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AIM: HOW DID PRINCE METTERNICH PROVE THAT HE WAS CORRECT IN HIS FEARS?  Do Now : Define : conservatism, liberalism, nationalism Unit Question: How did.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: HOW DID PRINCE METTERNICH PROVE THAT HE WAS CORRECT IN HIS FEARS?  Do Now : Define : conservatism, liberalism, nationalism Unit Question: How did."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: HOW DID PRINCE METTERNICH PROVE THAT HE WAS CORRECT IN HIS FEARS?  Do Now : Define : conservatism, liberalism, nationalism Unit Question: How did rev. ideals in Europe & Latin America ignite uprisings in the first ½ of the 19 th c?

2 FRENCH REVOLUTION Why did the French Revolution start? How does it influence the rest of the world?

3 A “REVOLUTIONARY SEED” “Passions are let loose…to overthrow everything that society respects as the basis of its existence: religion, public morality, laws, customs, rights and duties, all are attacked, confounded, overthrown, or called in question.”  What were Prince Metternich’s fears?

4 PRINCE METTERNICH  Conservative (prefer Old Order)  Wanted to push back revolutionary ideas  Urged monarchs to oppose freedom of the press & send troops to set protesting lands in flames

5 LIBERALS “BOURGEOIS LIBERALISM”  Universal manhood suffrage: gave men right to vote  Supports Adam Smith’s laissez-faire economics  Free market= capitalism

6 CENTRAL EUROPE CHALLENGES OLD ORDER (1830)  Russians helped Serbia win autonomy (self-rule), within the Ottoman Empire  Greece wins independence from Ottoman power, but forced to accept a German king  France supported Spain in their revolt for constitutional government  Austria crossed the Alps to crush Italian rebellions

7 GROUP ACTIVITY “Beliefs on the Line” 1.Please push desks out of center of room. 2.Stand on either side of the line. 3.Listen for directions.

8 ACTIVITY DEBRIEF 1.Which statements were liberal and which were conservative? 2.What observations did you make about the times students took a step forward? 3.-How are these beliefs formed? 4.How would conservatives in France feel vs. liberals in France right after the revolution? 5.Why do people’s ideologies cause turmoil?

9 AIM: WHAT WERE THE CAUSES & EFFECTS OF THE REVOLUTIONS IN 1830 & 1848? Do Now: Analyze the following quote – “We are sleeping on a volcano…Do you not see that the Earth trembles anew? A wind of revolution blows, the storm is on the horizon.” -Alexis de Tocqueville

10 FRENCH REBELS WIN IN 1830  Congress of Vienna: restored Louis XVIII to French throne  Issued a constitution (Charter of French liberties)  Citizens lead the July Revolution  Charles X vs liberals and radicals (those who favor extreme change) in Paris

11 FRENCH REBELS WIN IN 1830  “Citizen King” Rules France  Radicals want republic  Moderate liberals insist on constitutional monarchy  Louis Philippe – got along well with liberal bourgeoisie

12 THE SPIRIT OF REFORM SPREADS  Some rebels win changes but even where they failed, revolutions frightened rulers enough to encourage reforms  Belgium wins independence  1831 becomes an independent state with a liberal constitution  Rebels in Poland fail  Congress of Vienna handed Poland to Russia and Russians crushed Polish rebels

13 THE FRENCH REVOLT AGAIN IN 1848  1848: political discontent was met with a recession (period of reduced economic activity) = Paris was again ripe for a revolution  Turmoil spreads during “February Days”  Second Republic – king abdicates, but differences between liberal, radical and social leaders divided the new government

14 THE FRENCH REVOLT AGAIN IN 1848  The working class loses out during “June Days”  Upper and middle class interests had won control of the government  Furious, workers took to the streets of Paris  1500 killed before the government crushed the rebellion  Bitter legacy = middle class feared & distrusted the socialists, working class hated the bourgeoisie

15 THE FRENCH REVOLT IN 1848  A new Napoleon comes to power  National Assembly issued a constitution for the Second Republic  Gave the vote to all adult men, widest suffrage in the world at the time  Elections for President – Louis Napoleon won  1852 = proclaimed himself emperor  In time, Napoleon would embark on foreign adventures that would bring down his empire and end French leadership in Europe

16 REVOLUTION SURGES THROUGH EUROPE  In the Austrian Empire, students and workers joined together forcing Metternich to resign  In Budapest, Hungarian nationalists demanded an independent government  In Prague, the Czechs call for end of serfdom and a written constitution

17 REVOLUTION SURGES THROUGH EUROPE  Revolts in Italy:  nationalists wanted to end Hapsburg domination,  expel the pope from Rome  install nationalist government  Rebellion in the German States:  divisions emerge over whether Germany should be a republic or monarchy  whether to include Austria  king rejects offer of crown

18 TIMELINE ACTIVITY Instructions: Each group will make a timeline from a certain “Age” in History using notes, textbook and reference materials Label – 1. Political Leaders 2. Military Expansion or Shrinkage 3. Economic Developments 4. Social/Cultural Changes At bottom, write brief analysis (3-6 sentences) of what your overall timeline shows What you need: Minimum - 15 events on your timeline 2 leaders (political or religious) At least 1 religious event At least 1 political event At least 1 military event At least 1 drawing Way “Age” led to next “Age” Example: Renaissance led to Reformation, etc. Groups: 1.Age of Rebirth (Renaissance) 2.Age of Questioning (Reformation) 3.Age of Absolutism (Rise of Monarchies) 4.Age of Reasoning (Scientific Revolution + Enlightenment) 5.Age of Revolutions (French Revolution) 6. Age of Revolutions (Central Europe/Eastern Europe – Serbia, Poland, Belgium, Austria) 7.Age of Revolutions (France post Napoleon, Revolution Round 2) 8.Age of Revolutions (Western Europe = Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany)




22 GROWING DISCONTENT  Napoleon puts his brother Joseph on Spanish throne  Leaders of Latin America saw this as a weakness from Spain  Enlightenment  French Rev.  Constitution & Declaration translated

23 SIMON BOLIVAR “THE LIBERATOR” Led uprising  republic in Venezuela (1810), but ruined by conservative forces Civil war enraged Bolivar was exiled twice to Haiti Planned to attack Spain from Bogota (Columbia) through the Andes Mountains Caracas, Venezuela was freed (1821) Joined Jose de San Martin to aid Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia but would not succeed

24 JOSE DE SAN MARTIN  Creole  Led revolt that freed Chile  Handed over command to Bolivar to further victories against the Spanish colonial rule

25 TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE: HAITI  Former slave, brilliant general & inspiring commander  Hispaniola: French planters own profitable sugar plantations, working ½ a million slaves  Napoleon’s men invade, Toussaint is captured & died in prison a year later (1803)  Yellow fever strikes killing French army- forced to surrender- Hispaniola takes the name Haiti & becomes a republic in 1820.

26 FATHER HIDALGO  (1810) creole priest rang church bells to make his speech for freedom  El Grito del Dolores: called for Mexicans to fight for independence  Captured, executed, followers scattered  Father Jose Morelos took lead  King Iturbide = Emperor Augustin I for fear of liberal reforms  liberal Mexicans overthrow the monarch & form a Republic of Mexico

27 PORTUGUESE ROYAL FAMILY FLEES TO BRAZIL  Napoleon conquers Portugal  King returns to Portugal, leaving his son Dom Pedro to rule Brazil  Dom Pedro crowned himself king of Brazil and enabled independence & a constitution: freedom of press, religion and elected legislature

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