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ERANet Transport Flagship 2015 Call Brokerage event 13 May 2015 Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "ERANet Transport Flagship 2015 Call Brokerage event 13 May 2015 Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERANet Transport Flagship 2015 Call Brokerage event 13 May 2015 Brussels

2 Project proposal – Title & approach « Pooling towards sustainable transportation and logistics : A systemic analysis of the implementation’s conditions”  tackle one or several specific aspect of the Physical Internet concept (pooling, hubs b/w core & comprehensive networks) in an interdisciplinary approach with complementary visions ( economic, social, environmental, technical, legal-politic )  Put the systemic concept in a systemic project approach ( partnership & competences )  Real-life demonstrators in a geographically coherent and transborder space.

3 Project proposal - Workloads Technological innovations to implement this global pooling, ( information sharing, data confidentiality and safety, interoperability and standards, smart interactions between systems, … ) Organizational innovations ( relationships between stakeholders, changes in the current logistic schemes, … ) Modal shift and intermodality issues ( smoother interfaces, tracing issues, … ) Applicative pilots / demonstrations ( e.g. truck platooning, data sharing, … ) to be defined with partners

4 Project proposal - Consortium France / Nord-Pas de Calais : IFSTTAR, Uni Valenciennes, i-Fret/i- Trans, Euralogistics, BG Ingénieurs Conseil Netherlands: TU Delft Belgium / Flanders: MOBI/Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Univ Antwerp Contacts taken so far (negociations en cours) Looking for possibly partners with complementary competences and/or partner projects,

5 Contact for further information Anna MELSEN i-Fret Innovation Platform Non-profit multipartenarial organisation acting as innovation catalysator in the freight, logistics & ITS sector. Part of the i-Trans ‘non-profit group’ Northern France (Nord-Pas de Calais & Picardie) Contacts:, [+33] (0)3 28 61 97 72,

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