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ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management Induction and Study Skills.

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1 ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management Induction and Study Skills

2 Aims: To know more about ILM and what the requirements of the programme are To understand your learning style preference To learn how to follow Kolb’s Learning Cycle To be able to plan for ILM assessed work To understand the importance of checking assessed work before submission

3 Leadership "Leadership is like the abominable snowman whose footprints are everywhere but who is nowhere to be seen" BENNIS, W. NANUS,B. (1997) Leaders, Strategies for taking charge 2nd edition p19 Harper Collins

4 Management Management in business and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization or initiative to accomplish a goal

5 NHS Leadership Academy NHS Healthcare Leadership Model 360 Tool

6 The Lone Nut...

7 Leadership is said to be central to the future of health and social care services within the UK. (Darzi 2008, Ham 2011) DARZI, A. (2008) High Quality Care for all NHS next stage review final report, Department of Health HAM, C. (2011) It makes a welcome change to hear praise for NHS managers Health service journal 11 th Feb 2011



10 Hard work Able to put the theory into practice Encourages involvement Can be daunting but worth the effort –Continuously reviewing programme using feedback / evaluations Feedback from previous groups…

11 ModuleTask Work 1 Induction and Study Skills Session None 2 Insights Discovery None 3 Equality and Diversity Understanding Leadership Group work session & Tutorials Task work preparation 4 Understanding Leadership Assessed task work in session + Assignment 5 Human Resources Day 1 None 6 Human Resources Day 2 Understanding Discipline in the Workplace Assignment 7 Understand how to Establish an Effective Team None 8 Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively None 9 Planning Change in the Workplace Assignment 10 Understanding Stress Management in the Workplace None 11 Understanding Good Practice in Workplace Coaching None 12 Review and Reflection Graduation None Programme Schedule

12 ILM Induction Handbook

13 Front Sheet: –Name –Student enrolment number –Module name –Date of submission –Word count Format –Ariel, black, font size 12 and lines 1.5 spaced and paragraphs double spaced Guidance –Read the question carefully –Check the word count guidance given –Proof read the assignment prior to submission –Refer to Page 5 in the handbook Planning for Assessed Written Work

14 You must acknowledge work that you quote, paraphrase or you are influenced by within the text. See ILM Induction Handbook Appendix 2 for further information Author/Date/Title(Ed)/Place of publishing/Publisher Referencing

15 AC 2.1 Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture, using feedback from others Leadership Assessment

16 Learning Outcome / Section 2: Understand leadership qualities and review own leadership qualities and potential Assessment Criteria (AC) Referral [0-13/28]Pass [14-20/28]Good Pass [21-28/28] feedback on AC AC 2.1 Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture, using feedback from others  Own leadership behaviours and/or potential in the context of a particular leadership model and/or own organisation’s working practices and/or culture, using feedback from others are described or explained as opposed to assessed  An assessment is made of own leadership behaviours and potential based on feedback from others and in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture but the assessment is inappropriate or minimal  An assessment is made of own leadership behaviours and potential but is not based on feedback from others and/or is not in the context of a particular leadership model and/or own organisation’s working practices and culture  An appropriate assessment is made of own leadership behaviours and potential clearly based on feedback from others, and in the context of both a particular leadership model, and also of own organisation’s working practices and culture, although the assessment may be limited and/or the context of a particular leadership model and/or own organisation’s working practices and culture may be more implicit than explicit  A thorough and detailed assessment is made so as to form a judgement of own leadership behaviours and potential explicitly based on feedback from others and clearly in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture / 28 (min. of 14) Pass or Referral

17 Learning Styles Two types of learning; taught and experiential Experiential learning is arguably the most important of life’s skills but it is generally done intuitively. The weaknesses with learning this way are: –You are not clear what you have learnt –Cannot communicate it to others –Cannot become more efficient at learning if you don’t know how to learn through the process of the experience –You cannot help others learn from their experiences

18 Kolb Learning Cycle, 1984


20 Honey and Mumford Learning Styles, (1982) Activist: short sessions, participation, variety, think on their feet Reflector: think before acting, preparation, listen and observe Theorist: concepts and models, overall picture, structure, clear objectives Pragmatist: relevance to work, practical advantage, proven techniques Activity: In Learning Style groups can you: – highlight which areas of the programme you feel most comfortable with? – highlight which aspects you feel you may need support with?

21 Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Theorists Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualisation Reflectors Pragmatists Activists

22 After meeting everyone on the cohort today and thinking about their experiences and their learning styles please find another delegate in the room who you would like to buddy up with for the programme.

23 Let us know at least 24hrs before or as soon as possible You will be able to access all course material via PALMs If need extra support with material will need to arrange a phone call or meeting with buddy or a member of the Leadership Team. If assessed work was done within the session you will be required to complete a written piece of work and you will be given a deadline for submission. If you cannot attend a session …

24 What next ….. Decide whether you would still like to proceed onto the programme at this time Confirm decision with Shelley Spray before Friday 1 st May 2015 Once confirmation has been received an invite to complete the Insights Discovery evaluator will be sent by Lauren Briggs The online evaluator will need to be completed by 22 May 15

25 In session: ILM Induction Checklist Personal identification details – these will be used by STH to enrol you onto the course, send course material etc Before next session: Log onto PALMS ILM Pre-course questionnaire Learning styles questionnaire Upload a photo of yourself onto My Profile Settings Write a short statement about yourself in the Cohort Introductions Forum To Do…

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