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Customer AcquisitionCustomer Visibility Create trial & purchase offers Provision new customers Send delegated admin requests Service heath information.

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4 Customer AcquisitionCustomer Visibility Create trial & purchase offers Provision new customers Send delegated admin requests Service heath information View service requests List of your customers Search, sort and filter customers Admin-on-behalf-of Customer Administration Capabilities and tools to help Partners own the customer lifecycle

5 Own the customer relationship Service the complete customer lifecycle Attach Partner services

6 Offer monthly billing Provision and manage subscriptions Provide technical support

7 Partner capability AdvisorOpen Cloud Solution Provider Value Added Services Recommended SupportRecommended ● ManageRecommended ● ProvisionRecommended ● BillN/A ●● Sell ●●●

8 Partner admin center

9 “Advisor” Partner Admin CenterPartner Admin Center + CSP Tools Create trial & purchase offers Create delegated admin requests View list of your customers Search for customer by name Perform admin tasks on behalf of a customer View service health dashboard for a customer Manage service requests for a customer All existing Partner admin center capabilities + additional tools: +Provision new customers (tenants) +Order subscriptions for a customer +Add seats for a subscription +Order add-ons for a subscription +Sales support role for subscription mgmt

10 Partner of Record (POR) Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP) Tenant-wide association ● Partner can configure and admin the service ● Partner must send a request ● Partner can remove themselves ● Subscription-level association ● Used for Online Services Advisor Incentives ● Customer can assign within their own portal ● Partner is Cc:’ed on customer comms ● POR is not a prerequisite for Delegated Admin A customer can have multiple DAP relationships A customer can have a different POR for each subscription Only a customer admin can set a POR


12 Partner admin mobile app






18 Partner Contract







25 Ways to get the reportsEase of useCustomizableGetting there Office 365 admin center predefined charts and lists Simple, interactive status-and health-checks. Low. Interactive filtering by date, triggered transport policy rules, and so on. min/AllReports.aspx Reporting Windows PowerShell cmdlets Scripting necessary. Precise data for periodically generated reports in script- based IT maintenance tools. High. Perfect for script-based analytical tools. Exchange Online PowerShell REST Reporting web service Programming required service-monitoring portals, or for scorecards requiring integration with custom and non-Office 365 services. Very high. REST Web service provides ODATA2 query filtering and a full programming IDE in Microsoft Visual Studio. ecp/reportingwebservice/ reporting.svc


27 The Challenge: We know how to get one Customer’s information, but how do we do this across ALL of our customers? We can: 1.Use the Partner Contracts to retrieve our Customers 2.Run the Office 365 Report for each Customer in the list. 3.Combine all the report data into a single output.






33 A few more tools and resources

34 Focus on new and updated functionality * Covers what’s coming in the near-term, and some longer-term Offers high-level details, including name, description, status Not a comprehensive view of all change

35 First release Targeted Q4 FY14

36  Enables you access to Office 365 service communications.  Honors the delegated admin relationship. Admins can monitor the following on their domains or on behalf of their customers the following:  Real-time service health  Message Center communications  Planned maintenance notifications

37  Understand the tools available to you  Partner admin center as the hub  Partner admin app for on-the-go  APIs and PowerShell for bulk & programmatic ops  Better insights through data and reports







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