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“The King of All Exercises”: The Barbell Back Squat

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1 “The King of All Exercises”: The Barbell Back Squat

2 Introduction 1. Back Squat is one of the most important and complete strength training movements 2. WHY: Utilizes HIP EXTENSION 3. WHERE IT’S USED: Functional Movements such as walking, jogging, sprinting, jumping, standing up, stepping up stairs, lunging, lifting objects up off the floor, etc. 4. The squat strengthens the hip extensor muscles, which improves strength and performance in all of these tasks!

3 Joint Actions & Prime Movers
Hip Extension Prime Movers: Gluteus Maximus Synergist Movers: Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, & Adductor Magnus Knee Extension Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis, Rectus Femoris

4 Joint Actions & Prime Movers
Back & Trunk Isometric Contraction Prime Movers: Erector Spinae Group, Hamstrings, Latisimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Obliques, & Abdominals Hamstrings??? Squats are a full body exercise!

5 Executing the Back Squat Practice this Process in LAB!!!**
1. ALWAYS start with and EMPTY bar first 2. Grip the bar outside shoulder width with thumbs on top of the bar 3. Pull yourself under the bar & lift your elbows (“trap the bar”) 4. The bar should be placed just under the spine of the scapula (“the bone at the top of the shoulder blades”) p. 25 5. Take 3-4 steps backwards 6. Sit your butt BACK and descend as to proper depth, OR as far as possible with a neutral spine 7. Drive your hips straight up in the air 8. Walk the bar all the way back INTO the rack

6 The Importance of Bar Position
Bar Position dictates BODY Position!! The bar should be placed just under the spine of the scapula (“the bone at the top of the shoulder blades”) What are the different forces in action here? Compression, Tension, & Torque or rotational force What is a moment arm?

7 Breathing During the Squat
Valsalva Manuever Holding your breath against a closed glottis while pressure is applied by the abdominal and thoracic muscles Increased lung (intra-thoracic) pressure Increased intra-abdominal pressure Spinal Erectors contracting Increases pressure and stability, but also in vary rare cases could cause cerebrovascular accidents due to increased pressure of the arteries and cerebrospinal fluid.

8 Back Squat Cues 1. Butt Back 2. Knees Out & Back p. 55
3. Superhero Chest/Skydiver 4. Rippetoe’s “Master Cue”- “Think about keeping the bar over the middle of your foot.” Why?? p. 14 5. Tight Back 6. Drive your hips straight up out of the bottom.

9 Back Squat Checklist 1. Neutral Spine*** 2. Neutral Neck
3. Knees Out (&Tracking Over Toes) 4. Appropriate Depth (for the INDIVIDUAL!!!) 5. Feet Flat & Weight on Their Heels Toes turned out 30 degrees p. 47

10 Back Squat Progression
1. TRX/Band-Assisted Squat (Depth) 2. “Bottom’s Up” Goblet Squat (Neutral Spine/Depth) 3. Goblet Squat/behind a box (Pattern) 4. Back Squat

11 1. Assisted Squat Purpose: Squat Depth/Mobility
Common Flaws: Hip Hinge Cues: Hold on, Superman chest, Sit down (Use a box for depth, if needed)

12 2. “Bottoms Up” Goblet Squat
We learn motor skills best from the ground up (roll, creep, crawl, kneel, stand) Purpose: Teach Neutral Spine at the Bottom Position Common Flaws: Vertical Back Angle Cues: Elbows inside knees, Push Out, Skydiver 

13 3. Goblet Squat Purpose: Teach proper squat pattern
Common Flaws: Depth, Vertical Back Angle Cues: Elbows inside knees, drive your butt up *Use Box for depth, if needed!

14 Back Squat Flaws & Corrections
If someone isn’t ready to back squat, don’t let the back squat!! USE REGRESSIONS INSTEAD! There are other ways to get strong while you’re correcting movement dysfunctions.

15 Review Items 1. Identify the key human movement that is trained in the back squat & why it is important to functional movement. 2. List the prime mover muscle of the back squat . 3. List 3 of your own cues for the back squat exercise (NOT my cues from the powerpoint or class!!). 4. List the 5 major points of the back squat checklist. 5. List the 4 back squat regressions in order, their primary purpose, and 2-3 of your own cues for each. 6. Explain the effect of bar position on body position.

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