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The Rusk County Clerk's Office WELCOMES YOU for….

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Presentation on theme: "The Rusk County Clerk's Office WELCOMES YOU for…."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rusk County Clerk's Office WELCOMES YOU for….
Election Training July 31, 2014

2 Welcome - New Office Member Chief Deputy - Danielle Zimmer

3 Star Awards for April’s Spring Election

4 The Election Administration Manual Order Form. http://gab. wi
The Election Administration Manual Order Form /education- training/manuals and webinar order forms EXTRA HANDOUT

5 Tonight’s Agenda Voter Photo ID
Type E Notice – Voting by Absentee Ballot Poll Workers Chief Inspector – Duties Election Observers Voter Registrations-GAB 131 Ballots Tally Sheets GAB 190F or GAB 190NF & GAB 191 – GAB 192

6 Voter Photo ID – Not Required
Court ordered a permanent injunction against implementation of photo ID requirement. Election officials must refrain from implementing. Driver’s license is only needed if voter is using for proof of residency – voter registration !

7 Type E Notice – Voting by Absentee Ballot

8 Absentee Voting - Requests, Deadlines and Available Hours
Requests – Must be in writing is considered a written request Deadlines: Application by MAIL: Last day is the 5th day before election – Thursday, August 7th In person absentee voting: 1st day in clerk’s office – Monday, July 28th Last day in clerk’s office – 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 8th Availability: Contact clerk to make an appointment between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Weekends, holidays, or outside of appointment hours are prohibited! You must be available or have someone else be available on Friday, August 8th till 5:00 p.m. * Voters must have someway to contact you by appointment: Answering machine, voice mail, etc…. * You must be available or have someone else be available on that Friday, August 8th until 5:00 p.m. for: Indefinitely confined voter, a voter requesting ballots for a calendar year or certain military voters!

9 Poll Workers – Residency, and Party Representation
Must be an elector from the county. Must have at least 3 poll workers on duty. If political parties do not submit a list of nominees for poll workers - poll workers within the municipality shall have priority to work. Political party lists must be submitted by Nov. 30th of odd number years! List has to be signed by Party Chairperson The person who submits the list must certify on the list that they contacted each nominee, and each nominee agreed to serve as a poll worker No political party lists received means: All poll workers are unaffiliated!!!!! *General Poll Worker – Must be an elector from the County – No longer just from the municipality * If political list was received: Work required by 2 poll workers would have to have one person from each party performing function!

10 Chief Inspector – Duties
Must be an elector within the municipality Makes sure all election supplies are available. Makes sure polling place is set up is correct. In charge on Election Day! Supervise and monitor all activities at poll site Makes sure election equipment seals are correct and record and initial on Inspector’s Statement Do not pre-initial post-election check! Run “Zero” report and make sure voting machine is ready to vote at 7:00 a.m. Announces polls are open at 7:00 a.m. Completes certifications and records all incidents at polls on Inspector’s Statement. If there are no incidents you still need to complete form with “NONE” and sign Announce polls are closed at 8:00 p.m. Confirm seals are correct and initial Inspector’s Statement Run final election results tapes & sign with 2 poll workers. Also checks the election materials lists for supplies. (Municipal Clerk should check asap after picking up supplies from County) Polling place set up: Traffic flow, ballot privacy, flag, signs, observer area, tables, election postings, Election Day manual and voting machine manual are ready to reference!!! Seal Initial: Post-election initials are a security check – Do no pre-initial this area!! Notify municipal clerk immediately if seals are incorrect Announce polls are open OUT LOUD! Incidents: HINT: If it’s passed to you to resolve it’s not typical and should be logged on incident report! Polls Closed: Announce out loud at 8:00 p.m. Election results tape: Only need two: One attach to Democratic party tally sheet to turn into County – Keep one for municipality

11 Chief Inspector – Duties Continued
Tally votes and write-ins (Done by at least two people). Make sure ballot count and voter count are correct. If correct: Complete election call in sheets with vote totals. Double check vote totals for accuracy. Make sure totals get called into County Clerk. If not correct: Review vote totals and poll books before conducting draw down procedures. Complete and review any remaining paperwork for accuracy. Review other paperwork completed by poll workers for accuracy. Secure ballots in ballot container Bags are easier to complete and sign before they are filled! Make sure all election materials are in correct location/envelopes/bags/etc. for proper disbursement. Make sure polling location is cleaned up. Make sure all election materials are given to municipal clerk.

12 Chief Inspector - double check list when received!
Municipal Clerks should ALWAYS review election materials check list with election materials to make sure everything is there before passing this along to your Chief Inspector! Chief Inspector - double check list when received! ALWAYS double check the materials list ASAP after picking up your election supplies! *Highlighted items are: new, important or updated changes

13 New Ballot Bag Certification
EXTRA HANDOUT Only signed by two: REMEMBER: If no political party list is submitted by Nov. of odd year – All poll workers are unaffiliated!

14 Photo ID required for observers.
Election Observers Designate areas One area must be between 3 and 8 feet of table where electors state their name and address One area must be between 3 to 8 feet of registration table Any deviation from this must be noted on Inspector Statement and Clerk must notify GAB of any deviation within 7 days of election. Photo ID required for observers. Chief Inspector must verify signed name matches photo ID Number of observers must be based on physical space limitations.

15 Election Observers Continued
Observers must print their name, sign and date log. Chief Inspector must verify signed name matches photo ID EXTRA HANDOUT Observer log has to be kept undercover until after polls close: This is due to possible harassment should the list be made public on Election Day LOG IS NOT A PUBLIC RECORD UNTIL AFTER POLLS CLOSE!

16 Election Observers Continued
Removal of any observer must be documented and submitted to GAB within 7 days of the election by the municipal clerk. Observer Rules-at-a- Glance Brochure EXTRA HANDOUT: Two brochures and one documentation form provided for each municipality (Green color)

17 Voter Registrations – GAB 131
Use most current form 2014/5 All electors must provide drivers license or WI DOT issued ID (REQUIRED if current and Valid!) Military or permanent overseas elector-fill in circle. (Under current address) Excluded from proof of residency requirement. Previous address – Remember this is still REQUIRED! There should be some part of their former address here! EXTRA HANDOUT GAB 131 Current form - Updated May Date is at bottom of form Permanent overseas are only if there is no intent to return to the USA! Previous address- All voter registrations NEED to have this! It is still required: They should know some part of address listed.

18 Voter Registrations – GAB 131 Cont.
Acceptable proof of residency documents must include voters: Name and Current Address Electors must provide proof of residency to register to vote. May use driver’s license or WI DOT issued ID if it has current address! Poll worker must record proof of residency TYPE: Examples: Utility Bill, Tax Bill, Bank Statement, etc. ISSUING ENTITY: Examples: Xcel, Rusk County, Wells Fargo, etc. PROOF OF RESIDENCY # Full # contains more than 6 digits – Use last 4 numbers Full # contains less than 6 digits – Use last 2 numbers Electronic devices may be used to provide proof of residency! Reveiw listing of proof of residency documents Do not record any more identifying numbers than required!! Other numbers will be redacted! Type, Issuing Entity and Residency number gets recorded in SVRS!

19 Voter Registration Applications are not complete unless: 1) Proof or residency has been provided! AND 2) Required information is recorded on application! *********** All new voters and voters with name or address change must fill out a new GAB-131and submit proof of residency. Voter registrations that are not completed can not be entered into SVRS. New electors that do not provide proof of residency are not registered and NOT able to vote. * NOTE: Elector can no longer have corroborating witness for residency requirement!

20 Election officials must sign voter registration application
* Election officials must sign voter registration application * Date completed is when proof of residency was provided. * Election official must record: * Ward number if more then one ward in municipality * School District number or name * County Supervisor District number if more than one in municipality. * (City of Ladysmith) Alder number * All county wide categories do not need to be completed. Remember to fill this out. It is at the bottom of the voter registration application.

21 Ballots – Paper Should NOT have Coroner race for County under Constitution Party! Cross off with an X EXTRA HANDOUT Cross Coroner race off on the Constitution Party ballot-BEFORE giving paper ballot to elector!

22 Ballots - Paper Ballots are 4 pages 1) Instruction page! Vote only on the party ballot selected! If more than ONE party ballot has votes NO votes will be counted!! Democratic Party Republican Party Constitution Party

23 Ballots – Paper Cont. ** The back of
all three ballots must be initialed by poll workers!!

24 Discard box for all other ballots not used and voting instruction page
Ballots – Paper Cont. Ballot box for Voted Ballots Discard box for all other ballots not used and voting instruction page Only two ballot boxes are used. One for voted ballots the other for discarded ballots!

25 Counting votes and Write-in votes
Voter Intent: If a voter has overvoted in a particular office on the ballot. The ballot should be treated as an overvote for THAT OFFICE ONLY! Record on Inspector Statement that a vote was not counted for that office because of an overvote. EXTRA HANDOUT This is still used but if there is a write in follow the new guideline sheet: Next slide.

26 Counting votes and Write-in votes Cont.
Generally election officials will count write-in votes ONLY if there is NO candidate certified to appear on the ballot. If there are certified candidates, only count write-ins for registered write-in candidates. Count all write-in votes if a certified candidate dies or withdraws before the election (death is the only withdraw process that exists) EXTRA HANDOUT In most cases there is no more having to count the Daffy Ducks or other off names like this. Daffy Duck

27 Need to know voting machine know how!
Deactivating Ballot & Starting Vote Process Over: 1) Deselect all ballot choices 2) Press yellow activation button until it beeps “Cancel Activation” will appear on the screen 3) Touch screen to return to the choice of ballot style screen. Reminder: Just in case someone picks the wrong party and wants to change to the other party. Remember: Place electrical cord in printer bag if storing at the courthouse!

28 Tally Sheets Hashtag for paper count only.

29 There are 3 tally sheets – one for each party!
All tally sheets must be completed! Only 2 machine total tapes need to be printed. Attach 1 machine total tape to top tally sheet (Democratic Party) to return to the County. Attach 1 machine total tape to top tally sheet (Democratic Party) to keep for municipality.

30 Returning Election Materials
Make sure paperwork is completed Make sure paperwork is in correct envelopes. Make sure paper ballots and machine voting tape (on take up roll) is in sealed ballot bag. Return all unused materials

31 GAB 190F & 190NF Statistic Reports
GAB 190NF (Non-Federal) Elections NOT USED this Election GAB191F (Federal) Elections Only Difference: 191F tracks Permanent Overseas Voters Registrants: Generally the number printed on top page of poll book Late Registrants: Voters during late registration period. 5:00 p.m. on the 20th day before the election. (July 23rd) until Election Day. Number on top page of poll book MINUS the ones printed on the supplemental list at back of poll book or on your written list BEFORE Election Day. EXAMPLE: Village of Bruce faxed VR on 7/29 before poll books printed. Name shows up on back page of poll book on printed supplemental list. This page is before the additional supplemental pages that were added to the poll book by the clerk’s office. Front page of poll book shows 398 – 1 = 397 registrants and 1 late registrant. Handed out correct sheet for this election – Pink (GAB-191F)

32 GAB 190F & 190NF Continued Deadline: 30 days after election –Sept 11th
These should be turned in with all other election material after the election UNLESS you have outstanding absentee ballots out. County enters all GAB 190 information into state system. Why information is collected: To improve the election data collection process in order to better meet WI and Federal statutory reporting requirements: Also provides additional opportunity to compare data to what has been recorded In SVRS, allowing clerks to reconcile voter data.

33 Statewide Election Data Reporting

34 GAB 191- Election Specific
County – Municipality (County will provide dollar amount UNLESS it’s for your own municipality races then you must provide this dollar amount and county will add cost to your total) Municipality: You must provide this dollar amount! Deadline: 60 days after election –Oct 11th EXTRA HANDOUT County – Municipality = Totals will come from both when there are municipal races. If not, county will provide $ amount. Municipality = Total amount comes just from municipality and must provide $ amount to county to enter into state system. Deadline: Oct 11th but get in as soon after the election as you can so you don’t forget about it!

35 GAB 192- Annual Cost Keep track of costs throughout year.
Any cost that can be used for all elections and not just specific. Follow category examples on sheet. Example: You get a roll of paper for machine before this election cost is used under GAB 192 annual NOT GAB 191 specific. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2015 EXTRA HANDOUT

36 GAB 191 & 192 EXTRA HANDOUT

37 Additional Trainings EXTRA HANDOUT: Also listed on the GAB website.

38 Additional Trainings Webinars
EXTRA HANDOUT: Also listed on GAB website

39 Additional Information
Poll books New Election Night call in sheets – Purple Sheets New GAB 191F (Federal) Statistic Report – Pink Sheet Notices: To post in polling booths: Partisan Primary – Bright Pink Partisan Primary – Bright Pink Over-voting – Bright Yellow (reusable for any election) To post in polling locations Contact information – White (insert phone number of municipal clerk) Qualified to Vote – White Crossover voting – Yellow – legal size paper New ballot bag label – Long white peel label Observer order to leave polling place form – Green Observer log Handout: Observer brochure – Green folded GAB 190F, 190NF, and GAB Completing Report Training Schedule / Webinar Schedule Items distributed to municipal clerk.


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