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© Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 1 Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening, Nonverbal Communication, and Etiquette.

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Presentation on theme: "© Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 1 Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening, Nonverbal Communication, and Etiquette."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 1 Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening, Nonverbal Communication, and Etiquette Skills

2 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 2 Working in Teams Two or More People People SharedResponsibility CommonGoal SharedMissionSharedMission

3 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 3 Workplace Teams Task Forces Committees Virtual Teams Problem Solving

4 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 4 Overview of Teams Advantages Information & knowledge Information & knowledge Diversity of views Diversity of views Acceptance of solutions Acceptance of solutions Performance Performance Disadvantages Groupthink Groupthink Hidden agendas Hidden agendas Free riders Free riders High costs High costs

5 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 5 Group Dynamics RulesRules NormsNorms IdentityIdentity

6 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 6 Team-Member Roles Controlling Withdrawing Attention Seeking Diverting Encouraging Harmonizing Compromising Initiating Information Seeking Coordinating Procedure Setting Self- Oriented Group- Maintenance Task- Facilitating

7 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 7 Team Decision Making OrientationOrientation ConflictConflict BrainstormingBrainstorming EmergenceEmergence ReinforcementReinforcement

8 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 8 Conflict in Teams Scarce resources Task responsibilities Poor communication Attitudes and values Power struggles Conflicting goals

9 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 9 Types of Conflict ConstructiveConstructiveDestructiveDestructive Exposes Issues Boosts Involvement Generates Ideas Diverts Energy Destroys Morale Divides the Team

10 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 10 Conflict Resolution Strategies Win-LoseWin-LoseWin-WinWin-WinLose-LoseLose-Lose

11 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 11 Overcome Resistance Express understanding Raise awareness Evaluate objections Withhold arguments

12 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 12 Effective Teams Collaborative Relationships Effective Teams Collaborative Relationships Clear Purpose Clear Purpose Creative Thinking Creative Thinking Focused Efforts Focused Efforts Open Communication Open Communication Conflict Resolution Conflict Resolution Consensus Decision Making Consensus Decision Making

13 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 13 Collaborative Writing Team Members Strong Leadership Cooperation Clear Goals

14 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 14 Collaborative Writing Solid Commitment Clear Responsibility Prompt Action Appropriate Technology

15 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 15 Critiquing Writing Clear instructions Purpose of the document Correct factual material Unambiguous language

16 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 16 Purpose PRODUCTIVEMEETINGS Participants AgendaLocation

17 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 17 Effective Meetings Focus Procedures Participation Closing Follow-Up

18 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 18 Listening45% Writing9% Reading16% Speaking30% Receiving Sending Usage of Business Communication Channels

19 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 19 The Listening Process InterpretingRememberingReceiving EvaluatingResponding Feedback Message

20 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 20 Barriers to Listening Physical Distractions Poor Note Taking Self-Centeredness Speech/Though Disparity Differing Viewpoints Prejudgment Selective Listening Inappropriate Reaction

21 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 21 Benefits of Listening RecognizeInnovationRecognizeInnovationManageDiversityManageDiversity Gain a Personal Edge Gain a Personal Edge StrengthenRelationshipsStrengthenRelationshipsEnhanceProductivityEnhanceProductivity

22 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 22 Listening Guidelines Match Listening Style to Speaker Purpose Minimize Physical Distractions Practice Active Listening Provide Appropriate Feedback

23 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 23 Basic Communication Verbal Nonverbal StructureIntent More Spontaneous Less Control Conscious Purpose More Control Nonverbal Verbal Less Structured Harder to Classify More Structured Easier to Study

24 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 24 Types of Nonverbal Communication FacialExpressionsGestures and Posture TouchingBehaviorPersonalAppearance Use of Time and Space VocalCharacteristics

25 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 25 Functions of Nonverbal Communication Reinforcement Negation Substitution Intensification Regulation

26 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 26 Detecting the Truth UnevenSpeech Squirming ComfortGestures Distancing RaisedPitch MicroExpressions ResponseTime GapFilling EyeContact

27 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 27 Maximizing Credibility Eye Behavior PosturePostureGesturesGesturesVoiceVoice

28 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 28 Improving Business Etiquette AppearanceAppearanceInteractionsInteractions PersonalGroomingPersonalGrooming Wardrobe & Accessories AccessoriesFace-to-FaceFace-to-Face Over the Telephone Telephone Workplace Behaviors

29 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 29 Workplace Appearance Smooth and Finished Elegant and Refined Crisp and Starchy Up-to-the Minute Trendy

30 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 30 Face-to-Face Interactions Smiling Shaking Hands Making Introductions Sharing Meals

31 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 31 Telephone Interactions Use Verbal Responses Responses Vary Pitch and Inflection Vary Pitch and Inflection Increase Volume Slightly Increase Speak to Be Understood Understood Speaking Listening Attitude Tone of Voice

32 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 32 Receiving Phone Calls Answer Promptly With a Smile Identify Yourself Establish the Caller’s Needs

33 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 33 Receiving Phone Calls Stay Positive Take Accurate Messages Explain Your Actions

34 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 34 Making Phone Calls Plan and Schedule Your Calls MinimizeDistractions IntroduceYourself

35 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 35 Making Phone Calls Don’t Waste Time MaintainFocus Close on a Positive Note

36 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 36 Using Voice Mail Brief Statements Caller-Focus Current Message Professional Tone Helpful Options Prompt Response

37 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 37 Leaving Voice Mail Keep It Simple Sound Professional Avoid Personal Messages

38 © Prentice Hall, 2005 Excellence in Business CommunicationChapter 2 - 38 Leaving Voice Mail Replay the Message Avoid Multiple Messages Don’t Hide Behind Voice Mail

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