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MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)

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Presentation on theme: "MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide 12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

2 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide    12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

3 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting Room B02/B03, Heart Centre, Charterhouse Square Wednesday 10th December, 11am – 2pm Costantino Pitzalis & Anne Barton (MATURA Co-Leads)

4 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting OVERVIEW Background: Why do we need stratified medicine in RA? MATURA Goals MATURA & M-PAG

5 Why do we need stratified medicine in the management of rheumatoid arthritis?
Question? To improve patient care by rationalising therapeutic decision making through: Move away from trial & error treatment practice to molecular pathology driven algorithms Maximise therapeutic efficacy of current drugs Develop novel drugs tailored to specific non-responder patient groups

6 Employment: the costs of RA
Time after diagnosis people stopped working as a result of their RA - Not employed as a result of RA The impact and costs of early retirement are likely to become more significant in future years, as flexible retirement ages become more common and people have more opportunities to work beyond the age of 65. Among the 229 people who had given up work or retired early because of their RA: • over a quarter (28.4%) had had to stop working within one year of diagnosis, and over half (59%) within six years (Figure 6) • over two thirds of respondents under the age of 55 said that they would like to return to work if they could find a suitable job that would accommodate their RA (56 out of 79, or 70.8%). Over a quarter of those aged between 55 and 64 said the same (30 out of 114, or 26.3%).

7 Standard Treatment Pathway
40% failure 40% failure Methotrexate Other DMARDs Other Biologics Anti-TNF time Toxicity, Disability Quality of life

8 The Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Can we afford to continue using Biologics on a “trial an error” basis? £10K/pt/yr x 5000 new pt/yr Problems with Biologics Anti-TNF in MTX non-responders A large proportion of patients still do not optimally respond. Huge unmet need !!! Response Rate ACR20 ACR50 ACR70 Unmet Clinical Need Patients (%) INF + MTX (ATTRACT): Lipsky PE et al. N Engl J Med 2000; 343: 1594–1502 ADA + MTX (DE019): Keystone EC et al. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50: 1400–1411 ETA + MTX: Weinblatt ME et al. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 253–925 Equivalent data for the Newer Anti-TNFs, Abatacept, Tocilizumab and Rituximab

9 Standard Treatment Pathway
? Anti-TNF ? Tocilizumab Methotrexate Other DMARDs ? Abatacept ? ? Rituximab Tofactitinib Jak/STAT

10 The Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Problem 1% Population - 580,000 Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in England Direct Medical Costs to the NHS ~ £560 million/year Sick leave and work-related disability costs £4.2 billion/year

11 The Promise of Stratified Medicine

12 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting OVERVIEW Background: Why do we need stratified medicine in RA? MATURA Goals MATURA & M-PAG

13 MAximising Therapeutic Utility in Rheumatoid Arthritis
MATURA MAximising Therapeutic Utility in Rheumatoid Arthritis Nationwide consortium of academics, consultants and industry groups Working together to improve patient care Investigating blood and tissue biomarkers to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis right, the first time. Two work streams (WS): WS1 based in Queen Marys investigating synovial tissue biomarkers within a clinical trial (STRAP). WS2 based in Manchester, investigating genetic biomarkers from existing and new large nationwide blood collections.

14 MAximising Therapeutic Utility in Rheumatoid Arthritis
MATURA MAximising Therapeutic Utility in Rheumatoid Arthritis GOALS Improve patient care: Identify tissue/blood biomarkers that predict therapeutic response and/or toxicity Implement a stratified medicines approach in Rheumatoid Arthritis Maximise therapeutic efficacy of current drugs To engage patients in this journey to include patient perspective and help us maximise benefits for end users To work with academic and industry partners to develop new drugs & companion diagnostics To evaluate the financial and time impact on NHS using health economics

15 MATURA Workstream 1 Workstream 2
Statistics/Health Economics Pathobiology, which is the nature of the disease: STRAP clinical trial: to compare synovial tissue and blood analysis from the STRAP clinical trial by: Methotrexate Anti-TNF Rituximab Tocilizumab Genetics/Genomics: Large scale blood based screening from nationwide studies Data Analysis and model development Characteristics from blood and tissue for stratified medicine Study of genes and their activity Study of products of the cells and their activity Pioneer new technology to examine genes and cell products Pathobiology /Imaging data

16 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting OVERVIEW Background: Why do we need stratified medicine in RA? MATURA Goals MATURA & M-PAG

17 MPAG: MATURA Patient Advisory Group
Public and patient involvement: The mission of MPAG is active consultation, listening to and involving patients and members of the public about their views on the MATURA strategy to ensure that we take on patients perspective to make our work meaningful Advising on PPI plans as they progress, e.g. qualitative research project Feedback on dissemination methods, e.g. newsletters, website, reports, lay summaries.

Review MATURA Website GRANT START 1/2015 STRAP OPENS 3/3/2014 GRANT END 2/3/2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Today Recruit Staff Study set up Clinical Trial Initiation & Recruitment/Blood Collections KEY MPAG Meetings MATURA ongoing MPAG Specific time points Initial Data Generation MATURA strategy review & recruitment update Four or 5 key points. This slide describes milestones related to strap either alone or as ws1 and ws2 analysis as marked in blue We have already made headway in achieving critical tasks in advance of time points set in the grant for example we have revised ms 2.1 which commenced before the grant started and we are aiming to open the STRAP trial in October 2014 Subsequently we will be working to open all sites by the end of December 2014. Throughout the 24 month recruitment period we will be working with partners to achieve the necessary recruitment targets. The number of participants are 4 after 6 months, 8-12 after 12 months and after 24 months My job as PM is to have oversight of these timelines and I will be here to assist in achieving these goals. Feedback Interim Analysis Progress updates Review of economic savings Newsletter

19 Stratification of Biologic Therapies for RA by Pathobiology
(STRAP trial) A randomised, open-label biopsy-driven stratification trial in DMARD inadequate responder patients randomised to Etanercept, Tocilizumab or Rituximab MRC (WS1 of the MATURA Consortium) Funder Queen Mary University of London Sponsor 207 patients (DMARD ir) Recruitment Open label randomised control trial Mandatory baseline synovial biopsy for stratification Trial Design 48 weeks Follow-up Duration Rituximab (iv), Tocilizumab (sc) - Roche Etanercept (sc) - Pfizer Investigation Medicinal Products

20 Blood based sampling Anti TNF samples Methotrexate samples
Programme of work Blood based sampling Anti TNF samples Methotrexate samples Rituximab samples Genetics Epigenetics (partial funding) Proteomics (pilot funding) Transcriptomics (unfunded) Integrated Analysis The work stream 2 programme is based around blood sampling, processing and subsequent analysis integrated with the “omic” cross cutting themes. We have existing cohorts of samples and are planning new collections of samples which will then be analysed and integrated to answer the main scientific questions from our analysis plan, which you will hear about from Paul this afternoon.

21 Existing/new WS1 and WS2 blood sample cohorts
MTX Cohort Early Arthritis n=500 – collected Selecting patients Genetic/genomic analysis to be carried out in Manchester RNA-sequencing Anti TNF Cohort Early Arthritis n=500 - collected Integrated Analysis Proteomic analysis RTX Cohort n=1200 collection started From the BRAGGSS study we have identified over 1000 samples already that have treatment response data and DNA available for genotyipng. Through the MATURA funding, we have identified a cohort of 540 DNA samples and we are currently genotyping these using the Illumina Human Core Exome SNP chip. We have completed 200 and expect the rest to be completed in the next few weeks. Within this cohort of 540 we already have epigenetic methylation data on 140 patients and of those 140, we have transcriptomic data on half again and so already we can start to integrate all this data within MATURA and if initial results are encouraging then it would be really exciting to have the potential (with additional funding) to generate further data from existing cohorts. Again, Paul will show this his analysis plan. Deep immunological phenotyping on going at QMUL

22 Thank you Summary MATURA: Tackling a major unmet need in RA
MATURA: Opportunity to transform patients care MPAG: Opportunity to meaningfully engage MPAG: Opportunity to help inform strategy to make MATURA achievable Thank you

23 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide    12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

24 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide    12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

25 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide    12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

26 Qualitative Research Background
MATURA aims – stratified medicine Patient views: Stratified medicine Diagnostic techniques Risk/Benefit ratio Qualitative research – asking the right questions, ultimately to inform a patient survey on acceptable risk/benefit ratios.

27 Focus group interviews
We aim to conduct interviews with patients to obtain their views on their; Willingness to accept predictive testing Preference to different tests Information desired by patients at the time of undergoing the tests Development of an interview topic guide

28 Your valuable support Development of an interview topic guide
We are seeking 2-3 MPAG members Help inform the interview topic guide This topic guide will contain questions that will assist us on having an open discussion around patients’ views about predictive testing The agreed topic guide will be used during the interview

29 Working team You will work closely with one of our experienced research team member: Kanta Kumar – Nurse Specialist and a Lecturer She will hold approximately two meetings to talk to you about the interview guide and sort of questions that will be included

30 If you are interested… Please contact us on
Kanta Kumar: Tel: Debbie Maskell: Tel:

31 MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG)
Launch meeting 11.00am – 11.20am: Welcome & Introductions led by Chair, Zoe Ide 11.20 – 11.50am: MATURA introduction: Prof Cos Pitzalis and Prof Anne Barton 11.50 – 12.10am: MATURA Patient Advisory Group (MPAG): Zoe Ide    12.10 – 12.30pm: Introduction to clinical trial (STRAP): Dr Frances Humby Ask the Clinician 12.30 – 12.50pm: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for MATURA: Debbie Maskell (on behalf of Kanta Kumar) How to engage / involvement 12.50 – 1.30pm: Any other business Q&A Next meeting date Lunch provided during the meeting

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