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Should Early Childhood Be a Profession? If yes, who is in and who is out? If no, is that a problem? Stacie G. Goffin, Pam Winton, Pat Snyder Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Should Early Childhood Be a Profession? If yes, who is in and who is out? If no, is that a problem? Stacie G. Goffin, Pam Winton, Pat Snyder Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should Early Childhood Be a Profession? If yes, who is in and who is out? If no, is that a problem? Stacie G. Goffin, Pam Winton, Pat Snyder Presentation at the National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute Chapel Hill NC May 13, 2015

2 Can the aspiration for inclusion be achieved without there being a unified professional field of practice?

3  “How do occupations and professions differ? " “Why does the distinction matter to our field of practice?” © Goffin Strategy Group

4 Assuming that our professional field of practice is inclusive of all of us, “What would you name our profession?”

5 Small Group Discussion  What are 2-3 defining characteristics of a profession?  Who “belongs” in the profession of xxxxxx (our name)?

6 Leading For Our Profession (Goffin, 2013) argues ECE should…….  Formally Organize as A Profession to Realize Consistency in Practice Across Sites and Program Types.  Assume Responsibility for the Competent Practice of Practitioners and Positive Results for Children’s Learning and Development.  Develop Field-Wide Leadership and Shun Reliance on Public Policy for Defining the Field’s Purpose and Structure. © Goffin Strategy Group

7 Leading For Our Profession asserts ….. It’s Time For Change This Time From Inside-Out “A vocation [occupation] is not a profession just because those in it choose to call it one. It must be recognized as such” (John Goodlad, 1990). © Goffin Strategy Group

8 CONSIDER…. “Our Dreams Contain the Power to Transform Mediocrity into Magnificence” [Dawn Stankowski]  Left for Us to Decide ….  Whose Dreams will Drive the Field’s Future?  What is the Future we Want to Create? © Goffin Strategy Group

9 Continue the conversation….  NAECS-SDE Annual Meeting in New Orleans (June 2015)  NAEYC’s Professional Development Institute in New Orleans (June, 2015)  2015 QRIS National Meeting in National Harbor, MD (July 2015)  DEC Conference in Atlanta (October, 2015)  Professionalizing Early Childhood Education As a Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era (Goffin - Forthcoming June 2015)  Early Childhood Education for a New Era (Goffin, 2013).  ECE Pioneers For a New Era – Email to join this ongoing online


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