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Ontario Association for the Support of Physical and Health Educators Past President: Joanne Walsh, Redirected, HDSB Co - Presidents: Vice Presidents: Barbara.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontario Association for the Support of Physical and Health Educators Past President: Joanne Walsh, Redirected, HDSB Co - Presidents: Vice Presidents: Barbara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontario Association for the Support of Physical and Health Educators Past President: Joanne Walsh, Redirected, HDSB Co - Presidents: Vice Presidents: Barbara O’Connor, HCDSB, Dave Inglis, TVDSB The Educator Voice for HPE Rebecca Richardson, HDSB Lara Paterson, LDSB/KFL&A Public Health @supportphe

2 OASPHE – our mission  “Educators who provide a strong voice to lobby, advocate and support the development and delivery of quality curriculum in Health and Physical Education.” 2 The Educator Voice for HPE

3 OASPHE – our mandate  To lobby the appropriate provincial ministries, related organizations, and the community at large for quality Health and Physical Education  To advocate for the development and delivery of quality Health and Physical Education curriculum  To provide support and leadership for Health and Physical Education leaders in the classroom, at the school level and system level. 3 The Educator Voice for HPE

4 4  Building communication networks for HPE Educators and all school boards  Advocating for the full release of 2010 revised HPE curriculum and the release of the secondary revised HPE curriculum.  Partnering to support the provision of quality HPE curriculum/ DPA resources and professional learning grade, 1 – 12.  Supporting the Curriculum Implementation and advocating for funding and resources to provide quality professional learning for educators  Advocating for quality Health and Physical Education as the foundation of a Healthy School Community The Educator Voice for HPE OASPHE KEY PRIORITIES FOR ADVOCACY 2014-2015

5 5  Supporting the revision and implementation of the Ontario Safety Guidelines  Ongoing advocacy for: HPE specialists in elementary schools the OASPHE/Ophea Physical Literacy Position Paper increased time for HPE instruction in Pre-Service programs; minimum credit requirements for taking an HPE AQ course. OASPHE – ongoing advocacy: The Educator Voice for HPE

6 6 OASPHE – your 2014 - 2015 Executive This year’s executive……. Continuing to make our network strong: - renewing your membership - becoming a member - send in your registration to Ann Amberg or visit September 2015- August 2016 The Educator Voice for HPE

7 OASPHE – Spring Conference 7 The Educator Voice for HPE Our Time has Come! Myra Stephen and Francine Taillerfer Education Officers, MOE Highlights of the HPE Curriculum 2015 Grades 1-12

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