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IoT HoloLens Surface Hub Windows Desktop Windows Mobile Xbox ONE CORE OS ONE APP PLATFORM ONE STORE Windows 10.

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Presentation on theme: "IoT HoloLens Surface Hub Windows Desktop Windows Mobile Xbox ONE CORE OS ONE APP PLATFORM ONE STORE Windows 10."— Presentation transcript:



3 IoT HoloLens Surface Hub Windows Desktop Windows Mobile Xbox ONE CORE OS ONE APP PLATFORM ONE STORE Windows 10


5 Desktop Clients Mobile Clients ONE WINDOWS DEV CENTER Web storefronts Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub


7 2013 Two consumer experiences Two developer experiences

8 2013 Two consumer experiences Two developer experiences 2014 One consumer experience, enabled by linked apps Two developer experiences, loosely connected

9 2013 Two consumer experiences Two developer experiences 2015 One developer experience 2014 One consumer experience, enabled by linked apps Two developer experiences, loosely connected





14 Hidden apps Per market pricing Independent IAP publishing Betas Time based trials App discounts Scheduled publish

15 Existing services Push Notifications Here Maps New services Ads Analytics Xbox Live

16 50% faster average startup time 14% less average memory usage

17 Runtime adaptation typically gives your customers the best experience

18 Device family Universal, Desktop, Mobile, Xbox, Team, Holographic Can precisely specify required minimum device family version Processor architecture ARM, x86, x64, Neutral Foreground memory [optional] Amount of memory your app can use while it is running in the foreground 300MB, 750MB, 1000MB, 2000MB DirectX [optional] Combination of DirectX API version and DirectX hardware feature level A package is applicable to a device if the device satisfies all the declared dependencies

19 Customers think in terms of apps: They don’t see individual packages Store automatically chooses the best (highest-versioned) applicable package for a device Store will try all the packages currently published for your app until we find a match v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better

20 v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better Package selection Gaming desktop Desktop Device Family Windows 10.0.11041.0 DXFL 12_0

21 v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better DevicePackage given Gaming desktopv1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better Package selection Older laptop Desktop Windows 10.0.12473.0 x86 processor DXFL 11_0

22 DevicePackage given Gaming desktopv1.9.0.0 Older laptopv1.8.4.0 v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better Value phone Windows 10 Mobile 190MB foreground memory

23 DevicePackage given Gaming desktopv1.9.0.0 Older laptopv1.8.4.0 Value phonev1.4.2.0 v1.9.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires DirectX 12 APIs and DXFL 12_0 or better v1.8.4.0 Windows Desktop 10.0.11001.0 or better Works with any processor v1.6.0.0 Windows 10 Universal or better Works with any processor Requires 300MB of memory while running v1.4.2.0 Windows Phone 8.1 or better

24 You can describe your app once across all Windows devices


26 Customers will see all your screenshots on all Windows 10 devices

27 Description and one screenshot Everything else is optional



30 Peripherals can come and go at any time




34 Converging to One Dev Center New services New packages for Windows 10 Simplified submissions Access to new customers



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