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VECTORS Computer Graphics. A REVIEW OF VECTORS:  Scalar Quantity  Vector Quantity  2D vectors  Graphical Representation of Vectors  Magnitude of.

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Presentation on theme: "VECTORS Computer Graphics. A REVIEW OF VECTORS:  Scalar Quantity  Vector Quantity  2D vectors  Graphical Representation of Vectors  Magnitude of."— Presentation transcript:

1 VECTORS Computer Graphics

2 A REVIEW OF VECTORS:  Scalar Quantity  Vector Quantity  2D vectors  Graphical Representation of Vectors  Magnitude of a vector  Direction of a Vector

3 3D VECTORS  A vector in 3D have three Components along x, y and Z axis. Its magnitude and Direction can be measured Using Pythagorean theorem For 3D.

4 3D VECTORS  Calculation of magnitude of a vector.

5 VECTOR MANIPULATION  As vectors are different to scalars, there are rules to control how the two mathematical entities interact with one another.  We need to consider vector addition, subtraction and products, and how a vector is scaled.

6 SCALING A VECTOR  Given a vector n, 2 n means that the vector’s components are scaled by a factor of 2.  For example,  Similarly, if we divide Vector n by 2 then all of Its components have halved

7 VECTOR ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION  For vectors r and s, the Addition and subtraction of Is done as; a + b= b + a a - b ≠ b - a

8 VECTOR ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION The tail of vector s is attached to the head of vector r. The resultant vector t = r + s is defined by  adding the corresponding components of r and s together. In subtraction, the components of vector s are reversed to produce an equal and opposite vector


10 EXAMPLE: ADDITION OF VECTORS  The most common way is to break up a vector into x and y pieces, like this:  The vector a is broken up into the two vectors a x and a y

11 EXAMPLE: ADDITION OF VECTORS  And here is how to add two vectors after breaking them into x and y parts:  The vector (8,13) and the vector (26,7) add up to the vector (34,20)

12 EXAMPLE: ADD THE VECTORS A = (8,13) AND B = (26,7)

13 UNIT VECTOR  A unit vector has a magnitude of 1. i= [1 0 0] where |i|= 1  in computer graphics software, vectors are used to control the orientation of surfaces, light sources and the virtual camera  Unit vectors reduce the computation time in computer graphics software.

14 CONVERSION OF A VECTOR INTO UNIT VECTOR: NORMALIZING  Normalizing is achieved by dividing the components of a vector by its magnitude. For a vector r,  when r = [ x y z ] and magnitude of r is  Then, unit vector of r can be  calculated as

15 NORMALIZING EXAMPLE:  r = [1 2 3]  | r | = √ 1^2+ 2^2 +3^2 = √14  ˆ r = 1 [1 2 3] ≈ [0.267 0.535 0.802]  √ 14

16 MULTIPLICATION OF VECTORS  These are vectors:  They can be multiplied using the "Dot Product" “Cross Product”

17 DOT PRODUCT (SCALAR PRODECT)  a · b = |a| × |b| × cos(θ) OR  a · b = a x × b x + a y × b y Where:  |a| is the magnitude (length) of vector a  |b| is the magnitude (length) of vector b  θ is the angle between a and b  So we multiply the length of a times the length of b, then multiply by the cosine of the angle between a and b

18 EXAMPLE: CALCULATE THE DOT PRODUCT  r= [2 -1 3]  s= [3 7 5]

19 SCALAR PRODUCT IN LIGHTING CALCULATIONS Lambert’s law states that the intensity of illumination on a diffuse surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle between the surface normal vector and the lightsource direction.

20 SCALAR PRODUCT IN LIGHTING CALCULATIONS  Figure shows a scenario where a light source is located at (20, 20, 40), and the illuminated point is (0, 10, 0). In this situation, incident light intensity on surface can be calculated by multiplying cosβ with the light source intensity. To begin with, we are given the normal vector ˆn to the surface. In this case ˆn is a unit vector: i.e. | ˆn| = 1:

21 SCALAR PRODUCT IN LIGHTING CALCULATIONS Unit vector n = [0 1 0] The direction of the light source from the surface is defined by the vector s :

22 SCALAR PRODUCT IN BACK-FACE DETECTION The angle between the surface normal and the camera’s line of sight determines the polygon’s visibility

23 SCALAR PRODUCT IN BACK-FACE DETECTION  The virtual camera is located at (0, 0, 0) and the polygon’s vertex is (10, 10, 40). The normal vector is  n = [5 5 −2].

24 SCALAR PRODUCT IN BACK-FACE DETECTION angle greater than 90 shows that the polygon is invisible for the camera.

25 CROSS PRODUCT (VECTOR PRODUCT)  The Cross Product a × b of two vectors is another vector that is at right angles to both. And it all happens in 3 dimensions!

26 CROSS PRODUCT (VECTOR PRODUCT)  a × b = |a| |b| sin(θ) n  |a | is the magnitude (length) of vector a  |b | is the magnitude (length) of vector b  θ is the angle between a and b  n is the unit vector at right angles to both a and b

27 FIND THE ANGLE BETWEEN VECTORS  r= [2 0 3]  s= [2 4 5]

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