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Successful Safety Evolution Brian Zoeller, MS, CSP Vice President of Safety and Security Neenah Enterprises Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Safety Evolution Brian Zoeller, MS, CSP Vice President of Safety and Security Neenah Enterprises Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Safety Evolution Brian Zoeller, MS, CSP Vice President of Safety and Security Neenah Enterprises Inc.

2 History  Neenah Foundry is a Division of Neenah Enterprises Inc. –Established in1872 –900+ Employees Union Facility –Municipal and Industrial Castings Municipal –Manholes, Grating and Decorative castings Industrial –Trucking, Agriculture, Construction

3 Safety Program History  Simple Reactive Safety Culture  Limited Staffing –1 Safety Professional Plant and Corporate responsibilities –2 Nurses 12 hour coverage  Limited upper management support  Safety program was secondary to plant operations and overall organizational strategy

4 Historic Safety Results

5 New Corporate Commitment  New management team started to be established in early 2011  Understood the need for a corporate safety process –Decrease injuries –Engage workforce –Improve facilities –Decrease workers compensation cost  Build safety into daily tasks –Starting all meetings with safety –Holding Safety Dept. monthly calls –Recordable & Safety AIR meetings –KPI’s (JSA, Safety Walk requirements)  Adding committed resources

6 Neenah Foundry Safety Team  Safety Department –Shawn Sexauer, Senior Safety Engineer –Ryan Jakober, Safety Engineer –Lisa Klaver, Safety Administrator –Summer Interns  Health Services –Breanna Magley, RN - Supervisor –Kim Birr, RN –Ashley McKeown, RN –Larry Stark, LPN

7 Successful Safety Process Builders  Creative –Think outside the box –Open minded approach –Don’t listen to the CAVE men  Justified Work –Run controlled experiments –Understand basic business acumen –Work as a team

8 New Safety Process Approach  Proactive –Training New hire orientation (4 hours – 2 days) OSHA training Job Safety Analysis (JSA) creation and training Training Within Industry (TWI) OSHA 10/30 hour courses Fox Valley training courses –Safety Kaizen Events –Work hardening –Supervisor safety meetings –Focus teams (Ergo, Safety, Wellness) –Upgraded equipment –PPE development –Video creation

9 New Safety Process Approach  Reactive –Incident investigation –Safety blitz –Intervention programs –Safety hotline  Monitoring –RAIR/SAIR meetings –Formal hygiene sampling –Audits Safety walks Quarterly union plant walkthroughs

10 Ergonomic Evolution 1.Utilized continuous improvement tools to track injuries (Pareto charts) 2.Created stretching programs for specific job tasks 3.Implemented Work Hardening program 4.Implement Department Stretching program 5.Utilized onsite Physical Therapy 6.Created training programs 7.Implemented ergonomic audits 8.Created ergonomic committee 9.Implementing POPE

11 Ergonomic – Stretching Program

12 Ergonomics – Work Hardening  Work Hardening Program –Work Hardening Objectives Decrease upper extremity soft tissue injuries in new hires Decrease new hire turnover Increase performance knowledge –Program Basis Identified high and low impact tasks Implement stretching Eight week program that slowly increases the time and duration that the new employee is exposed to the job tasks Acclimate employees bodies to stresses of job Improve overall training program

13 Ergonomic – Training Program  Training Included –Definition of ergonomics –Description of musculoskeletal injury (MSI) Tendonitis Carpal tunnel Shoulder strain/sprain Back strain –Corrective actions Quick wins Capital projects

14 Ergonomics – POPE  Post Offer Pre-Employment –Screens new candidates for proper job fit –Detailed assessments ensure: Employee body is safe to perform the job Employee can handle the physical stresses of job Employee still wants to do the job –Completed at NF Training Center Equipment designed and built to mimic job functions Conditions similar to working environment (noise, ambient air, PPE)

15 Ergonomics Circle of Health

16 Partnerships  External –Northeast Wisconsin Foundry Ergonomics Partnership (NEWFEP) –OSHA –Advanced Physical Therapy –Blankenheim  Internal –Safety Focus Teams –Ergonomics Committee –Wellness Team –Union Management Team

17 AIC – Safety Software  Internet based software program that can manage and maintain your health and safety program –Used for tracking Injury and illnesses JSA’s Observations Training Near misses Fires –Actively works with our insurance carrier to track claims –Ability to assign corrective actions to individuals, which in turn increases accountability

18 Safety Intervention  Primary goal is to improve an employee’s safety behavior –A tool to increase an employees safety awareness and improve their safe work practices  Employees that meet the criteria for intervention are: –Injured but no safety violation; and –Injured more than three times in a rolling twelve month period

19 Safety Blitz  An investigative team that is designed to assist the supervisor when investigating a serious incident  Assembled within 24 hours of the incident or sooner if needed  Supervisor leads the team with the assistance of safety  Union participation

20 Training Center  Area designed to conduct hands on training for employees –Used to give new employees the exposure of working on the floor and handling castings in a neutral environment –Confined space trainer –Hands on ergonomic training –Casting handling training –Will be used for POPE testing

21 Current Performance Currently at 1.5 million hours without a lost work day incident

22 Safety Awards  Wisconsin Safety Council –Wisconsin Corporate Safety Award –2013  American Foundry Society –Metalcasting Safe Year Award – 2013 –2013 Millionaires Safety Award 3 million hours without incurring an occupational injury or illness that resulted in lost workday case

23 Historical Trend

24 Future State  Neenah Foundry and NEI are continuing to change our safety cultures and improve our safety process.  We are far from complete

25 Questions

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