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“Universal Access and Service to ICT for All”
Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications & Postal Services Committee Chairperson, Honourable Ms. Mmamoloko Kubayi USAASA & USAF Quarter 3 Peformance Report 17 March 2015 “Universal Access and Service to ICT for All”
USAASA Quarter 3 Performance Report
USAASA Quarter 3 Programme Performance Reporting
USAASA Strategic Objective : To promote an effective, efficient and well – resourced organisation that upholds the principles of good corporate governance. USAASA has 41 planned targets under the quarter review and most of the planned targets will be achieved in the close of Quarter 4. At the close of Quarter, the Board of USAASA approved the proposed organisational structure of the Agency and the process will trigger the full implementation of the Organisational Development Process that will see the Agency being technically capacitated I order to respond to the requirements of the South African Connect Broadband Policy, 2013; the National Development Plan and the National Infrastructure Plan [SIP 15] Year to date USAASA Performance Unit Total of Q3 targets Achieved targets Partially targets Not achieved % achievement Governance 6 100% PM&E 12 Int. Audit 16 Risk Mgmt. 3 Stakeholder 9 2 1 75% Finance 15 80% IT 29 HR 19 10 53% Admin Legal Total Planned 127 109 8 86%
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments At least 4 USAASA Board At least 4 USAF Board At least 6 Audit & Risk At least 4 BDS At least 4 REMCO 2 Social & Ethics USAASA & USAF Board Audit & Risk Committee BDS committee Social & Ethics Committee Partially Social & Ethics Committee was convened 17 Feb 15 A minimum of EXCO meetings conducted throughout the year Minimum of 3 EXCO meetings conducted Achieved EXCO is convened frequently to look at management functions USAASA & USAF Strategic & APP Plans approved by Board and submitted to Minister USAASA & USAF 2015/2016 strategy & APP reviewed and developed Strategic Plans & APP delivered on 23 January 2015 to DPTS Monitoring & Evaluation of organisational performance USAASA & USAF Quarter 3 Performance Information Reports were submitted to DPTS on 31 January 2015 Approved USAASA & USAF quarterly reports submitted to DPTS 30 days after each quarter USAASA & USAF 2nd Quarter reports presented to the DPTS The report was presented to DPTS on the 6th November 2014
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments USAASA & USAF Annual Reports developed and tabled at Parliament USAASA & USAF 2013/2014 Annual Reports tabled at Parliament Achieved The reports were tabled on the 25th September 2014 21 audits conducted as per approved annual audit plan in order to strengthen the Agency’s internal controls SCM Q2 Expenditure (below threshold) Audit conducted SCM Q2 Expenditure (above threshold) Review of the “Smart” criteria for the 2015/2016 targets Not achieved Audit conducted after the Strategic Plans & APP were finalised in January 2015 Financial Statements Expenditure Financial Management Corporate services audit Partially achieved Audit finalised in December 2014 and the management response was done in January 2015
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments USAASA & USAF top 10 risks identified and monitored Monitoring of control improvement plan on the 10 risk exposures Achieved The risk register on top 10 risks was updated on monthly basis . Improvement stakeholder perceptions of USAASA by 80% of the baseline of +38% 26.6% improvement on +38 approved baseline The stakeholder perceptions of USAASA has been improved by + 38 60% Support and awareness of the Fund Manual by the targeted stakeholders Updates on priority changes on the distribution on the funds based on the Fund Manual Not Achieved There was no updates done on priority changes on the distribution on the funds based on Fund Manual as the manual is not fully implemented 60% stakeholder’s support of the ICT National Strategy 60% support and awareness of the National Strategy for Universal Service & Access Multi - stakeholder forum conducted for the support and possible funding of the National Strategy for Universal Service & Access Project awareness campaigns conducted – below and above the line e.g. public relations drives and industry theatre 50% awareness of projects Engagements with North West and Northern Cape on projects
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments Produce accurate financial statements with the objective to get an unqualified audit opinion 100% complaint & accurate financial statements Achieved The accurate financial under the quarter review were produced 95 % of the actual expenditure spend in line with the allocated budget 95% of the actual expenditure in the quarter spent in the line with the allocated budget Partially achieved USAASA 93 % was achieved and USAF was not achieved due to delay programme implementation of DTT programme 100% match between the physical assets and the asset register Perform a physical verification at the provinces 100 % match was attained 80% compliance with the laws & regulations pertaining to treasury, supply chain and regulations Compliance with the laws & regulations pertaining to treasury, supply chain and the statutory regulations. 80% compliance was attained 80% of USAASA and USAF procurement from BBBEE 80% purchases from suppliers with level 1 – 5 BBBEE rating 85% attainment
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments 90% compliance to IT governance Maintenance of business continuity/ Disaster Recovery Achieved Data is replicated to the DR site to comply with USAASA Disaster Recovery Plan. Perform backups of data Data is being backed up to comply with backup processes and to address AG findings Maintain Service Desk System Service Desk system is maintain to produce reports on calls logged in Quarter 3 and monitor on IT performance Monitor IT performance IT systems availability were at 100% excluding that was measured at 97% in Quarter 3. 95% Availability of business systems IT Strategy implemented as per roadmap IT Governance Roadmap implementation at 81% in Quarter 3 Revision, approval and implementation of new/old IT Policies 100% adherence to approved IT Governance Charter. Maximum 10% security breach incidents reported Monitor and report on security breaches No security breaches to USAASA IT systems were encountered in Quarter 3 due to robust IT systems
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments Reduce risks associated with litigations against the Agency by 5% Coordinate and monitor litigations (civil and labour) Achieved Litigation at High Court and Labour Court as well as CCMA coordinated Coordinate with HR to develop legal compliance training Not Achieved No training has been developed Monitor existing contracts , negotiate, draft and approve contracts as per specifications and scope 35 SLA/ contracts drafted and approved 5 negotiated contracts Appointment of legal representative to act on behalf of the Agency during litigations associated with the Agency Provide internal well written and legal opinions with 7 days of request to mitigate litigation risk to USAASA 4 Legal opinions 5 Legal advice 13 Legal letters 90% compliance with Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Act 90% compliance with Occupational Health, Safety and Environment All sections of OHS Act have been complied with
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments Employee wellness programme activity conducted per quarter Promote and facilitate participation of staff in employment wellness programme Not Achieved Employee wellness programme launched at 30 Jan 2015 Introduce a leadership training programme for all managers within the Agency Facilitate delivery of leadership training Training will resume once the matching & placement phase of OD project is completed Timeous submission of performance agreements & performance assessments by business units Coordinate performance review Measures put in place to ensure that all performance reviews are completed at the end of the financial year. 80% satisfactory employment relations based on the survey questionnaire conducted Develop a programme of action on employee assistance programme The organisation is undertaking an OD process and the survey questionnaire was delayed.
USAASA Q3 Programme Performance Reporting
Annual Target Quarterly Target Actual Achievements Comments Ensure that employees’ grievances and disciplinary cases handled are less than 5% of our staff complement Investigate disputes within 30 days. Mediate on disputes . Recommend suitable interventions Not measured There were no grievances in the current quarter. 60% Implementation of approved Organisation Development Plan Implementation of operational structure, training and performance management Develop performance management framework Not Achieved Operational structure has been approved by Board for implementation under 4th quarter period.
Summary of USAASA Quarter 3 Performance exc. BDM
Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved 29 3 9 41 PLANNED TARGETS
Summary of the Usaasa Cumulative performance
1 109 of the 127 planned targets were achieved being 86% of the total planned target 2 8 of the 127 planned targets were partially achieved being 6 % of the planned targets 3 10 of the 127 planned targets were not achieved, being 8% of the planned targets
USAASA Quarter 3 Budget Performance Expenditure
Description Budget Income(R ) Actual Income (R ) Revenue Other Income 14,500 408,047 Transferred received 16,257,000 Total revenue 16,271,500 16,665,047 Description Budget Expenditure (R ) Actual Expenditure (R ) Expenses Total Current expenses 16,257,000 16,884,869 Compensation of employees 9,922,920 9,842,725 Goods and services 6,334,080 6,079,205 Depreciation - 962,939 Total expenses Surplus/(Deficit) (219,822) The overspending is due to the depreciation line which does not get budgeted as it is a non cash item.
USAF Quarter 3 Performance Report
Integrated Broadband Projects
Synopsis of Quarter 3 Performance Report for USAF Projects Integrated Broadband Projects Broadband The ITA for a subsidy to rollout broadband at Ratlou & Joe Morolong has been advertised, evaluated, adjudicated and appointed. Commencement of work on the 2 broadband network sites has begun & 60% of the equipment required has been procured and accounted by the close of the 3rd quarter. Schools Connectivity The project is aimed ay deploying internet access devices such as tablets or notebooks at schools & creates schools as Wifi hotspots 10 schools from the mainstream and 5 schools of the Persons With Disability at Ratlou and Joe Morolong has been deployed and fully connected at the close of the quarter under review. BDM Development and publication of the Qualifying Criteria for public comment via the GG. Given the intense interest in the project, the submission was moved into the 4th quarter. Procurement process for the manufacturing of STBs was initiated in conjunction with DPTS and National Treasury. The Board expects to finalise the appointment of manufactures in the course of the fourth quarter. Integrated Broadband Programme 2 broadband sites at Local Municipality 10 schools from the mainstream and 5 schools for Persons with Disabilities connected to ICT services Ratlou – North West Joe Morolong – Northern Cape Digital Broadcasting Migration Publication of GG38134 on 28th October 2014 and the RFPs on STBS manufacturing process triggered the implementation of the DTT programme. Nationally starting with the borders BDM
Summary of USAF Q3 Performance exc. BDM
Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved 3
Summary of USAF Cumulative Performance excl. the BDM
1. Quarterly targets against the planned quarterly targets in the 2014/15 approved Annual Performance Plan 2. All 9 targets were achieved as planned, which makes it a 100% achievement.
USAF Quarter 3 Budget Performance Expenditure
Description Budgeted Income(R ) Actual Income (R ) Revenue Other Income (Interest) 5,000,000 13,840,198 Transferred received 895,000 Total revenue 5,895000 14,735,198 Description Budgeted Expenditure (R ) Actual Expenditure (R ) Broadband Infrastructure 10,750,000 10,829,482 STB Subsidies for DBM - Rapid Deployment 5,700,047 Connectivity 2,850,466 Access Centre Hand Over 408,061 Bank Charges & audit Fees 203,740 73,759 Project Costs 691,690 1,085,166 National Strategy (482,720) Total Expenditure 11,645,430 20,464,261 Surplus (deficit) (5, 729,063) There was overspending of 28% during the 3rd quarter, this was as a result of underspending during the first two quarters. The unspent funds which were received during the first two quarters got to be spent in Q3, levelling the budget overall.
Matters raised by Auditor – General Response by Board Audit & Risk Committee
Auditor – General Findings
The BARC engagement with the AG resulted in the following status of audit findings: Incorrect classification of expenditure and depreciation on the asset register Non – disclosure of fruitless and wasteful expenditure and receivables written- off Over – provision of workmen’s compensation and revenue Lack of supporting information to journals passed. Misstatement – All these issues raised by the AG were resolved. Condonation of irregular expenditure approved by the Board instead of National Treasury, Incorrect deficiencies with leave management Non –compliance to SCM process in the purchase of vehicle & three quotations, Inconsistency between bid specification & Bid Evaluation Committee Preferential points incorrectly calculated. SCM – All these issues raised by the AG were resolved, except for non-compliance to SCM processes in the purchase of vehicle. Over-statement of actual performance report Lack of clear process on the measurement of achievements Non-alignment between planned and reported targets Performance Information – Inadequate back – up process in place IT issues Clean Audit
BARC Mitigating Action Plans
Since inception of BARC, the following mitigation controls were recommended to management : Detailed non-compliance register with consequence management actions to transgressors, as a agenda item in the BARC meetings. Implementation of the Combined Assurance Providers services, to be facilitated by Chief Audit Executive . The Combined Assurance Providers services, at a minimum, to be composed of CEO(First line of Defence), CFO (First line of Defence) , CEA (Third line of Defence), Senior Manager IT (First Line of Defence), AG(Third Line of Defence), Legal Services (Second Line of defence) & DPTS (Third line of Defence. BARC intervention BARC maintains its relationship with AG through the following: Over-seeing the work of the Audit Steering Committee, to which the AG engages with management . Keep track of track of management cooperation to ensure submission of auditable document timeously through the CEA, during both the interim and the final audits; Facilitation of AG audit findings, through the CEA on bi-weekly basis. It is the BARC’s conviction that the relationship between USAASA/USAF and the AG is at the desired level to assist with “clean administration”. The BARC monitors, on a quarterly basis, the non – compliance register in order to keep track of any matters that would negatively impact the Agency’s goal to achieving “clean audit” . Relationship & Reliance with AG LAND SCAPE : 1. Absence of proper performance management process & systems to evaluate both projects & organisational performance 2. Lack of reporting of key matters including finance & projects enough to provide warnings 3. Lack of detailed non – compliance register 4. Ineffective contract management & contract administration 5. Absence of ERP system 6. Absence of documented business process 7. Current mis-match skills 8. Inadequate attendance to close audit findings by management 9. Critical vulnerabilities of IT environment .
BARC Mitigating Action Plans
Risk Management BARC noticed that Risk Management was not given priority it deserve as there was no resource assigned. BARC approved role of Risk Manager to be included on the organisational structure and to report to BARC on quarterly basis. BARC recommended that for each an every new projects the Agency embarks on, there should be a separate Risk Register from the Agency’s Strategic Risk Register and Operational Risk Register , thereby alerting management on emerging risk brought about new projects. Internal Audit In its effort to assist USAASA to stabilize, notwithstanding the requirement of the requirement of Standard of Internal Audit with regard to Independence, the view of the BARC has been that Internal Audit will walk a tight rope in the Financial Year 2013/2014 & 2014/2015, to assist management to bring the control environment to acceptable level in order to achieve “clean administration”. The BARC demand value –add from Internal Audit and would not settle for anything less that. It is through this expectation that the Agency achieved “Clean Audit” for Financial Year 2013/14 Role of Combined Assurance The BARC introduced the Combined Assurance Providers project in order to: Identify the role of each role player on the risk exposures for the Agency; Identify the level of assurance by each role on the various risk exposures &Installer Database Trace risk exposures that are neglected by the Agency
BARC Mitigating Action Plans
BARC recommended the following: The Chief Executive Officer together with Audit Executive, monitors the status of the implementation of action plans on a monthly basis, and report quarterly to Board Audit & Risk Committee The quarterly strategic and operational risk assessment workshops, resulting in top 10 risk registers and operational risk registers Internal Audit review management action plans on each audit finding to ensure that these actions address the root causes and not symptoms Internal Audit conducts internal audit on SCM, Financial Statements, Performance Information on quarterly basis, in order to pro-actively identify any deficiencies in internal controls and such be attended to immediately before the Auditor General starts with audit process The Combined Assurance reviews, where the roles of Management, as the first line of defence is clearly articulated for each risk exposure identified. The same applies to Risk Management & Legal as the second line of defence, and so is Internal Audit, Auditor General ; and DPTS as the third line of defence providing an objective assurance for each risk exposure Management reports on the Agency’s performance on quarterly basis to Board Audit & Risk Committee Internal Audit verifies the implementation of actions plans status & report to the Board Audit & Risk Committee on quarterly basis The implementation of the Non-Compliance register, which us reported to the Board Audit & Risk Committee on a quarterly basis
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