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ESSAY FEEDBACK To complete DIRT on sexuality essay To explore the mark scheme To apply new understanding of exam question If you have not done the essay,

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Presentation on theme: "ESSAY FEEDBACK To complete DIRT on sexuality essay To explore the mark scheme To apply new understanding of exam question If you have not done the essay,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSAY FEEDBACK To complete DIRT on sexuality essay To explore the mark scheme To apply new understanding of exam question If you have not done the essay, you need to go away, do it now and bring it to me at the end of the lesson.

2 DIRT Read through your WWW and EBI. Action your EBI. Fill in your student reflection box

3 Exploring the mark scheme ◦ The mark scheme has 4 levels, in the same way as the coursework. ◦ You are marked on three elements: ◦ Explanation/Analysis/Argument ◦ Use of examples ◦ Use of terminology.

4 Marking the essay. ◦ Exploring representation of gender. ◦ You will need your TV Drama essays that you completed over the half term.

5 Explanation/Analysis/Argument /20 ◦ Have you understood the task? If it’s completely off task, confusing or nothing to do with the correct representation, you’ll lose marks here. ◦ Show knowledge and understanding of technical aspects used in the extract. This needs to be specific knowledge, not vague and general. ◦ Discussion of the extract’s representations, linking it to textual analysis. This is where you talk about the thing that is being represented, how it’s being represented and what within the clip is creating that representation – link what you are saying about representation to things in the clip. ◦ Relevant to the question – if it’s not about the type of representation they’re asking about, don’t include it!!! You don’t need to talk about every single thing – only if it links to the representation in the question.

6 Use of examples /20 ◦ Textual evidence from the extract – these are specific scenes, moments, shots, items etc. You should be giving frequent and relevant examples – don’t just waffle for ages about representation and your interpretation without pinning it down to examples. ◦ Range of examples- this means covering all four areas; mise-en- scene, camera angles, sound and editing. If you only cover 3 you can’t get above a level 3 – which means you’re stuck at a C/B. ◦ Relevant examples – again – if it isn’t directly linked to the representation is the question – don’t bother including it!

7 Use of terminology. /10 ◦ Use it. Accurately and often.

8 Level 1 Minimal Frequently inaccurate use of terminology. EAA 0 -7 EG 0-7 TM – 0-3 Level 3 Proficient/Good/Consistent Range of examples (at least 3) Mostly accurate terminology Mostly relevant EAA 12 – 15 EG 12 – 15 TM 6 - 7 Level 2 Basic/some Partial range of examples Some relevance Some terminology used EAA 8 – 11 EG 8-11 TM – 4 - 5 Level 4 Excellent Frequent text analysis Full range of examples Fully relevant and accurate EAA 16 – 20 EG 16-20 TM 8-10


10 Your work… ◦ Look at what you wrote. Go through, highlight and annotate the following: ◦ Comments about 3 or more areas – mise-en-scene, camera, editing, sound ◦ Use of terminology ◦ Direct links between sexuality and the text analysis (This has been used, this is the effect it has, this is the link to sexuality) ◦ Specific textual evidence from the clip. ◦ Relevant examples from the text. ◦ What are you missing?

11 To apply… ◦ Last lesson we analysed and made notes and plan for the clip about disability. ◦ Using what you have just learnt, write two paragraphs to answer that question.

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