesday Access Tutorial Project 1 Questions/comments."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 5 Data and Knowledge Management

2 Announcements Today Chapter 5 – Data and Knowledge Mgmt Tuesday Access Tutorial Project 1 Questions/comments

3 Digital Universe Doubling in size every 2 years Source:

4 Annual Flood of Data from….. Credit card swipes E-mails Digital video Online TV RFID tags Blogs Digital video surveillance Radiology scans Source: Media Bakery Industrial Revolution of Data => “Big Data”

5 Annual Flood of New Data! In the zettabyte range 1 zettabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes © Fanatic Studio/Age Fotostock America, Inc. “ Big Data” is getting bigger Solutions to manage it

6 Big Data Diverse, high-volume, high-velocity information assets that require new forms of processing o enable enhanced decision making. Examples of Big Data Managing Big Data

7 Difficulties in Managing Data Source: Media Bakery

8 Solution: Governance Data Governance Implementation Strategy: Master Data Management => Set of Rules

9 Master Data Management: Types of Data John Stevens registers for Introduction to Management Information Systems (ISMN 3140) from 10 AM until 11 AM on Mondays and Wednesdays in Room 41 Smith Hall, taught by Professor Rainer. Transaction Data Master Data

10 The Database Approach Database management system (DBMS) Minimize the following problems: Maximize the following: 1.Data redundancy 2.Data isolation 3.Data inconsistency 1.Data security 2.Data integrity 3.Data independence

11 Database Management Systems

12 How is data organized in a DB: Data Hierarchy Field Record File (or table) Database Is a grouping of

13 Data Hierarchy (continued) Example: Field Record

14 Data Hierarchy (continued) Example: Field Record

15 Designing the Database: Data Model Entity Instance Attribute Primary key Secondary keys Student Student ID (pk) Student Name Student Address Student Major Student 850000000 (pk) John Doe 123 Anywhere St. MIS Entity Instance Primary Secondary

16 Data Model Technique: Entity-Relationship Modeling Database designers plan the database design in a process called entity-relationship (ER) modeling/diagrams. ER diagrams consists of: 1) 2) 3)

17 Entity-relationship diagram model

18 Relationships Between Entities

19 Entity-relationship diagram model

20 Entity-relationship diagram: Exercise Create a simple ER Diagram for a hospital.

21 Database Management Systems Database management system (DBMS) Focus of this course: Relational database model Related Tables (PK Important) Data dictionary How do you request data? Structured Query Language (SQL) - keywords Query by Example (QBE) – forms/templates Microsoft Access

22 Student Database Example

23 Relational DB Effectiveness: Normalization Normalization (most streamlined DB)

24 Non-Normalized Database

25 Normalizing the Database (part A)

26 Normalizing the Database (part B)

27 Normalization Produces Order

28 Beyond Databases: Data Warehousing Data warehouses and Data Marts Organized by business dimension or subject Multidimensional Historical Use online analytical processing

29 Data Warehouse Framework & Views Source Systems Data Integration Data Storage Users

30 Benefits of Data Warehousing

31 Knowledge Management (KM) Knowledge aka. Intellectual Capital Knowledge management systems (KMSs) Goal: Systematize, enhance and expedite Examples © Peter Eggermann/Age Fotostock America, Inc.

32 Challenges to Capturing Knowledge © Ina Penning/Age Fotostock America, Inc.

33 Knowledge Management System Cycle

34 DB Impacting our lives Facebook

35 DB Impacting our lives NSA Utah Data Center internet searches (ie; here's a collection of searches by Federal Government workers)collection of searches by Federal Government workers websites visited emails sent and received social media activity (Facebook, Twitter, etc) blogging activity including posts read, written, and commented on - View our patentView our patent videos watched and/or uploaded online photos viewed and/or uploaded online mobile phone GPS-location data mobile phone apps downloaded phone call records - View our patentView our patent text messages sent and received Skype video calls

36 DB Impacting our lives online purchases and auction transactions credit card/ debit card transactions financial information legal documents travel documents health records cable television shows watched and recorded commuter toll records electronic bus and subway passes / Smartpasses facial recognition data from surveillance cameras educational records arrest records driver license information NSA Utah Data Center

37 Data and Knowledge Management: Application to other majors Accounting Marketing Finance Operations Management

38 DB Exercise Create the entities you would need for a student registration system. Draw out how the tables may look and how they are related.

39 Next Class… Access Tutorial (bring yellow casebook) Bring your flash drive You will need to save your files either to a flash drive or your Timmy account

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