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The Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Spring 2015 Showcase.

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Presentation on theme: "The Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Spring 2015 Showcase."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Spring 2015 Showcase

2 Free - Identity Management, Authentication and security Free - 20 gigabytes cloud storage Free - Lock down storage with > 250,000 bit WN encryption Free - Enterprise/Banking/Health/Education/Life application Free - Total control of your life $1 per year 8.3 cents per month

3 Delivered any where, any time, to any one or to any component with Virtual, distributed cloud framework (DDKI) A $35 smart phone The next 4 billion Internet users and securing critical infrastructures cannot be denied. $35 Smart phones are now available in China and India

4 Tata – visionary technology evangelists Thank you for bringing us into the Tata Innovations Labs for development and sales in Ohio! Thanks for the invitation to TCS Innovation 2015 in New York!

5 Stock trading, funds transfer and mobile payment, sensitive records sharing … One key banking and crypto currency and only the bank has the key.

6 Health Care and Remote medicine Pharmaceuticals Endless scalable services with Dynamic Distributed Key Infrastructure Virtual frameworks Minimal manufacturing or distribution costs

7 In a totally secure cloud framework protected by continuous, dynamic, one-time pad authentication

8 Brought to the world through a $35 smart phone or an $80 tablet! $35 Smart phones are now available in China and India

9 Supported by the Canadian government International Trade Canada and Canadian Technology Accelerators

10 All brought to you from the beautiful city of of Vancouver

11 Free - Identity Management, Authentication and security Free - 20 gigabytes cloud storage Free - Lock down storage with > 250,000 bit WN encryption Free - Enterprise/Banking/Health/Education/Life application Free - Total control of your life $1 per year 8.3 cents per month

12 You should have only one question: Question: How can you do that? Answer: Together Collaboration over competition.

13 Yet again Thank you to the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley Thank you to Industry Canada, International Trade Canada and Canadian CTAs worldwide


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