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Chapter 5 Communication and Prevention Materials.

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1 Chapter 5 Communication and Prevention Materials

2 Creating The Right Materials Identify the target audience Be specific Tailor materials to specific groups ______________ audience- audience which includes those that the prevention program is designed to affect directly. ______________ audience- includes those who help reach or influence the primary audience. Define the problem Make efforts to clearly define the problem at hand Ask important questions What are the substance abuse problems and issues confronting the community? What is the extent of the problem? Who and how many are affected by the problem? What behaviors cause the most problems?

3 Creating The Right Materials Research the problem Review existing sources of information Local Libraries Health Departments Treatment Programs Clinics and hospitals _____________________________________ School Records State agencies for ATODs ______________________________________ National Agencies (NIDA) (SAMHSA)

4 Creating The Right Materials Gathering Data Audience interviews ___________________________________ Surveys Focus groups Define the audience The more specific the segment of the community targeted, the more successfully the target audience can be reached Consider factors like: Age Gender ___________________ Education level Occupation ________________ Language Health status More on page 119.

5 Creating The Right Materials Develop an audience profile Segment the target audience ____________________________________________ Prioritize potential target audiences Which audience is large enough to be a substantial target? Which audience is a priority in terms the programs missions? Which audience is a priority for the funding sources? Which audience is not currently being targeted by others? Consider contributing factors ________________________________________ Meet with members of the audience and get feedback about materials.


7 6 stages of the Health Communication Process 1.Planning and strategy selection 2.Selecting messages, materials, and channels 3._________________________ 4.Pre testing, implementation 5._________________________ 6.Feedback to refine the program Be aware of cultural considerations and unique population issues. Take time to investigate and research a community before implementing programs

8 Insights from the Hispanic/ Latino Community Lessons learned: Avoid stereotypes Promote respect for elders and promote interest in disappearing traditions _____________________________________________ Facilitate sharing and discussions of experience Build on strengths of the Hispanic/Latino community Promote importance of extended kinship both related or non related ____________________________________________ Support general civic values, but also promote ethnic cultural pride Praise and use role models

9 Insights from the Hispanic/ Latino Community All English, All Spanish, or Bilingual? Your thoughts? Write in both English and Spanish for bilingual materials. Don’t rely on translations of the English text Consider providing both English and Spanish on one document Look to alternatives to print materials _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Research is incredibly important as language levels may fluctuate from population to population.

10 Insights from the Hispanic/ Latino Community Getting the Message Out Choose the appropriate channels to get messages out to the audience Identify leaders and gatekeepers and have them speak to the community Be creative in using local leaders Consider the use of churches, hospitals, and other organizations Use ________________________________ DVDS Television Radio Talk Shows

11 Readability Make documents brief and clear Use good visuals Keep technical Jargon to a minimum Explore symbols and culturally appropriate icons Use simple familiar language Make sure materials are readable Consider literacy levels Use readability formulas such as Smog Formula or Gunning’s Fog Index Online tools as well For the general public writing at a 6 th grade level is usually safe

12 More Tips on Writing Use the active voice “Most fourth graders don’t try wine coolers” works better than “Wine coolers are not tried by most fourth graders” Put your message in the subheadings Readers often only scan headings Vary sentence length, but keep most sentences fairly short (_______________words) Summarize frequently and repeat your main points to enhance comprehension. Use no more than ______ items on a list.

13 Tips on Graphics Emphasize important points without detracting from their readability. Use underlining or bold rather than ________________________________________ Help readers by using large, easily readable type Present information in an inviting format. Don’t let graphic element dilute the impact of your message. Show pictures of only what you want your readers to do

14 Mixed Messages Group Work Examine mixed messages noted on pages 134-138 Break into small groups Write both a mixed message and a clear message for each of the following issues: Illegal Drugs Alcoholic beverages ATOD use Role Models Effects About/ To Users Responsibility and Choice

15 Be mindful of…. Accuracy Scientific Data Cultural or Ethnic Biases Professionalism Can you think of other issues?

16 Media Relations Frame preventions issues in ways that compel media coverage An angle or hook Stay up to date Be creative Opportunistic exploration _________________________ Identify Media _________________ for Your Organization Develop and maintain media lists Tv Radio Print Web/ Blog

17 PSA’s Public Service Announcement d d ted ted

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