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WELCOME MICT SETA SME FORUM 21 November 2014. NSDS Target Target DRAFT AGENDA TIMEDESCRIPTIONPRESENTER 08h30 – 09h00Arrivals and RegistrationAll 09h00.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME MICT SETA SME FORUM 21 November 2014. NSDS Target Target DRAFT AGENDA TIMEDESCRIPTIONPRESENTER 08h30 – 09h00Arrivals and RegistrationAll 09h00."— Presentation transcript:


2 NSDS Target Target DRAFT AGENDA TIMEDESCRIPTIONPRESENTER 08h30 – 09h00Arrivals and RegistrationAll 09h00 - 09h05Opening and WelcomeSithembile Hlongwane Charlton Philiso 09h05 – 09h30Overview and Feedback 09h30 – 10h30Scarce and critical skills: The SME perspective Sekgana Makhoba 10:30 – 10:45 TEA BREAK 10:45 – 11:45Panel discussion on SME participationALL 11:45– 12:00Closing remarks and way forwardCharlton Philiso 12:00Lunch

3 OVERVIEW SME Forums ― Engage profoundly with an important part of the sectors employers, namely companies that are employing between 1 and 50 people ― Insufficient data on the structure and the skills requirement of this very part of the sector ― In order to design a sound strategy for the engagement of skills development of the sector, a great deal of strategic research has to be conducted in order to put the skills development strategy on sound footing ― Gathering and dissemination of comprehensive information on training providers, training provided, and the training needs of SMEs will constitute a critical component of the strategy

4 TERMS OF REFERENCE Specific Terms of Reference −Consult and share skills development information with MICT stakeholders, with special emphasis on SME involvement −Inform the MICT SETA Sector Skills Plan document in relation to the scarce and critical skills in the sector −Encourage cooperation between levy-payers, non-levy payers and training providers in addressing the skills gaps within the MICT sector

5 ― The MICT SETA should provide capacity building on: accreditation processes SMS learner uploads ― The SETA should identify and support focused and targeted scarce and critical skills within SME sector ― Non-levy payers should commit to paying levies once they are allocated Discretionary Grants to ensure sustained participation ― The SETA should develop and publish a databank of challenges facing training providers and potential solutions thereof ― The SETA should initiate focused partnerships between private and public providers Potential areas of support: KZN- SME Forum

6 Qualifications review - Update −Journalism −Film and Media −IT

7 Thank you

8 Sector Skills Planning Discussion

9 Background Skills Development Act requires that a SETA develop and implement a Sector Skills Plan (SSP) DHET requires that the SSPs be updated annually SSPs have to be evidence based and be informed by research into a particular sector

10 Approach to the SSP Update 10 Field Research Review of current SSP to identify gaps Desk Research Interviews Survey Literature review Analysis Focus Groups and Consolidation Planning, Review and Sign off

11 Sector Profile: Sub-sector by size There are 19937 employers registered with the MICT SETA

12 Sector Profile: Employers by Sub-sector and Size Small organisations employing less than 50 people constitute about 96% of all employers in the sector.

13 Sector Profile: Employers by Province and Size Gauteng has the largest share of employers at 40%, followed by Western Cape and Kwazulu- Natal with 8% each.

14 Levy Contributions by sub-sector Sub-sectorSizeLevies Advertising 13%5% Film and Electronic Media 14%7% Electronics 12%14% Information Technology 54%44% Telecommunications 7%30% A higher proportion of employers in a sub- sector does not necessarily imply more levy contributions in the sub-sector.

15 Levy contribution by province ProvincePercentage Eastern Cape0.33% Freestate0.26% Gauteng86.17% KwaZulu-Natal3.30% Limpopo0.10% Mpumalanga0.23% National0.01% North West0.10% Northern Cape0.03% Western Cape9.48% Gauteng has the highest proportion of levy contributions

16 Levy Contribution Trends by Sub-sector The number of levy payers has steadily increased since 2010/11

17 Scarce Skills Advertising Digitisation is really big “Project directors who are able to manage integrated campaigns”

18 Scarce Skills FEM

19 Scarce Skills IT

20 Scarce Skills Electronics

21 Scarce Skills Telecommunications

22 Critical Skills Advertising The sector is looking for “sharp thinkers” who are strong conceptually.

23 Critical Skills FEM

24 Critical Skills ICT

25 SECTOR SKILLS PLAN YEAR PLANNER ATRs and WSPs submissionsDecember 2014-April 2015 Evaluation and approval of WSPs and ATRsMay-June 2015 Research and development of the SSPJanuary – June 2015 Online Grant System update and openingOctober-November 2014 Online Grant System openingDecember 2014 SDF workshops on new OGSJanuary 2015: KZN January 2015: EC January 2015: WC February 2015: GP Production and distribution of Career GuideJanuary-March 2015 Mandatory Grants Approvals and paymentsQuarterly

26 Thank you

27 2013/14 SUPPORT FOR SMEs Small and emerging business owners and employees to have access to MICT SETA learning programmes 105 SLAs signed with SMEs for skills development

28 CURRENT (2013/14) SUPPORT Total Number of LOI Number of Approved LOI Number of Declined LOI 856025

29 FUTURE (2015/16) ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN ProgrammeNumber of learnersBudget Internships/Learnerships (SMMEs) 52336 625 000 Short courses/Learnerships (Unions, NGOs, CBOs) 22014 770,000.00

30 DISCRETIONARY GRANTS APPLICATION PROCESS Submission of Letter of Intent (LoI: PIVOTAL/Non PIVOTAL) Desktop verification of Levy Contribution by SSP Desktop confirmation of accreditation of the training provider by ETQA Desktop approval of vetting process by Snr Manager - LPD

31 DISCRETIONARY GRANTS APPLICATION PROCESS Site Vetting of Employer by LPD Advisor DG Committee recommend to CEO for approval Approval/Disapproval of recommendation by CEO Notification of application outcome. Budget allocation, drafting and signing of Service Level Agreement (SLA)

32 Thank you



35 THANK YOU Head Office: 011 207 2600 Durban: 031 307 7248 East London: 043 726 0763 Cape Town: 021 461 3926

36 Head Office: 011 207 2600 Sekgana Makhoba 011 207 2609 Charlton Philiso 011 207 2601 Jabu Sibeko 011 207 2602

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