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Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Creating the Next Generation of Joint Land Use Studies A Tool to Promote Military Mission Sustainment.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Creating the Next Generation of Joint Land Use Studies A Tool to Promote Military Mission Sustainment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Creating the Next Generation of Joint Land Use Studies A Tool to Promote Military Mission Sustainment Association of Defense Communities Installation Innovation Monterey, CA March 17, 2015

2 Compatible Siting of Energy Projects  Commercial development of energy projects may affect unique DoD activities and military readiness, especially when located near installations, ranges, or on lands beneath designated military training routes or special use airspace.  State, tribal, and local governments can support effective collaboration, early engagement and dialogue between DoD and energy developers.  Goal is to ensure energy projects may proceed without compromising DoD’s test, training, and military operations  DoD tools to promote compatible siting of energy projects Siting Clearinghouse Mission Compatibility Evaluation Program Readiness and Environmental Protection (REPI) Integration Program OEA’s Compatible Use/Joint Land Use Studies Program

3  OEA provides technical and financial assistance to state and local governments to undertake a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) and carry out the recommendations.  JLUS is a community-driven planning effort between the Military and jurisdictions surrounding installations, and associated ranges, military training routes, and special use airspace to plan and carry out strategies promoting compatible civilian development.  Promotes open, continuous dialogue between the Military, surrounding jurisdictions, and states to support long-term sustainability and operability of military missions.  Military Department technical data describing the military missions and operations supports the study process  Serves as comprehensive strategic plan with specific implementation actions to address and prevent incompatible civilian development that could impair the operational utility of military missions  Development of state regulations and local development ordinances can further facilitate compatible siting of energy projects JLUS: Tool to Promote Compatible Energy Development

4 OEA Federal Funding Opportunity  Community Adjustment Planning Assistance in Response to Siting of Energy Projects to Support Department of Defense Mission Interests  Pending Federal Register Publication  Notice will include proposal submission requirements and instructions, eligibility requirements, and selection criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals from eligible respondents  Eligible respondents are states, counties, municipalities, other political subdivisions of a state; special purpose units of a state or local government; other instrumentalities of a state or local government; and tribal nations.  Proposals may be submitted on a continuing basis

5 Contact Information Cyrena Chiles Eitler, AICP Compatible Use Program Director 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 520 Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 697-2078

6 Panelists Bill Van Houten, Deputy DoD Siting Clearinghouse Arlington, VA Ben Doyle, President Capitol Airspace Group Alexandria, VA Scott Morgan, State Clearinghouse Director, Deputy Director, Administration California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research Sacramento, CA Dan Hicks, Deputy Executive Director White Sands Missile Range New Mexico

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