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Orchards C of E Primary and Nursery School Jaynie Lynch, Deputy Ann Purt, Chair of Governors.

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Presentation on theme: "Orchards C of E Primary and Nursery School Jaynie Lynch, Deputy Ann Purt, Chair of Governors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orchards C of E Primary and Nursery School Jaynie Lynch, Deputy Ann Purt, Chair of Governors

2 Orchards School Orchards School Why did we decide to run FAST? FSM pupils on roll = 131 English as an additional language pupils on roll = 191 Total pupils on roll = 417 SEN (SA+/Statements) pupils on roll = 29 Poor language (including those who are native English speakers) Lack of parental involvement Poor attendance, especially in Early Years Attainment below national expectations Children entering Reception an average of 1 year ‘behind’ (2013-14)

3 Orchards School Orchards School Why did we decide to run FAST?

4 What is FAST? FAST (Families and Schools Together) is a programme that was developed by Dr. Lynn McDonald in Wisconsin, America. “It has won numerous state and national awards as a research-based, collaborative, family-based, interactive process which systematically builds postive social relationships for families and protective factors for young children.” (Families and Schools Together, 2013) The main goal of FAST is to increase the likelihood of the child being successful in home, in school and in the community. It aims to achieve this through: 1.Empowering the parent 2.Increasing parental involvement, including social networks 3.Reducing the risk of chronic daily stress 4.Reducing the risk of chronic daily conflict

5 What is FAST? Outreach to recruit whole families to attend 8 weekly multifamily support groups and monthly multifamily meetings. Although it is open to all families, there were some families, which were targeted to participate in the programme. Weekly Multifamily Support groups (made up of 5-25 families) are held for 8-12 weeks. Weekly meeting activities are sequential and each session includes: – A family meal and family communication games. – A self-help parent support group occurring while children engage in supervised play and organized activities. – One-to-one parent-mediated play therapy. – A “fixed” family lottery (every family wins once). – Opening and closing routines, which model the effectiveness of family rituals for children. – ‘Graduation’ ceremony at the end of the programme. FASTWORKS is the on-going multifamily meetings which are held monthly after families “graduate” from the 8-week FAST programme. With team support, parents design the agenda to maintain FAST family networks that were developed and identify/develop community development goals.

6 Goals of FAST: Goals of FAST: To strengthen the Central protective factor: Family Cohesion FAMILY COHESION Intermediate Goals (goals that increase protective factors) Ultimate Goal (better child outcomes in home, school and community) 1. Parent strength Feels: respected, empowered, supported, more confident 2. Parent involvement with child, intimate supporters, other parents, school, community 3. Reduces stresses of daily life with child, intimate supporters, other parents, school, community Intermediate Goals (goals that reduce risk factors) 4. Reduces substance abuse in child and family (incidental goal) 5. Reduces chronic family conflict Child doing better at home Child has higher self-esteem Child doing better in school Child more positive about school Child has a better relationship with their parent

7 What does a FAST session look like?

8 1.Family flags 2.FAST Hello! 3.Music 4.FAST Song 5.Scribbles (creativity and structured communication) 6.Feelings charades (appropriate outlet for intense feelings) 7.Family Meal (1 family prepares the meal each week) 8.Buddy Time (parents pair up with their partners) 9.Parent Group Time (time for parents to share successes and challenges) Kids’ Time (children to relax and participate in rewarding play) 10.Special Play (providing parents with 1:1 time with their children) 11.Lottery (e.g. door prizes) 12.Closing Circle & Rain

9 Can you commit? Time commitments Training Recruiting families Evaluation sessions Time to plan and prepare resources Time to deliver the sessions/clean-up Time to reflect Funding commitments Start up costs £10 per week for the meals Lottery prizes Special days

10 What were the benefits?

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