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Department of Agriculture Rajasthan Promotion of Pulses through Intercropping in Kharif Season.

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1 Department of Agriculture Rajasthan Promotion of Pulses through Intercropping in Kharif Season

2 Rank in India Rajasthan rank second in area and third in production in total pulses in the country (2013-14)

3 Area, Production & Productivity of various crops (A rea lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) Crop Av. XIth Plan (2007-08 to 2011- 12) 2012-132013-142014-15 (II nd Adv. Esti.) APYAPYAPYAPY Moong10.384.274117.902.3429610.203.913848.944.23473 Moth13.373.962968.642.362739.272.672888.693.22370 Urd1.560.754782.181.255751.960.713602.021.06524 Cowpea1.190.514320.650.253820.610.345550.600.41691 Arhar0.190.136920.170.158790.150.096490.130.10735 Total Kh. Pulses 26.719.6336119.566.3732622.217.7334820.399.02443 Gram13.199.3671012.5312.65101019.2416.4085314.9812.25818 Total Pulses 40.2819.3648132.3919.3859842.0324.7658935.7421.70607

4 Major Kharif Pulses Moongbean Mothbean Urdbean Cowpea Arhar

5 Kharif pulses varieties Moong - K-851, RMG-62, RMG-268,RMG- 492, RMG-344, GM-4, SML-668, IPM-02-3, HUM-16, Satya, Meha, P-9531, HUM-12 Moth – RMO-40, RMO-423, RMO-435, RMO- 225, RMO-257, CAZRI-2, RMB-25 Urd – T-9, Azad-3, IPU-94-1, PU-40, PU-31, TAU-1 Cowpea – RC-19, Pant Lobia, Kashi Kanchan Arhar – ICPL-88039

6 Major Constraints Rainfed Condition – Most of the crops grown on rainfed condition, stress at critical stages, three years out of five years are drought years in Rajasthan. Unfavourable weather Condition – Continuous rains, stress at maturity, high temperature at maturity, frost during winter season. Cultivation on poor lands. Varietal constraints – Lack of high yielding, which are immune to insect, pest and diseases, resistant to cold and drought. Seed constraints – Lack of availability of improved seed, high prices of seed, higher seed rate. Agronomical constraints – Weed infestation cause 20-25 % loss, proper seed treatment with bio fertilizers, timely sowing, lack of adoption of intercropping of pulses with components crops. Major insects and pests - Pod borer Major diseases - Blight, root rot, mosaic, wilt. Lack of suitable machinery (seed drill)for inter crop sowing Fluctuation in market prices. Post harvest losses 25-30 %.

7 Strategy/Approach Selection of villages and farmers Capacity building of farmers Soil sampling and nutrient analysis Timely supply of minikits of component crops Sowing of intercrops in recommended row ratio Organization of cluster demonstrations of intercrops of pulses with cereals Crop monitoring

8 Existing Intercropping systems Bajra+Moth Bajra+Moong Bajra+Urd Maize+Moong Maize+Urd Maize+Arhar Ground nut+Arhar Til+Urd Til+Moong Jowar+Moong Jowar+Urd Jowar+Arhar

9 Composite Minikits for Intercropping Intercropping System Rate of Assistance Physical (Ha.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) Bajra+Moth/Moong/ Urd Rs. 2000/- Per Ha or Actual cost of seed of both the component crops 58000 1160 Maize+Moong/ Urd/Arhar 30000 600 Sorghum+Moong/ Urd/Arhar 10000 200 Arhar+Urd/ Moong 2000 40 Total 100000 2000

10 Cluster Demonstrations of Cereals/Oil Seeds+Pulses Inter Cropping Intercropping System Rate of Assistance Physical (Ha.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) Bajra+Moth/Moong/ Urd Rs. 7500/- Per Ha 15000 1125 Maize+Moong/ Urd/Arhar 6000 450 Sorghum+Moong/ Urd/Arhar 2000 150 Arhar+Urd/ Moong 1000 75 Groundnut+Arhar 1000 75 Sesame+Moong/Urd 2000 150 Total 270002025

11 Focus Areas 1. Districts with high potential but relatively low levels of productivity performance shall be identified 2. Diagnostic analysis of the reasons of gaps in production and productivity will be performed 3. Extension functionaries will be geared up to encourage farmers for adopting intercropping of various prevailing pulse crops. 4. Timely availability of pulses seeds shall be ensured with other required agro inputs. 5. Farmers will be trained through FFS mode on demonstration sites.

12 Thanks

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