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KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 2015 February DAC Meetings 1.

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Presentation on theme: "KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 2015 February DAC Meetings 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 2015 February DAC Meetings 1

2 K-PREP END-OF-COURSE ACT QUALITYCORE® English II Algebra II Biology U.S. History KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 2

3 Early Graduates and EOC Exams Early Graduates must – Have four (4) EOC exams or approved Non- participations – Meet EOC proficiency benchmarks Students not meeting the benchmark may appeal on the grounds of extenuating circumstances. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 3 English II – 154 U.S. History – 147 Algebra II – 148 Biology– 154 SB 61 (2013) SB 97 (2013) Accelerated

4 Graduates Without All 4 EOCs Districts can use the EOC Early Warning Report within IC but OAA will provide DACs with a list of seniors missing EOC scores or with a non-participation to assist with roster cleanup. When spring testing rosters open in late April, accountability rosters for graduates will contain students with and without EOC exam scores. Districts will be able to file non-participations in SDRR during spring rosters All students should be tested or the graduating accountable school will receive the lowest test score for missing exams. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 4

5 EOC TEST DETAILS End-of-Course KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 5

6 EOC General Information EOC assessments establish a common rigor for core courses. Current EOC assessments are for courses which are high school graduation requirements. ACT’s QualityCore® program will link student performance to national results. Constructed Response Constructed Response (CR) may be generated and scored locally. ACT QualityCore resources may be used. Local school will determine how to incorporate the CR into a student’s final grade. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 6 Policy: Students are tested at the completion of all coursework.

7 Test Details Session TypeQuestionsTime Student Score School Score Score Returns MC1 Paper Booklet or CBT 35-38 MC 45 minutes CBT – Immediately Paper – 5 days from ACT receipt MC2 Paper Booklet or CBT 35-38 MC 45 minutes Scale Score = MC1 + MC2 = Accountability KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 7

8 Score Cuts for Performance Levels KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 8

9 9 STATE-REQUIRED END-OF-COURSE EXAMS RECOMMENDED LINK TO CLASSROOM LETTER GRADES Subject ABCDF CPE-linked College Readiness Benchmark English II175-160 159- 154 153-152151-141140-125 154 Algebra II175-151 150- 148 147-143142-138137-125 148 Biology175-157 156- 154 153-146145-140139-125 154 U.S. History 175-151 150- 147 146-144143-139138-125 147

10 EOC Windows WindowAdministration Dates (2014-15) # 1August 1-September 12 # 2September 29-November 14 # 3December 1-January 16 # 4 February 2-March 13 # 5March 30-June 12 #6 June 15-July 17 (CBT only, except for accommodated forms) KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 10 Choose 10 consecutive days within the larger window for testing.

11 Traditional vs. Non-Traditional 10 Day Traditional 10 consecutive testing days chosen within the larger window. Each content area must be completed in 1 day. Flexible (Non-Traditional) May test at any time during the larger window. Each content area must be completed in 1 day per student. Materials shipped as students complete tests. – Place Supplemental Order for additional header sheets. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 11 QualityCore® Customer Service 866/764-7228

12 EOC Materials Computer-based Prohibited: Notes Foreign language or English dictionary Electronic devices and cell phones Allowed: Scratch Paper-Please collect and destroy securely. Calculators (Algebra II) Reference Sheets (Algebra II) Pencil/Paper Prohibited: Scratch paper Highlighters Notes Foreign language or English dictionary Electronic devices and cell phones Allowed: Scratch work is to be done in the test booklet. Calculators (Algebra II) Reference Sheets (Algebra II) KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 12

13 2015 Paper and Pencil Processing Changes Return shipment – by Fed-Ex (Request school pick-up or use secure drop box) – 2-day delivery to ACT – Single or multiple shipments – Best Practice: Return all answer documents from a course together after all make-ups are complete Expedited Scoring – Scores online within 5 business days of receipt at ACT – Only if returned per directions in test manuals KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 13

14 Paper Test Materials One document per student per test Test booklet pre-printed with student, teacher name, test roster name Answer sheet pre-filled with student information Answer sheet bound as perforated sheet into test booklet Reference Sheet for Algebra II bound as perforated sheet into test booklet One document per Test Supervisor Test Supervisor’s Manual Pre-filled School Header Pre-filled Group Header KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 14

15 Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Review support documents – Best Practices – QualityCore Testing Helpful Hints – Online User Guide from ACT website Increase number of proctors in the room for – Better monitoring – Quicker starting of tests – Test Security Computer Testing: – Multiple testing sessions can be utilized in a single day. – Note: A 10-15 minute break is allowed between test sessions. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 15 Policy: The first computer-based test must begin at the same time as the paper based test.

16 CBT Testing KDE/ACT will collect dates, times and numbers of students testing KDE/ACT will collect dates, times and numbers of students testing Details will be forthcoming Details will be forthcoming KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 16 For 2015: No CBT Scheduling Tool

17 Accommodated Testing Materials Paper Only R = Reader A = Audio B = Braille LP = Large Print Scribe Paper and Computer Extended Time Paraphrasing Manipulatives Behavior Modification Interpreter (sign language) KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 17 Applies to students with IEP, 504 Plan or PSP

18 English Learners First year EL students enrolled in a U.S. school are exempt from accountability. Students are required to take the Algebra II and Biology for federal participation rate. Second year or more EL students fully participate. Accommodations are available for students with a Program Services Plan (PSP). KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 18 Participation = 4 MC (minimum)

19 KDE State Course Codes KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 19 230110-English 2 230162-Pre-IB English 2 230166-AP Language and Composition 270311-Algebra 2 450809-U.S. History Survey 450812-United States History, Reconstruction to the Present 450814- AP American History Algebra II U.S. History English II Biology 302601-Life Science/ Biology 1 302645-IB Biology 3 302602-Biology II 302646-AP Biology 302603-Honors Biology 302680-AgriBiology 302611-Biochemistry 302685-Agriscience 302612-Botany 302698-Intro Biology with Earth/Space Science 302613-Microbiology 303010-Astrobiology 302614-Ecology 303053-Conceptual Progression Science III 302618-Medical Science 303091-Integrated Science I 302623-IB Environmental Systems 303092-Integrated Science II 302643-Pre-IB Biology 303093-Integrated Science III 302644-IB Biology 2

20 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 20 Accommodations IEP PSP 504 Plan (Not in SDRR) 100 Day Rule (Based on summative window) Materials Ordering http://qc.vantage.com Seating Chart

21 Resources Kentucky ACT QualityCore Website Kentucky Department of Education ACT QualityCore Website ACT Test Security KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 21

22 Contact Information ACT Customer Services Phone: (866)764-7228 Assessment Support & Research Phone: (502) 564-4394 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 22

23 COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS The ACT ACT Compass KYOTE ASVAB ACT WorkKeys KOSSA Industry Certificates KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 23

24 Early Graduates and CCR Approved Early Graduation Intent Form May take the ACT assessment, once, with state testing May take Compass and/or KYOTE Cohort counts the year assigned to Grade 9 (banked) KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 24 Accelerated

25 College/Career Readiness Rate College & Career Ready Career Ready College Ready KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 25

26 Opportunities to Demonstrate College Readiness The ACT – Junior year (required) Compass or KYOTE – Senior year (optional) The assigned grade level shall determine the state tests to administer. 703 KAR 5:240 What If… Student doing credit recovery jumps from grade 10 to grade 12 this year. How does this student demonstrate college readiness? KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 26 Compass or KYOTE

27 College Ready CPE Benchmarks The ACT Reading = 20 English = 18 Mathematics = 19 ACT Compass Reading = 85 English (Writing Skills) = 74 Mathematics (Algebra) = 36 KYOTE College Ready Math= 22 College Algebra = 14 English (Writing) = 6 Reading = 20 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 27 1 point College Placement Tests College Entrance Exam

28 College/Career Readiness Rate Based on Graduates (students with G-Codes in IC) Includes best score on English, Mathematics and Reading from all The ACT State and National Administrations in Kentucky Data reviewed by schools and districts prior to fall report KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 28 Use Student Name from IC Must meet CPE’s ACT Benchmarks

29 THE ACT March 3-17 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 29

30 The ACT Initial Test Day — March 3 Makeup Day — March 17 Accommodations Window — March 3-17 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 30

31 The ACT All grade 11 students, except Alternate K-PREP, Foreign Exchange and First Year EL. Any student retained in grade 11 should complete The ACT assessment again. Early graduates may test once, during high school. Administered to all public high school juniors in March. Confirm that high schools have determined test site establishment and accommodations procedures. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 31

32 Infinite Campus Review Update the IC system prior to March to make sure each student is assigned to the correct grade level KDE uses IC to verify rosters Errors in IC cause greater cleanup problems later in the year Be proactive KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 32

33 Important Reminders All answer documents sent to ACT will be scanned and included in public reporting. Do NOT submit any blank answer documents to ACT with the scorable materials. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 33 ACT Customer Service 800-553-6244 General Questions ext. 2800 Accommodated Testing ext. 1788

34 DAC Responsibilities DAC is responsible in SDRR for – completing official state roster. – working with Test Supervisor to record non-participation (i.e., who did not test and why). – printing copies and/or saving the roster electronically. REPORTING – Student reports will be sent directly to student’s home (3-8 weeks). – High Schools will receive: School reports in late July to high school principals. Labels for transcripts will be sent to the high school counselor 3-8 weeks after testing. – DAC will receive all district reports from The ACT in late July. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 34

35 ACT Reports ACT Reports will be based on ACT, Inc.’s benchmarks. Reports from ACT will not match reports from KDE, since the reports are based upon different benchmarks. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 35 Subject ACT Previous Benchmarks ACT Benchmarks (Effective August 2013) English18 Mathematics22 Reading2122 Science2423

36 Accommodations Affect Accountability Used in Growth calculation Used in College/Career Readiness The ACT-Approved Accommodations = College Reportable Score Used in Growth calculation Not used in College/Career Readiness (even if benchmarks met) State-Allowed Accommodations = Non-College Reportable Score KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 36

37 The ACT Rosters Infinite Campus Changes Demographics (Name, SSID, etc.) SDRR Changes Non-participation Annotations KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 37 The ACT rosters open in the Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application on March 4 and close April 1 for new request changes with final shutdown April 6.

38 ACT COMPASS KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 38

39 ACT Compass College placement test administered through KDE and available to grade 12 students who have not met the CPE benchmarks on the ACT. College Ready Status File—fall Compass Training Series and Update Trainings must be completed prior to test administration. Open August 1—June 15 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 39

40 ACT Compass & College Readiness College Readiness will include scores meeting the benchmarks from: – KDE’s ACT Compass – KCTCS’ ACT Compass – Other Colleges’ scores added during Data Review All Kentucky public colleges and universities can access KDE ACT Compass scores. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 40

41 ACT Compass Contact Information KDE General Program Information (OAA) – Jennifer Stafford – Pam Powers (502) 564-4394 – Intervention Information – April Pieper (NGL) (502) 564-2106 ACT ACT Compass® Technical Support – (800) 645-1992 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 41

42 KYOTE KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 42

43 KYOTE Kentucky Online Testing placement exams for grade 12 students who have not met the CPE ACT benchmarks in English, reading or mathematics. Trainings were available in August. Program details are available from the user manual and the training sessions. Irregularity Report Spreadsheet KDE Calculator Policy is in effect for KYOTE. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 43

44 College Math 2 or 3 Submitted Tests 1 Test per Semester or Trimester 1 Optional Pre-Test Reading & Writing 2-3 Submitted Reading Tests Once per Semester or Trimester Writing Test Windows August 4-December 5 January 4-May 15 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 44 Test Frequency Following an Intervention

45 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 45 KYOTE Writing Exam KYOTE Certified Writing Scorer required at each school administering the writing exam. Essays are scored by other high school’s certified scorers. Writing exams are not graded for schools without a certified scorer. Scorers are responsible for scoring assigned exams in a timely manner. KYOTE Scoring Coordinator, Janet O’Connell (new), will contact schools if students submit exams at a school without a certified scorer. Ends May 1

46 KYOTE Paul Eakin (859) 257-6798 Steve Newman (859) 572-5332 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 46 Available through University of Kentucky and Northern Kentucky University Contact Information:

47 College/Career Readiness Rate College & Career Ready Career Ready College Ready KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 47

48 Opportunities to Demonstrate Career Readiness Career Measures – Throughout high school – Career academic (ASVAB or WorkKeys) – Career technical (KOSSA or Industry certificates) While the tests are optional, students must have these measures to be CCR. Unless CTE Preparatory Student, ASVAB and WorkKeys does not increase your CCR. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 48

49 Preparatory Students Student who has completed two career and technical education credits in a preparatory program and is enrolled in the third credit course(s) in the same career pathway. Where can I see if the student is Preparatory? – Go to TEDS for the most current information – Go to CIITS for semi-annual information KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 49

50 Career Ready ACADEMIC ACT WorkKeys = Silver or Above – Applied Math – Locating Information – Reading for Information ---OR--- ASVAB = 50 – Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery TECHNICAL KOSSA – Multiple-Choice = 70 – Constructed-Response = 75 ---OR--- Industry Certificate – Certification based on industry standards KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 50 1 point

51 ACT WorkKeys Job Skills Assessment Administered – February 16-March 11 (paper/pencil) – December 1-March 31 (online) Available through KDE to all schools directly through ACT, Inc. Student data should be entered into TEDS. Contact: Angie Fischer (502) 564-4286 ext. 4236 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 51 Silver or Higher

52 ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Available through local Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Districts are responsible for entering data into TEDS. New Contact: Gene Phelan, Program Mgr. (502) 582-5921, Ext. 2241 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 52 Score = 50

53 KOSSA Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards Assessment Administered February 2- March 31 Contact: Pamela Moore (502) 564-4286 ext. 4215 Data is entered by KDE into TEDS. KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 53 CBT Only

54 Industry Certificates KDE accepted Industry Certificates listed on KDE Website. Career and Tech Staff—KDE contact or local TEDS Coordinator Contact: Joe Morgan Office of Career and Technical Education (502) 564-4286 ext. 4230 KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 54

55 College/Career Readiness Rate College & Career Ready Career Ready College Ready KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 55

56 College & Career Ready Academic College Ready The ACT and/or ACT COMPASS and/or KYOTE Technical Career Ready KOSSA or Industry Certificate KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 56 ½ point Bonus


58 Division of Support and Research Rhonda Sims, Director Joy Barr, Program Consultant Kathy Moore, Program Consultant Kevin O’Hair, Program Consultant Pam Powers, Systems Consultant IT Cindy Warren, Program Consultant Chris Williams, Program Consultant Teresa King, Support Staff Maranda Perkins, Support Staff KDE:OAA:DSR: 3/5/2015 58 (502) 564-4394 (502) 564-4394

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