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159.20 Abatement Notification TO REVISE OR CANCEL A PROJECT:  Using a copy of the original notification: Check “cancellation” or “revision” and enter.

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3 159.20 Abatement Notification TO REVISE OR CANCEL A PROJECT:  Using a copy of the original notification: Check “cancellation” or “revision” and enter the number of the revision. Circle or highlight all revised information.  Submit as soon as possible.  A notification is considered expired once cancelled or the abatement activity end date has passed. A notification may be revised after it expires only if the project fails air clearance and re-cleaning is necessary. “Re-cleaning” must be clearly stated on the revised notification form.  If an expired abatement activity is rescheduled, a new notification and fee is required.

4 159.20 Abatement Notification  SUBMITTAL METHODS: Fax Email Personal delivery Delivery service Another method if approved by the department U.S. postal service (if postmarked at least 4 working days before the project start date. )  Revisions and cancellations may be submitted by fax, email, personal delivery, or another method approved by DHS.

5 159.20 Abatement Notification PAYMENT METHODS: If submitted by fax or email: VISA or MasterCard credit or debit card* If submitted by personal delivery, delivery service, or U.S. postal service: Check, Money Order, VISA or MasterCard credit or debit. Payment exemption: Schools doing their own abatement. * Credit card payment form may be found and printed from

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