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Parallel Lines and Transversals

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1 Parallel Lines and Transversals
Geometry Chapter 3, Section 3

2 Angles and Parallel Lines Activity
Using a ruler, trace over two of the parallel lines on your index card that are near the middle of the card and about an inch apart. Draw a transversal that makes clearly acute and clearly obtuse angles near the center of the card Label the angles with numbers from 1 to 8 Sketch the parallel lines, transversal, and number labels in your notes. We will use this to record observations.

3 Angles and Parallel Lines Activity
Cut the index card carefully along the lines you first drew to make six pieces. Try stacking different numbered angles onto each other and see what you observe. Try placing different numbered angles next to each other and see what you Observe Mark your observations on the sketch in your notes

4 Angles and Parallel Lines Activity
Answer the following questions How many different sizes of angles where formed? 2 What special relationships exist between the angles Congruent and supplementary Indicate the two different sizes of angles in your sketch.

5 Angles and Parallel Lines Activity
How can we use the vocabulary learned yesterday, to describe these relationships? IF parallel lines are cut by a transversal, THEN corresponding angles are congruent (Postulate in Text) alternate interior angles are congruent (Theorem in Text) alternate exterior angles are congruent (Theorem in Text) Consecutive Interior angles are Supplementary (Theorem in Text)

6 Perpendicular Transversal
In your notes, trace over two of the parallel lines about one inch apart. Using a protractor, draw a line perpendicular to one of the parallel lines. Extend this perpendicular so that it crosses the other parallel line. Based on your observations in the previous exercise, what should be true about the new angles formed? Verify this with your protractor. If a line is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines, then it is perpendicular to the other. (Theorem in Text)

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