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F ACULTY AND S TAFF C AMPAIGNS : E SSENTIALS, I NCIDENTALS AND S PEED B UMPS Presented by: Sarah Campagna, Director of the Fisher Fund St. John Fisher.

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Presentation on theme: "F ACULTY AND S TAFF C AMPAIGNS : E SSENTIALS, I NCIDENTALS AND S PEED B UMPS Presented by: Sarah Campagna, Director of the Fisher Fund St. John Fisher."— Presentation transcript:

1 F ACULTY AND S TAFF C AMPAIGNS : E SSENTIALS, I NCIDENTALS AND S PEED B UMPS Presented by: Sarah Campagna, Director of the Fisher Fund St. John Fisher College Louis Noce, Annual Fund Officer Buffalo State

2 I NSTITUTION : Q UICK F ACTS Private, liberal arts college based in the Catholic tradition Total Enrollment – 3,700 Total Faculty and Staff - 783 2011 Total F/S Donors - 242 2011 Total Cash Raised - $77,000 Program Budget: $1,500 Largest comprehensive college in SUNY Total enrollment – 12,000 Total Faculty and Staff – 2,000 2011 Total F/S Donors – 535 2011 Total Cash Raised - $180,000 Program Budget: $1,500 St. John Fisher College Buffalo State College

3 E SSENTIALS Payroll Deduction Leadership Buy-In/Participation at Meaningful Level Reasonable Public Goals Focus on Full Time Faculty and Staff Faculty and Staff Campaign

4 E SSENTIALS Cost effective solicitations Fixed Campaign Time Period Designation Availability Personalized Solicitation Approach Proper stewardship Faculty and Staff Campaign

5 S T. J OHN F ISHER C OLLEGE C AMPAIGN T IME L INE St. John Fisher College OctoberNovember December January Final results announced Select Campaign Chair Set Departmental Appointments Kickoff event/ solicitation packets Bi-weekly emails Solicit Senior Leadership Save the Date Ongoing presentations Thank you from VP Stewardship of high participation depts.

6 S T. J OHN F ISHER C OLLEGE I NCIDENTALS Kick-off Event Alumni Support Departmental Presentations Prize Drawings St. John Fisher College

7 S T. J OHN F ISHER C OLLEGE C AMPAIGN T IME L INE Buffalo State December- January FebruaryMay College Relations releases promotion stories Committee solicitations VP and Deans Select Committee Single Committee meeting March 1st - Kick Off by President/ materials sent to committee members Production of materials Ends on May 1 st. March - April Thank you event at President’s House August

8 S T. J OHN F ISHER C OLLEGE I NCIDENTALS Volunteer based Each academic and staff division has a member on the committee Officially kicked off by the President of the college Promotion stories are published in a daily email campus communication Buffalo State College

9 C OMMON P ITFALLS Setting unrealistic goals Push Back from faculty and staff Errors extremely visible Faculty and Staff Campaign

10 C ASE F OR S UPPORT Faculty and Staff Campaign When your gift is more than just an amount….

11 Q UESTIONS ? Contact Us At: Sarah Campagna (585)-301-1604 Louis Noce (716) 878-3467

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