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Overview of Red Cross’ Disaster Services Technology Ohio Buckeye Region April 11, 2015 1 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Red Cross’ Disaster Services Technology Ohio Buckeye Region April 11, 2015 1 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Red Cross’ Disaster Services Technology Ohio Buckeye Region April 11, 2015 1 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team

2 I. ARRL & Red Cross Memorandum of Understanding 2. Two Faces of Emergency Communication 3. Disaster Communication Center / Mobile Communication Center 4. Questions 2 Content Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team

3 ARRL – Red Cross MOU March 25, 2010 1.Open Communication – Each organization will share current appropriate data regarding disasters… 2.Local partnerships – Each organization will encourage its local units to communicate with the other organizations… 3.Shared members – Each organization will encourage interest volunteers to be come members … of the other organization… 4.ARRL volunteers supporting the Red Cross – The ARRL may provide volunteers to assist the American Red Cross with communications in support of disaster relief roles… Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 3

4 ARRL – Red Cross MOU 5.Red Cross members supporting the ARRL – Red Cross members affiliated with a local chapter that hold a valid FCC Amateur Radio License are encouraged to participate in the ARES program… 6.Radio station operations – It is understood and agreed that amateur radio operators, being licensed and regulated by the FCC, shall …exercise sole and exclusive control over the operation of their radios stations … 7.Radio operators – It is understood and agreed that radio operators have skills that extend beyond amateur radio frequencies… skills may be applied to operate on Red Cross frequencies Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 4

5 ARRL – Red Cross MOU 8.FCC Licenses – The Red Cross is responsible for any licensing arrangements necessary for Red Cross operations that occur outside amateur radio licenses… In Summary: This MOU provides a broad framework for working together The Ohio Buckeye Region, has begun meeting with ARES groups and developing Statements of Cooperation We want to establish a relationship with each groups prior to the disaster 5

6 Ohio Buckeye Region

7 Disaster Emergency Communications Gray Skies 7  DST team is alerted and arrives at chapter within 120 minutes  Packs up and travel to scene and / or opens Disaster Communication Center in Columbus  Seeks out disaster information (where, how large, impact, road conditions…)*  Provides comm. assistance to Damage Assistance teams * Some of the activities where ARES can assist

8 Disaster Emergency Communications Gray Skies continued 8 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team  Provides Dispatching services to other Red Cross teams (logistics, sheltering, feeding…)  Provides assistance identifying a HQ location (that must support DST needs)  Assists with testing of Red Cross comm. equipment, esp. Emergency Relief Vehicle Radios  Assists with communication needs throughout the Disaster

9 Day-to-day Emergency Communications Blue Skies 9 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team  DST provides support for day to day Red Cross activities such as: Apartment Fires Disaster Drills Training Preparedness Events

10 Preparedness Events Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 10  Red Cross has launched a five year program to Educate residents on fire protection Work with local Fire Departments to test and install smoke detectors  Every chapter is going to run these events.  Typical event:  teams go door to door talking with residents  a team member carries a radio for security, to provide status & communicate with leader

11 Preparedness Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 11  For Columbus, DST provides the equipment and a dispatcher.  We need your HELP!!!  DST can not cover every chapter in the Buckeye Region.

12 Preparedness 12 One support scenario: a. ARES members can become team members and travel with teams providing comm. support along with a dispatcher b. DST will provide training c. ARES can use amateur equipment and frequencies or Red Cross will supply Public Safety radios

13 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 13 We are very flexible Consider helping us out Just let us know. Let us know how we can help you out

14 Disaster Comm. Center Capabilities -Main console for lead dispatcher -Secondary console for Amateur and support team members -Disaster Radios - multiple -Televisions -Computers -Telephone -Supplies and Parts

15 DCC Capabilities - Radios - Motorola XTL 5000 700/800 MHz -State-wide Red Cross Comm. from and within disaster area -Provides comm. with community partners (Ohio State Highway Patrol, sheriff office radio rooms, local EMAs, health depts. and hospitals. - Vertex 5500 and 6000 VHF low and high band - support to comm. suburban and rural fire departments (Ross, Delaware, and Knox County frequencies. - IC7000 and VX1700 amateur radio provides comm. on variety of spectrums. - Two meter and 70 centimeter spectrum - supports majority of ham operators providing emergency comm. for government and non-government agencies. - Vertex 459 UHF and VHF Hand Held Radios 6 each - supports DA, shelter, feeding operations

16 MCC Capabilities - 17, 000 lb. load limit - Cab holds two people - Comm. module 8’ W, 15’ L, 13‘ H - 2 operator workstations and storage - 13.5kW propane gas generator Generator provides 75 amp 12VDC - Equipped with 100 foot reel of 30 amp 120VAC cord to provide lighting - Able to provide 1,500 watts of light

17 MCC Capabilities continued Equipped with a 43‘ pneumatic mast Mast holds platform for public safety radio antennas, Wi-Fi hot spot, 4G cellular phone antenna and camera 4G Cellular broadband and Wi-Fi services Router is very secure Allows USB interfaces Cloud based and managed Same Public Safety and Amateur Radios as DCC

18 Ohio Buckeye – Disaster Services Technology Team 18 Contacts: Nick Riehl - 614 560-9009 Jim Sage – 614 306-1155 Questions?

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