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Lind-A-Hand Linda Fuller Build for Women Getting Started.

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Presentation on theme: "Lind-A-Hand Linda Fuller Build for Women Getting Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lind-A-Hand Linda Fuller Build for Women Getting Started

2 Getting Started…It’s time to do a little housework! Find that core groups of dedicated committee volunteers, preferably as far as 6 months in advance. Find an honorary “celebrity Chair person” (local T.V. or radio personality) Determine regular meeting schedule Select project, and family Locate women house/crew leaders Develop a timeline identifying tasks, work plan, and materials list Assign each committee members specific tasks and deadlines

3 Identify Potential Volunteers Ideas: Newspaper articles, newsletter, Facebook and other social media, radio psa, church bulletins, Target a list of VIP women: politicians, small business owners, musicians, writers, artist, local TV/radio personalities, college and university professors, police officers, women in construction industry, teachers, realtors, military groups, bankers, corporate sponsors, partner families, board member contacts

4 Invitations Send formal invitation cards, a FAQ insert and personal letter from committee member, board member or celebrity committee chair. Follow up with personal calls and emails as well as Facebook and other social media post. Post flyers in local Hardware stores, churches, grocery stores, libraries, etc.

5 Fundraising Successful women event fund raising events have included: flower sales, teas, bake sales, gala, carwashes, auctions, pink tool sales, tag sales, 4x4 sponsorships, blue jean day at work, mothers day events, walk/runs/marathon Look for corporate sponsors from local women owned businesses. Don’t forget to include the men-many are interested in raising or donating funds in honor or in memory of special women in their lives.

6 Other Groups to Recruit From Junior League, Women’s Club, Women in Construction, Women in Network, Book clubs, Banks, Chamber of Commerce, College chapters, Fire Dept., Law enforcement, Fitness Centers, Military Base, PTA members, School system, Wives, Daughters of donors, Hotels, Garden shops, Hospitals, Dr. offices, Retail stores, Clothing Boutiques, restaurants, Wealth advisors, Sports teams, Attorneys, Utility Companies, Hotels and don’t forget Churches.

7 Marketing Use PSA’s - TV, Radio and Newspapers Church Bulletins, Newsletters Engage in speaking engagements with civic groups, Sunday School classes, Wednesday Night dinners, Anyone who will have you! Social Media Campaigns-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram T-Shirts, Flyers, Marquees, etc.

8 Be Inclusive The goal of a Build for Women is not to exclude men. It is to empower women to feel more comfortable on a construction or rehab site. Many are happily surprised to learn new skills as well. Men are welcome to work along side the ladies. Some groups like to have men provide and serve meals. Provide kid friendly activities on site for even more fun-landscaping, planting flowers, building bird houses, it can be a family affair!

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