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Wendy McArthur, Urodynamic Nurse Patient Satisfaction Survey Following Urodynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "Wendy McArthur, Urodynamic Nurse Patient Satisfaction Survey Following Urodynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wendy McArthur, Urodynamic Nurse Patient Satisfaction Survey Following Urodynamics

2 Urodynamics Urogynae Practice An examination of the lower urinary tract Tests bladder pressures during filling and emptying Helps to determine the cause of bladder symptoms

3 Environment Best performed in a normal, controlled environment Able to reproduce the symptoms Designated room Allows privacy for changing Privacy for uroflow

4 Aim Surveyed 114 women with urinary dysfunction undergoing urodynamics Assess their level of anxiety before the test Level of tolerance Flexibility of appointment Explanation of test

5 Literature Search I found 4 similar surveys done between 2004 and 2007 My survey compared very favourably with similar results

6 Booking of Appointment Was the procedure booked within an acceptable time frame? 2 women replied ‘no’ Was there flexibility of day and time? 11 replied ‘no’

7 Explanations Was the reason for having the urodynamics explained? 2 women replied ‘No’ Were the home tests explained clearly? 2 women replied ‘No’ Were the written instructions clear? 1 woman replied ‘No’

8 Explanations Was there adequate explanation before and during test? 1 woman replied ‘No’ Were questions answered in a manner which was easily understood? 1 woman replied ‘No’

9 During Test Was your privacy and dignity maintained through the test? 1 woman replied ‘No’ Was there any discomfort associated with the test? 45 replied ‘Yes’

10 Pre Test Analog score of 1 - 5 with 1 being relaxed and 5 being nervous and anxious Mean score was 2.88 28 women felt relaxed 24.5% scored < 2 41 women felt nervous and anxious 36% scored > 3

11 Reasons for Feeling Anxious and Nervous Embarrassment - 40 Fear of catheter - 35 Fear of unknown - 39 Fear of pain - 18 36 women didn’t identify any of these concerns

12 Post Test An analog score of 1 - 5 with 1 being better than anticipated and 5 being worse than anticipated Mean score 1.81 50 women scored 2 or less - 44% 5 women scored > 3 - 4%

13 Results 36% scored > 3 for anxiety before the test Only 4% found the test worse than anticipated ( p = 0.0001) Mean score pre test was 2.88 Mean score post test was 1.88 There was a negative correlation

14 Results Bookings were prompt and flexible Explanations were mostly adequate

15 Conclusion A urodynamic study was well tolerated by the majority of our patients A moderate percentage were nervous and anxious before the test A significant minority found the test embarrassing and painful Explanations before and during the test help to reduce anxiety

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