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A Presentation for Parents

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1 A Presentation for Parents
Writing A Presentation for Parents

2 Literacy “Talking is an important aspect of preparation for writing. Not only does it clarify thinking that may, later, be expressed in writing, but talking can also motivate and stimulate ideas” Children read to write and write to read.

3 Early stages of writing
Mark making and emergent writing developing into standard written English. Children’s writing: Is valued Has a purpose Is linked to other areas of literacy Direct teaching and feedback Time and opportunity to practise and improve

4 ‘BIG’ Writing Child centred approach which uses interactive teaching methods. Focus on 4 main areas: Vocabulary Connectives Openers Punctuation

5 Victoria’s Super Powers
Violet Vocabulary Victoria’s Super Powers Victoria has the power to help people really see how things look. She holds the secret of how characters and places really feel. Although words for sights and sounds are her favourite weapons, she knows the importance of taste, touch and smell too. Victoria knows how to pick just the right nouns or verbs to give writing real power over a reader. She uses adjectives and adverbs to hypnotise people into really seeing and feeling a piece of writing.

6 Vocabulary WOW words You can support your child by reading to them and with them – no matter their age! You can share the WOW words you find in your own reading. Or talk with them about different words which can be used in different situations.

7 Captain Connective He links everything together
The Captain’s Super Powers The Captain holds the team together and without him writing can be repetitive and boring, holding no power over the reader at all. His greatest power is to link ideas together providing a net to catch any reader.

8 Connectives These join sentences together, increasing sentence complexity, but can also be used as a sentence opener. We encourage children to use a range of different connectives. To support your child you can discuss different connectives and expose them to connectives beyond ‘and, but and because’. Encourage them to try out different connectives in their writing and draw their attention to the connectives you use when you write.

9 The Incredible Opener’s Super Powers
The Incredible Opener starts every sentence with some oomph! The Incredible Opener’s Super Powers The Incredible Opener is a master of disguise. Sometimes, he jumps up and tells the reader when something is happening. Suddenly, he is adverb. Although, he can be a link between ideas just like Captain Connective. Alternatively, he can express an opposite idea. On dark, windy nights, when even the wolves stay in their dens, he can be a whole phrase! He may seem like a bit of a Joker, but don’t be fooled - he helps add structure. It’s his job to hook the reader in and keep him reading.

10 Openers Using different ways to start sentences to make the writing more interesting and engage the reader. POWER openers: connectives, words ending with –ed,-ly, -ing Encourage your child to use different ways to begin sentences. Play with using verbs and adjectives at the beginning of sentences.

11 Dr Punctuation’s Super Powers
Doctor Punctuation Doctor Punctuation heals grammatical mistakes Dr Punctuation’s Super Powers The Doctor’s basic weapon is the power to stop and start a sentence. If capital letters and full stops are missing, or in the wrong place, writing is weak. It will not have the power to grab a reader. His control over the reader is reinforced by the use of commas to separate ideas. They work well when combined with connectives and openers. He reveals what characters actually say with speech marks.

12 Punctuation Discussing a range of punctuation in reading; using a wide variety during writing. Supports the development of more complex sentences. You can help your child by making up fun sentences together using different forms of punctuation. Try a challenge such as making a sentence which has parenthesis (brackets) or an exclamation mark at the end!

13 Working Together ‘Parents, carers and other family members can and do make a real difference to children’s education. When parents are actively involved in their child’s learning, it has a positive effect on attainment and achievement’

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