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Models of Earth.

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1 Models of Earth

2 Distances on a Map Think of a time you have read a map and seen the distance between two major cities. What is the relationship between distance on a map and real distance?

3 Distances on a Map Think of a time you have read a map and seen the distance between two major cities. What is the relationship between distance on a map and real distance? Distances are drawn to scale on a map

4 Distances on a Map Think of a time you have read a map and seen the distance between two major cities. What is the relationship between distance on a map and real distance? Distances are drawn to scale on a map We will learn how maps are made to a scale that provides a proportional representation.

5 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model?

6 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model? Something that represents an object or a system, such as a model car.

7 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model? Something that represents an object or a system, such as a model car. What are some models of Earth?

8 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model? Something that represents an object or a system, such as a model car. What are some models of Earth? Globes, maps

9 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model? Something that represents an object or a system, such as a model car. What are some models of Earth? Globes, maps What is the difference between a globe & a map?

10 Representations of Earth's Surface
What is a model? Something that represents an object or a system, such as a model car. What are some models of Earth? Globes, maps What is the difference between a globe & a map? A map is flat, & shows all or part of Earth's surface. A globe is a sphere & shows all of Earth's surface.

11 Representations of Earth's Surface
How are a globe and a map alike?

12 Representations of Earth's Surface
How are a globe and a map alike? Both are drawn to scale, and use symbols to represent features on Earth's surface.

13 Representations of Earth's Surface
How are a globe and a map alike? Both are drawn to scale, and use symbols to represent features on Earth's surface. Why are models of the Earth useful?

14 Representations of Earth's Surface
How are a globe and a map alike? Both are drawn to scale, and use symbols to represent features on Earth's surface. Why are models of the Earth useful? They allow people to visualize an object that is very large.

15 Locating Points on Earth
Look at a globe and locate the equator and the prime meridan.

16 Locating Points on Earth
Look at a globe and locate the equator and the prime meridan. Why are these two lines placed on globes and maps?

17 Locating Points on Earth
Look at a globe and locate the equator and the prime meridan. Why are these two lines placed on globes and maps? They are the baselines for a grid used to locate positions on Earth's surface

18 Locating Points on Earth
Look at a globe and locate the equator and the prime meridan. Why are these two lines placed on globes and maps? They are the baselines for a grid used to locate positions on Earth's surface The equator, prime meridan, & lines of latitude & longitude drawn on maps & globes do not really exist on Earth's surface. These lines allow people to locate points on Earth's surface & measure distances between the points.

19 Locating Points on Earth
Why was it necessary to establish a prime meridan?

20 Locating Points on Earth
Why was it necessary to establish a prime meridan? There needed to be a starting point for measuring longitude.

21 Locating Points on Earth
Why was it necessary to establish a prime meridan? There needed to be a starting point for measuring longitude. If you started at the prime meridan, and traveled east, how many degrees would you have to travel to return to the prime meridan?

22 Locating Points on Earth
Why was it necessary to establish a prime meridan? There needed to be a starting point for measuring longitude. If you started at the prime meridan, and traveled east, how many degrees would you have to travel to return to the prime meridan? 360 degrees

23 Quick Check In your own words and in your notebook, explain what it means to draw a map to scale.

24 Equator and Prime Meridan
Look at Figure 7 at the top of page 14.

25 Equator and Prime Meridan
Look at Figure 7 at the top of page 14. How is the equator like the prime meridan, and how are they different?

26 Equator and Prime Meridan
Look at Figure 7 at the top of page 14. How is the equator like the prime meridan, and how are they different? Both are imaginary lines that brovide a basis for an imaginary grid on Earth's surface.

27 Equator and Prime Meridan
Look at Figure 7 at the top of page 14. How is the equator like the prime meridan, and how are they different? Both are imaginary lines that brovide a basis for an imaginary grid on Earth's surface. The equator is a line that circles Earth in an east- west direction, whereas the prime meridan makes a half-circle in an north-south direciton.

28 Equator and Prime Meridan
The equator divides Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

29 Equator and Prime Meridan
The equator divides Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres. What is a hemisphere?

30 Distance between Lines of Longitude
How does the distance between lines of longitude change from the equator toward the poles?

31 Distance between Lines of Longitude
How does the distance between lines of longitude change from the equator toward the poles? It decreases

32 Distance between Lines of Longitude
How does the distance between lines of longitude change from the equator toward the poles? It decreases Is the distance represented by one degree of longitude always the same?

33 Distance between Lines of Longitude
How does the distance between lines of longitude change from the equator toward the poles? It decreases Is the distance represented by one degree of longitude always the same? No, the distance is greatest at the the equator and least at the poles

34 Science and History Why was it so important for people to develop better maps and technology during this time period?

35 Science and History Why was it so important for people to develop better maps and technology during this time period? People were beginning to travel long distances, especially by sea

36 Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude and longitude are somewhat similar to city streets. Lines of latitude are similar to east-west streets, and lines of longitude are similar to north-south streets. The intersection of two streets defines a location.

37 Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude and longitude are somewhat similar to city streets. Lines of latitude are similar to east-west streets, and lines of longitude are similar to north-south streets. The intersection of two streets defines a location. Is 30N a latitude or a longitude?

38 Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude and longitude are somewhat similar to city streets. Lines of latitude are similar to east-west streets, and lines of longitude are similar to north-south streets. The intersection of two streets defines a location. Is 30N a latitude or a longitude? Latutide as latitude lines are identified as being north or south of the equator. A latitude of 30N indicates a circle 30 degrees north of the equator.

39 Latitude and Longitude
Is 30E a latitude or a longitude?

40 Latitude and Longitude
Is 30E a latitude or a longitude? Longitude because longitude lines are are east or west of the prime meridan. A longitude of 30E indicates a half-circle that is 30 degrees east of the prime meridan.

41 Latitude and Longitude
Is 30E a latitude or a longitude? Longitude because longitude lines are are east or west of the prime meridan. A longitude of 30E indicates a half-circle that is 30 degrees east of the prime meridan. Why do you need both latitude and longitude to locate a place on Earth's surface?

42 Latitude and Longitude
Is 30E a latitude or a longitude? Longitude because longitude lines are are east or west of the prime meridan. A longitude of 30E indicates a half-circle that is 30 degrees east of the prime meridan. Why do you need both latitude and longitude to locate a place on Earth's surface? The intersection of lines of latitude and longitude are specific points.

43 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator?

44 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator? Tropical plants that include trees and vines and some grasses

45 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator? Tropical plants that include trees and vines and some grasses What is vegetation like at high latitudes?

46 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator? Tropical plants that include trees and vines and some grasses What is vegetation like at high latitudes? Hearty plants, such as mosses and sedges and some low shrubs.

47 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator? Tropical plants that include trees and vines and some grasses What is vegetation like at high latitudes? Hearty plants, such as mosses and sedges and some low shrubs. Are animals also different at different latitudes?

48 Integrating Life Science
What is the vegetation like near the equator? Tropical plants that include trees and vines and some grasses What is vegetation like at high latitudes? Hearty plants, such as mosses and sedges and some low shrubs. Are animals also different at different latitudes? yes, monkeys might live near the equator, and polar bears might live in Arctic regions

49 Integrating Life Science
How does latitude affect the distribution of life?

50 Integrating Life Science
How does latitude affect the distribution of life? Because climate changes with latitude, plant and animal communities also change with latitude.

51 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?

52 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily

53 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily Why do you think different types of flat maps are made?

54 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily Why do you think different types of flat maps are made? Different types of maps are useful for different purposes

55 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily Why do you think different types of flat maps are made? Different types of maps are useful for different purposes

56 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily Why do you think different types of flat maps are made? Different types of maps are useful for different purposes Which map would be most useful for comparing the sizes of continents?

57 Uses of Maps What advantages do flat maps have over globes?
A flat map can be rolled up and carried easily Why do you think different types of flat maps are made? Different types of maps are useful for different purposes Which map would be most useful for comparing the sizes of continents? Equal-area projection

58 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States?

59 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States? Conic projection

60 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States? Conic projection Which map best shows the shape of continents away from the equator?

61 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States? Conic projection Which map best shows the shape of continents away from the equator? Mercator Projections

62 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States? Conic projection Which map best shows the shape of continents away from the equator? Mercator Projections Why are map distortions less of a problem on maps that show a smaller region?

63 Uses of Maps Which map is useful for showing relatively small areas, such as the United States? Conic projection Which map best shows the shape of continents away from the equator? Mercator Projections Why are map distortions less of a problem on maps that show a smaller region? These maps represent a smaller section of Earth's surface that is nearly flat.

64 Assessment Questions 1a. What is a map?

65 Assessment Questions 1a. What is a map?
A map is a flat model of all or part of Earth's surface as seen from above

66 Assessment Questions 1b. What information does a globe present?

67 Assessment Questions 1b. What information does a globe present?
A globe shows the relative size, shape, and position of landmasses and bodies of water on Earth's surface

68 Assessment Questions 1c. Who are maps and globes similar? How are they different?

69 Assessment Questions 1c. Who are maps and globes similar? How are they different? Both maps and globes are drawn to scale and use symbols to represent features on Earth's surface. Maps often distort the sizes of shapes or landmasses, but globes do not.

70 Assessment Questions 2a. What two lines are baselines for measurements on Earth's surface?

71 Assessment Questions 2a. What two lines are baselines for measurements on Earth's surface? The equator and the prime meridian

72 Assessment Questions 2b. How are these baselines used to locate points on Earth's surface?

73 Assessment Questions 2b. How are these baselines used to locate points on Earth's surface? They form the basis for a grid of latitude and longitude lines that cover Earth's surface and can be used to locate any point on the surface

74 Assessment Questions 2c. Look at the map on page 17- Figure 9. If you fly due north from Lima, through how many degrees of latitude must you travel to reach Washington, D.C.?

75 Assessment Questions 2c. Look at the map on page 17- Figure 9. If you fly due north from Lima, through how many degrees of latitude must you travel to reach Washington, D.C.? Approximately 51 degrees of latitude

76 Assessment Questions 3a. What are three common map projections?

77 Assessment Questions 3a. What are three common map projections?
Mercator, equal-area, and conic

78 Assessment Questions 3b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three projections?

79 Assessment Questions 3b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three projections? Mercator projections show the correct shape of landmasses near the equator, but distort areas near the poles. Equal-area projections correctly show the relative sizes of Earth's landmasses but distort the shapes of these landmasses near the edges of the maps. Conic projections have little distortion, but can be used to only show a limited part of the Earth's surface.

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