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Toward Freedom: Struggles for Independence. The End of Empire in World History  Imperial breakup was a new concept  Fall of many Empires in 20 th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Toward Freedom: Struggles for Independence. The End of Empire in World History  Imperial breakup was a new concept  Fall of many Empires in 20 th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toward Freedom: Struggles for Independence

2 The End of Empire in World History  Imperial breakup was a new concept  Fall of many Empires in 20 th Century

3 Explaining African and Asian Independence  Explanations for decolonization  Independence was contested everywhere

4 Comparing Freedom Struggles: India and South Africa

5 The Case of India: Ending British Rule  Before 1900, few people thought of themselves as “Indians”  British rule prompted a growing sense of identity

6 The Case of India: Ending British Rule  1885: Establishment of the Indian National Congress (INC)

7 The Case of India: Ending British Rule  The role of Mohandas Gandhi (1869 – 1948)  Gandhi embraced efforts to mobilize women

8 The Case of India: Ending British Rule  Not everyone agreed with Gandhi  Jawaharlal Nehru  Muhammad Ali Jinnah  Independence in 1947 created two countries

9 The Case of South Africa: Ending the Apartheid  Background  White population split between  British descendants  Dutch descendants – Afrikaners (Boers)

10 The Case of South Africa: Ending the Apartheid  By the early 1900s, South Africa had a mature industrial economy  Issue of race was overwhelmingly prominent

11 The Case of South Africa: Ending the Apartheid  1912 African National Congress (ANC) founded  Underground nationalist leaders turned to sabotage and assassination

12 The Case of South Africa: Ending the Apartheid  Growing international pressure  Negotiations began in the late 1980s

13 The Case of South Africa: Ending the Apartheid  1994: National elections brought the ANC to power

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