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Preliminary Investigation EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene?

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Investigation EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Investigation EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene?

2 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 2 Corpus Delicti: Body of the Crime Authorities must prove: That a crime occurred That the person charged with the crime was responsible for the crime

3 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 3 Physical Evidence Encompasses any and all objects that can establish that: (1) a crime has been committed (2) can provide a link between a crime and its victim (3) can provide a link between a crime and its perpetrator

4 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 4 Physical Evidence 1st must be recognized –infinite amount of evidence possible Possible sources of evidence: –Body/Victim –Primary & secondary crime scene –Suspect

5 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 5 The Crime Scene Forensic Science begins at the crime scene –Responding officer must preserve scene Proper training can make a patrol officer an effective crime scene processor Techniques are not difficult to master

6 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 6 The Crime Scene Crime labs do not solve crimes –Crime Scene processors - evidence must be found –Local investigators - must connect the pieces

7 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 7 Crime Scene Processing Overview Secure the scene Record the scene Search the scene Collect evidence from scene

8 Crime Scene Processing Securing the Scene

9 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 9 Securing the Scene Responsibility of 1st officer Better to tape off more than needed –You never know what may be evidence Two taped off areas is common –Outer “staging” and keeps “extras” out of main scene

10 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 10 Securing the Scene ADAPT Assess scene and assist injured Detain witness(es) Arrest perpetrator Protect scene – exclude people Take notes – particularly scene log

11 Crime Scene Processing Recording the Scene

12 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 12 Recording the Scene Done first - critical to evidence admissions! Interview witness/victim first Order: –Photograph –Sketches –Take notes

13 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 13 Photography: Purpose 1.To record the original scene and related areas 2.To record the initial appearance of physical evidence 3.It will provide investigators and others with this permanent visual record of the scene for later use 4.Photographs are also used in court trials and hearings

14 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 14 Photography Scene must be unaltered except for medical assistance Completely photograph entire scene Include all adjacent areas Overview scene Start at body and work to less significant evidence

15 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 15 Photography Get injuries and all evidence on body Take two photographs of each item of evidence –One should be an orientation (midrange) shot to show how the item is related to its surroundings –The second photograph should be a close-up to bring out the details of the object itself Use ruler on objects where size is important for scale

16 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 16 Video Same principles as still photo Take long shots and close ups Use narration CANNOT replace still photo

17 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 17 Sketches Rough sketch at crime scene Show location of all items that have any bearing on the crime Dimensions and measurements must be 100% accurate –use tape measure –measure from 2 fixed points

18 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 18

19 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 19

20 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 20 Sketches Required elements: Specific location Date & Time Case Number Full name of preparer & assistants Key or legend

21 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 21 Sketches Required elements: Continued Weather conditions “Scale=“ or “Not to scale” North indicated All evidence All Measurements

22 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 22 Sketches - Order Lay out parameters Draw in fixed objects Insert evidence Record all measurements Indicate North Insert Key or legend

23 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 23 Sketches Finished Sketches are done later with templates, drafting tools, or CAD

24 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 24 Sketches: Rough vs. Finished

25 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 25 Notes Must be taken CONSTANTLY! Detailed description of the scene Must I.D.: –Time evidence is found –By Whom –How and by whom it was packaged –Disposition after it was collected

26 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 26 Notes Tape recording is a good idea –Must be transcribed –Tapes must be held like other case evidence b/c they are used in court no joking on the tape

27 Crime Scene Processing Searching the Scene

28 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 28 Searching the Crime Scene Must be thorough, ALWAYS Assign a supervisor to coordinate search and oversee collection of evidence Search is based upon nature of crime

29 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 29

30 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 30 Searching the Crime Scene Final search is for trace evidence Autopsy is also a search

31 Crime Scene Processing Collecting Evidence from Scene

32 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 32 Collecting Evidence Point person named to oversee collection – Evidence Collector All effort is to prevent any change in the evidence from recovery to processing Keep all items in original condition All items individually packaged to prevent cross-contamination

33 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 33 Collecting Evidence Start with most critical evidence first Most fragile second Body is evidence – most require ME or Coroner to handle body

34 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 34 Collecting Evidence We use all kinds of containers: pill bottles, envelopes, vials, etc. Two special considerations: –body fluids or wet articles must be placed in paper to prevent molding –Arson debris sealed in an airtight container to prevent evaporation

35 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 35 Chain of Custody Recording the life of each piece of evidence Establishes evidence credibility

36 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 36 Chain of Custody Starts with location evidence was found Who collected it Who packaged it Every person who had it in their possession from that point forward

37 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 37 Chain of Custody Initial seal of envelope Initial across tape –Fingerprint tape on card –Tape sealing a box

38 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 38 Submitting Evidence Usually delivered in person –Should be delivered by someone familiar with the case Sometimes mailed Document transfer of evidence

39 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 39 Reconstruction Starts with initial walk through Hypothesis is clarified by evidence and data Examination, testing and further analysis may be required Final theory is carried forward –Alternate theories not ignored

40 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 40 Crime Scene Safety Concern for AIDS and Hepatitis B Caution used at all times Required minimal use of Latex Gloves, Shoe Covers. Liquid repellent coveralls for any contact with fluids or large areas Masks should be used

41 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 41 Crime Scene Safety Use red Biohazard bags for crime scene trash and used gloves/garments Do not eat, drink or smoke at a crime scene

42 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 42 Crime Scene Team Initial officer Emergency Medial Responders CSI – some jurisdictions have their own CSI –Many rely on state agency (GBI) Evidence specialists – if needed Photographer – usually CSI staff

43 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 43 Crime Scene Team Detective – usually local agency Medical Examiner (ME) if needed Lab experts Reconstruction specialist

44 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 44 Legal Considerations Chain of Evidence Unreasonable Searches

45 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 45 Warrantless Searches are allowed under 4 circumstances: Emergency Circumstances Prevent destruction or loss of evidence Area under control of a person being arrested, including their body Consent search

46 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 46 Searches Timeliness an issue in each condition of warrantless search Just get a WARRANT! –Not nearly as big a deal as you think

47 Complicated Crime Scenes How do you handle these?

48 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 48 Columbine HS

49 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 49 FBI Diagram

50 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 50 FBI Diagram

51 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 51 FBI Diagram

52 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 52 FBI Diagram

53 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 53 The Victims

54 Columbine High School Crime Scene Video

55 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 55 Evidence

56 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 56 Evidence

57 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 57 Evidence

58 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 58 Evidence

59 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 59 Evidence

60 EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene? 60 Evidence

61 Preliminary Investigation EQ: How do investigators record and preserve a crime scene?

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