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Dr. Thomas J. Montville1 LIPIDS. Dr. Thomas J. Montville2 Our plan for the day… Good things about “fat” Bad things about “fat” Lipid Chemistry (ugh) Carbon.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Thomas J. Montville1 LIPIDS. Dr. Thomas J. Montville2 Our plan for the day… Good things about “fat” Bad things about “fat” Lipid Chemistry (ugh) Carbon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Thomas J. Montville1 LIPIDS

2 Dr. Thomas J. Montville2 Our plan for the day… Good things about “fat” Bad things about “fat” Lipid Chemistry (ugh) Carbon chains can be saturated or unsaturated, cis or trans Problems with saturated and trans fatty acids

3 Dr. Thomas J. Montville3 Good Things About Fats Concentrated energy source Stores energy for long term use (fat cells) Flavor carrier Heat Transfer - frying Imparts texture – plasticity, flakiness Mouthfeel – creamy, smooth

4 Dr. Thomas J. Montville4 More good things about fat Essential fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic) Phase transition (solid ↔ liquid) Carries fat soluble (A,D,E,K) vitamins Satiety- gastric inhibitory protein Major component of membranes

5 Dr. Thomas J. Montville5 Bad Things About Fat Makes you fat! Heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer Unsaturated fats are reactive free radicals

6 Dr. Thomas J. Montville6 Stop and discuss carbon chemistry

7 Dr. Thomas J. Montville7 Fat Structure Fatty acids are either saturated, monounsaturated (contain one C=C double bond) or polyunsaturated (contain two or more C=C double bonds) Saturated fatty acids stack closely and are more solid. Unsaturated fatty acids are more fluid. “Hydrogenating” unsaturated fatty acids makes them more rigid.

8 Dr. Thomas J. Montville8 Fat Structure 3. Polyunsaturated Fat - Primarily plant sources: vegetable oils (corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower, canola, etc.), margarine (most), mayonnaise, certain nuts (almonds, filberts, pecans, walnuts) Animal Sources: fish 1 Saturated Fat – Primarily animal sources: meat, poultry, milk, butter, cheese, egg yolk, lard Plant Sources: chocolate, coconut, coconut oil, palm oil, vegetable shortening

9 Dr. Thomas J. Montville9 Fat Structure 2. Monounsaturated Fat Sources: avocado, peanuts, peanut butter, olive/olive oil

10 Dr. Thomas J. Montville10 Trans fats, what were they thinking? Polyunsaturated > monounsaturated

11 Dr. Thomas J. Montville11 Trans Fats Time Article “Fessing Up to Fats” Time Article

12 Dr. Thomas J. Montville12 Trans Fat Men’s Health Article “The Hidden Killer” Men’s Health Article “It’s a fat that’s difficult to digest so it increases the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood and can dramatically boost your risk of heart disease. If saturated animal fats are unhealthy, trans fats are far worse.” “You’re almost better off eating butter and bacon.” “Harvard scientists estimate that trans fats may contribute to more than 30,000 premature deaths per year.”

13 Dr. Thomas J. Montville13 Linolenic Acids Alpha – linolenic acid (omega 3) Structure of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are defined by the location of the first double bond.

14 Dr. Thomas J. Montville14 Summary of Fats SaturatedUnsaturated Single bond (straight)Double bond (kinked) SolidLiquid Animal (cholesterol)Plants (cholesterol free) FlakyTenderization “Unhealthy”Essential Fatty Acids and ώ-3s Chemically stableD.B.s reactive, free radicals Cooling as Solid  liquid

15 Dr. Thomas J. Montville15 Nutritional Overview of Lipids Classification – Triglycerides – 95% of dietary fat 1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids – Fatty acids » Short, medium, or long chains » Saturated (no double bonds) » Monounsaturated (one double bond) » Polyunsaturated (> one double bond) Omega 3 Omega 6 – Cholesterol – Phospholipids – Energy value 9kcal/g

16 Dr. Thomas J. Montville16 Nutritional Overview Functions – Provide energy – Serve as energy reserve – Assist in transport and adsorption of fat-soluble vitamins – Serve as source of essential fatty acids – Insulate and protect organs – Maintain cell walls and play role in making Vitamin D

17 Dr. Thomas J. Montville17 Nutritional Overview Food Sources – Oils, sauces, spreads, butter – Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts (fish oil for omega 3s) – Milk, cheese, dairy – Breads cereals and grains with added fats Recommended Intake – Less than or equal to 30% of calories from total fat – Less than or equal to 10% of calories from saturated fat – No more than 300 mg cholesterol

18 Dr. Thomas J. Montville18 Fats In Food Milk: (8 oz. serving) Whole: [3-4 % (legal 3.2%)] 150Kcal 2%: 120 Kcal 1%: 100 Kcal Skim: [<.5%] 90 Kcal Cream: Heavy (Whipping): 36% Light: 18% ½ & ½ : 10.5% Others: Mayo: 65% oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, egg yolk Salad Dressing: 40% oil

19 Dr. Thomas J. Montville19

20 Dr. Thomas J. Montville20 Fat Substitutes Simplex – Egg white and milk protein – very small 0.1 – 0.3uM – microencapsulated Oatrium – from oat bran or flour Avicel – microcrystalline cellulose (from wood) (0 calories) Olestra (Olean) polyester sucrose

21 Dr. Thomas J. Montville21 Fat Substitutes Olestra – Indigestible – Lack of ADEK – Digestive issues – Anal leakage

22 Dr. Thomas J. Montville22 “On the seventh day of Olestra…”

23 Dr. Thomas J. Montville23 + = Day 1Day 3Day 5Day 7

24 Dr. Thomas J. Montville24 Take Home: Fats, Oils, Lipids Good things about fats – Concentrated source of energy 9 cal/g – Flavor carrier – Imparts texture – Imparts mouthfeel, phase transiition – Carries fat soluble vitamins, ADEK – Major component of membranes – Satiety

25 Dr. Thomas J. Montville25 Take Home: Fats, Oils, Lipids Bad things about fats: Saturated – solid, animal, leads to cholesterol Unsaturated, polyester sucrose, non-digestible, loss of ADEK – Makes you fat – Coronary disease – Heart disease – Cancer

26 Dr. Thomas J. Montville26 Take Home Points Know the good and bad characteristics of fats and oils Saturated vs. unsaturated – where found, why used – cis vs. trans Fat in Food – How much? – What foods? – Different types of oil (general) – Fat free does not equal calorie free Fat Substitutes

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